Unreal Engine Terminology
Onboarding Guide for Games Licensees
Level Designer Quick Start
Control | Action |
W / Numpad8 / Up | Moves the camera forward. |
S / Numpad2 / Down | Moves the camera backward. |
A / Numpad4 / Left | Moves the camera left. |
D / Numpad6 / Right | Moves the camera right. |
E / Numpad9 / Page Up | Moves the camera up. |
Q / Numpad7 / Page Dn | Moves the camera down. |
Z / Numpad1 | Zooms the camera out (raises FOV). |
C / Numpad3 | Zooms the camera in (lowers FOV). |
Perspective | 透视图 |
LMB + Drag | Moves the camera forward and backward and rotates left and right. |
RMB + Drag | Rotates the viewport camera. |
LMB + RMB + Drag || MMB | Moves up and down. |
Alt + LMB + Drag | Tumbles the viewport around a single pivot or point of interest. |
Alt + RMB + Drag | Dollies (zooms) the camera toward and away from a single pivot or point of interest. |
Alt + MMB + Drag | Tracks the camera left, right, up, and down in the direction of mouse movement. |
Orthographic (Top, Front, Side) | 正交视图 |
LMB + Drag | Creates a marquee selection box. |
RMB + Drag | Pans the viewport camera. |
LMB + RMB + Drag | Zooms the viewport camera in and out. |
Focusing | 快速定位 |
F | Focuses the camera on the selected object. This is essential to make the most out of tumbling the camera. |
可在editor settings里设置use distance-scaled camera speed 为true。
alt+J 顶视图,按住鼠标中键
There are two ways to preview your game in Unreal Engine:
Play In Editor (PIE), which you can access from the Play button on the Main Toolbar.
Simulate In Editor (SIE), which you can access from the Play drop-down menu or by using the Alt + S on Windows keyboard shortcut (or Option + S on macOS).
The key difference between playing and simulating in the Editor is that playing will always start the game at the Player Start location and give you control of the player character. Simulating doesn’t move the Camera and doesn’t spawn a player character.
Build and run the packaged game with the -fileopenlog command-line option, which causes the engine to log the order in which it opens files.
Exercise all major areas of the game. Load every level, every playable character, every weapon, every vehicle, and so on. Once everything has been loaded, quit the game.
There will be a file in your deployed game called GameOpenOrder.log that contains the information needed to optimize your .pak file order. For example, on Windows builds, the file will be found in WindowsNoEditor/(YourGame)/Build/WindowsNoEditor/FileOpenOrder/. Copy this file to your development directory under the /Build/WindowsNoEditor/FileOpenOrder/ path.
With the log file in place, rebuild the .pak file. This and all future .pak files produced will use the file order indicated in the log file.
