




wget -O $HOME/moveit1_install.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hermanye996/ros-install-one-click/main/moveit1_install.sh && sudo chmod +x $HOME/moveit1_install.sh && sudo bash $HOME/moveit1_install.sh && rm $HOME/moveit1_install.sh


sudo bash moveit1_install.sh

如果你还未安装ROS1 Noetic,源码所在的托管网站也提供了一键安装ROS1 Noetic并配置Ubuntu环境的脚本



该源码在Github开源,许可证为Apache License 2.0

# Description: 
# This is a shell script for setting up a MoveIt workspace and downloading its source code along with the required dependencies on ROS1 Noetic in Ubuntu 20.04.
# The script installs necessary packages, creates a catkin workspace, and clones the MoveIt source code along with example code from the respective GitHub repositories.
# It then uses rosdep to install dependencies and builds the workspace using catkin.
# Finally, it adds the path of the workspace to the .bashrc file for easy access.
# Version: 1.0
# Date: 2023-06-13
# Author: Herman Ye @Realman Robotics
# License: Apache License 2.0
# Warning: This script assumes that the ubuntu20.04 system and ROS1 Noetic have been installed correctly
# If not, please execute ros1_noetic_install.sh first.
# set -x
set -e

# Get script directory
SCRIPT_DIR=$(dirname "$0")
# Get the username of the non-root user
echo "Current user is: $USERNAME"

# Check if script is run as root (sudo)
if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then
    echo "This script must be run with sudo privileges. for example: sudo bash moveit1_install.sh"
    read -p "Press any key to exit..."
    exit 1
echo "sudo privileges check passed"

# Check if script is run in ubuntu20.04
if [ "$(lsb_release -sc)" != "focal" ]; then
    echo "This script must be run in ubuntu20.04"
    read -p "Press any key to exit..."
    exit 1

echo "ubuntu20.04 check passed"

# Check if script is run in ROS1 Noetic
if [[ "$(sudo -u $USERNAME dpkg -l ros-noetic-desktop-full)" == *ii* ]]; then
    echo "ROS1 Noetic check passed"
    echo "This script must be run with ROS1 Noetic-desktop-full"
    read -p "Press any key to exit..."
    exit 1

# Save logs to files
rm -f ${LOG_FILE}
rm -f ${ERR_FILE}

# Redirect output to console and log files
exec 1> >(tee -a ${LOG_FILE} )
exec 2> >(tee -a ${ERR_FILE} >&2)

# Add GitHub520 Host to host for GitHub access in China
# https://github.com/521xueweihan/GitHub520
sudo sed -i "/# GitHub520 Host Start/Q" /etc/hosts && curl https://raw.hellogithub.com/hosts >> /etc/hosts
echo "GitHub520 Host added to host file"
# sudo sed -i 's/#DNS=/DNS=' /etc/systemd/resolved.conf
# echo "DNS server changed to"
sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved.service
echo "Refreshed network settings, sleep 5 seconds"
sleep 5

# Install catkin the ROS build system
sudo apt install ros-noetic-catkin python3-catkin-tools python3-osrf-pycommon -y

# Install wstool
sudo apt install python3-wstool -y

# Install moveit
sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-moveit -y
# Warning: Installing all subpackages of moveit may cause dependency conflicts, please do so with caution.
# sudo apt install ros-noetic-moveit-* -y

# Install ros_control
sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-ros-control ros-noetic-ros-controllers -y
sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-controller-interface ros-noetic-controller-manager-msgs ros-noetic-controller-manager

# Create A Catkin Workspace and Download MoveIt Source
sudo rm -rf /home/$USERNAME/ws_moveit
mkdir -p /home/$USERNAME/ws_moveit/src
cd  /home/$USERNAME/ws_moveit/src

# Download Example Code(already in the moveit.rosinstall)
# cd /home/$USERNAME/ws_moveit/src
echo ""
echo "Connecting to GitHub, please wait..."
echo "If the download stuck here for a long time"
echo "please check your network connection and rerun this script"
git clone https://github.com/ros-planning/moveit_tutorials.git -b master
git clone https://github.com/ros-planning/panda_moveit_config.git -b noetic-devel
git clone https://github.com/ros-controls/ros_control.git -b noetic-devel

