【PCB专题】Allegro出现For raster artwork formats,artwork accuracy must be...问题解决办法

出现For raster artwork formats, artwork accuracy must be at least one greater than the database accuracy, up to the maximum acciuracy allowed by the selected output format. Change Format Decinmal places.错误时,其实是警告提示底片参数精度不够。

【PCB专题】Allegro出现For raster artwork formats,artwork accuracy must be...问题解决办法_第1张图片


 调整 General Parameters 下面的 Format 数值即可。底片精度需要大于等于当前设计文件的精度。如果当单位为 mil ,两位小数的话,这里的 Decimal places设置为:5,即最小 0.00001 Inch

【PCB专题】Allegro出现For raster artwork formats,artwork accuracy must be...问题解决办法_第2张图片


在光绘输出的设置中,最重要的就是底片格式(Device type)和数据格式(Format)。一般我们按如下设置。底片模式选择Gerber RS274X ,数据模式设置Integer places:3,Decimal places:5

【PCB专题】Allegro出现For raster artwork formats,artwork accuracy must be...问题解决办法_第3张图片

 总结:出现For raster artwork formats, artwork accuracy must be at least one greater than the database accuracy, up to the maximum acciuracy allowed by the selected output format. Change Format Decinmal places.错误时,其实是警告提示底片参数精度不够。