1.ue 启用像素流插件,建快捷方式{alt+鼠标},属性加"-PixelStreamingIP=localhost -PixelStreamingPort=8888"
2.pixelstreaming服务端运行,管理员运行powershell,先platform_scripts/cmd/setup,然后 ,start_signallingserver.ps1;启动正常后运行ue exe。
unreal esc
select the ‘Edit’ menu >> ‘Editor Preferences’ >> ‘Keyboard shortcuts’ tab on the left >> Under General Keyboard Shortcuts, search for the 'Play World (PIE/SIE) drop down (or type ‘stop’ in the search), in there you will find a ‘Stop stop simulation’ key input. You can change or delete this key input
Landscape Quick Start Guide
Control | Action | 翻译 |
RMB drag on background | Pan Material expression graph | |
LMB drag on background | Box select | |
Rotate Mouse Wheel | Zoom in and out | |
LMB + RMB drag | Zoom in and out | |
LMB click on object | Select expression/comment | |
Ctrl + LMB on object | Toggle selection of expression/comment | |
LMB click + drag | Move current selection/comment | |
Ctrl + LMB drag | Box select (add to current selection) | |
LMB drag on connector | Create connection (release on connector) | |
Ctrl + LMB drag from connection | Move connection (release on same type connector) | |
Shift + single-click LMB on connector | Marks the connector. Performing the action again with a connector marked will create connection between the two connectors. This is a quick way of making connections over large distances. | |
RMB on background | Bring up New Expression menu | |
RMB on object | Bring up Object menu | |
RMB on connector | Bring up Object menu | |
Alt + LMB on connector | Break all connections to connector | Alt+鼠标左键 切断连线 |
Ctrl + LMB on connector | Add a new node along connector |
Control | Action | 翻译 |
Ctrl + B | Find in Content Browser | |
Ctrl + C | Copy selected expressions | |
Ctrl + S | Save Material | |
Ctrl + V | Paste | |
Ctrl + D | Duplicate selected objects | 复制对象 |
Ctrl + Y | Redo | |
Ctrl + Z | Undo | |
Delete | Delete selected objects | |
Spacebar | Force update all Material expression previews | 强制刷新所有预览 |
Enter | (same as clicking apply) |
Hotkey | Expression | 按下热键,然后配合单击鼠标左键使用 |
A | Add | |
B | BumpOffset | |
C | Comment | |
D | Divide | |
E | Power | |
F | MaterialFunctionCall | |
I | If | |
L | LinearInterpolate | |
M | Multiply | |
N | Normalize | |
O | OneMinus | |
P | Panner | |
R | ReflectionVector | |
S | ScalarParameter | |
T | TextureSample | |
U | TexCoord | |
V | VectorParameter | 矢量参数 |
1 | Constant | 一维常数 |
2 | Constant2Vector | 二维常数 |
3 | Constant3Vector | 三维常数 |
4 | Constant4Vector | 四维常数 |
Shift + C | ComponentMask | 遮罩 |
Organizing a Material Graph介绍了常见的节点操作,包括
Recommended Asset Prefixes
Taking Screenshots
将复杂的动画数据存储在 2D 纹理中或网格 UV 中是在保持必要的动画外观和感觉前提下降低动画开销的好方法
设置骨架网格体的动画时,有时需要应用物理并让物理控制网格体(如角色进入布娃娃状态)。 应用物理后,借助 动画姿势快照(Animation Pose Snapshot) 功能,你可以在蓝图 中采集骨架网格体动作(保存所有骨骼变换数据)。 然后你可以在动画蓝图 中获得获取该信息,并使用保存的动作作为混合源(如下方的视频范例所示)。
在创建过场动画序列时,你可能希望将现有的游戏进程动画与包含在关卡序列中的动画混合在一起。例如,一个可操作的角色在游戏过程中走到一扇门前,你想要Sequencer显示该角色的动画并打开这扇门。或者玩家在第三人称射击游戏中控制他们的角色绕过一个死角,而你想要混入一个死亡的过场动画序列。通过使用Sequencer、蓝图和动画蓝图的组合,你可以将你的角色所处的任何游戏姿势与Sequencer定义的 插槽(Slot) 动画混合在一起。
USD Stage Editor Quick Start
Unreal 通过USD Stage 处理USD 格式,需启用usd 的两个插件。
什么是spline input key?
spline point 索引 0 ,1,2…
input key 相当于线段直接的lerp 插值 ,0-1之间中点为0.5,1-2之间中点为1.5;
Variant Manager Template Overview 允许创建多个场景变体,方便通过蓝图进行切换。
Georeferencing a Level
UE5 引入OFPA,开启后,支持level map里的actor 对应本地文件,可方便团队分工处理不同actor,不过对git可能还是不友好。
UMG UI Designer Quick Start Guide
查看所有支持的cmd命令,Type help and press Enter to open a list of available console commands in your browser
Unreal Python API
What is REPL? REPL is the language shell, the Python Interactive Shell. The REPL acronym is short for Read, Eval, Print and Loop.