# Clone MoveIt packages from source
# git clone https://github.com/ros-planning/moveit_msgs.git
# git clone https://github.com/ros-planning/moveit_resources.git
# git clone https://github.com/ros-planning/geometric_shapes.git --branch noetic-devel
# git clone https://github.com/ros-planning/srdfdom.git --branch noetic-devel
# git clone https://github.com/ros-planning/moveit.git
# git clone https://github.com/PickNikRobotics/rviz_visual_tools.git
# git clone https://github.com/ros-planning/moveit_visual_tools.git
# git clone https://github.com/ros-planning/moveit_tutorials.git
# git clone https://github.com/ros-planning/panda_moveit_config.git --branch noetic-devel

# Rosdepc install
cd /home/$USERNAME/ws_moveit/src
rosdepc install -y --from-paths . --ignore-src --rosdistro noetic > /dev/null
echo "Rosdep install finished"

# Build the Workspace
cd /home/$USERNAME/ws_moveit
catkin config --extend /opt/ros/noetic --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
catkin init
catkin build

# Environment setup
if ! grep -q "/home/$USERNAME/ws_moveit/devel/setup.bash" /home/$USERNAME/.bashrc; then

    echo "# ws_moveit Environment Setting" | sudo tee -a /home/$USERNAME/.bashrc
    echo "source /home/$USERNAME/ws_moveit/devel/setup.bash" >> /home/$USERNAME/.bashrc
    echo "ws_moveit environment setup added to /home/$USERNAME/.bashrc"
    echo "ws_moveit environment is already set in /home/$USERNAME/.bashrc"
source /home/$USERNAME/.bashrc

# Verifying Moveit1 installation
# Define the variables to be printed
TEXT1="Moveit installation completed!"
TEXT2="Please open a new terminal and run roslaunch to verify the installation:"
TEXT3="roslaunch panda_moveit_config demo.launch rviz_tutorial:=true"
TEXT4="1. Click 'Add' in the left panel, and add the following items:"
TEXT5="2. Add 'RobotModel', 'MotionPlanning' to the left panel"
TEXT6="3. Try to drag the end effector to see if the robot arm moves"
TEXT7="4. Click 'Plan & Execute' to see the robot arm move"
TEXT8="5. If you see the robot arm move, the installation is successful"
# Define the colors

# Calculate the center of the terminal window
TERMINAL_WIDTH=$(tput cols)

# Print the text in the center of the screen in the desired colors
echo -e "${NC}$(printf '%*s' $TEXT2_PADDING)${TEXT0} ${NC}"
echo -e "${NC}$(printf '%*s' $TEXT1_PADDING)${TEXT0} ${NC}"
echo -e "${NC}$(printf '%*s' $TEXT2_PADDING)${TEXT0} ${NC}"
echo -e "${NC}$(printf '%*s' $TEXT1_PADDING)${TEXT0} ${NC}"
echo -e "${NC}$(printf '%*s' $TEXT2_PADDING)${TEXT0} ${NC}"
echo -e "${GREEN}$(printf '%*s' $TEXT1_PADDING)${TEXT1} ${NC}"
echo -e "${NC}$(printf '%*s' $TEXT2_PADDING)${TEXT2} ${NC}"
echo -e "${NC}$(printf '%*s' $TEXT1_PADDING)${TEXT0} ${NC}"
echo -e "${NC}$(printf '%*s' $TEXT2_PADDING)${TEXT0} ${NC}"
echo -e "${RED}$(printf '%*s' $TEXT3_PADDING)${TEXT3} ${NC}"
echo -e "${NC}$(printf '%*s' $TEXT1_PADDING)${TEXT0} ${NC}"
echo -e "${NC}$(printf '%*s' $TEXT2_PADDING)${TEXT0} ${NC}"
echo -e "${NC}$(printf '%*s' $TEXT2_PADDING)${TEXT4} ${NC}"
echo -e "${NC}$(printf '%*s' $TEXT2_PADDING)${TEXT5} ${NC}"
echo -e "${NC}$(printf '%*s' $TEXT2_PADDING)${TEXT6} ${NC}"
echo -e "${NC}$(printf '%*s' $TEXT2_PADDING)${TEXT7} ${NC}"
echo -e "${NC}$(printf '%*s' $TEXT2_PADDING)${TEXT8} ${NC}"
echo -e "${NC}$(printf '%*s' $TEXT1_PADDING)${TEXT0} ${NC}"
echo -e "${NC}$(printf '%*s' $TEXT2_PADDING)${TEXT0} ${NC}"
echo -e "${NC}$(printf '%*s' $TEXT1_PADDING)${TEXT0} ${NC}"
echo -e "${NC}$(printf '%*s' $TEXT2_PADDING)${TEXT0} ${NC}"
echo -e "${NC}$(printf '%*s' $TEXT1_PADDING)${TEXT0} ${NC}"
