2023-01-16 LightDB分布式部署-多机单实例模式.md


  • 分布式部署模式

# 1.常规模式
    * 工作节点按照一主一从高可用方式部署,则一共需要[(1+2)*2=6台]服务器
    * 工作节点按照一主一从一witness方式部署,则一共需要[(1+2)*3=9台]服务器    
# 2.多机单实例
# 3.单机多实例

  • 机器列表

1. --CN
2. --work1
3. --work2
  • 命令行安装过程

[lightdb@localhost lightdb-x-13.8-22.3-7953-el7.x86_64]$ ./install.sh 
Whether to use the graphical user interface (GUI, Make sure DISPLAY is configured, Such as [export DISPLAY=])?(Yes or No)
Choice a kind of configuration mode!
1: Only install.
2: Install database and Create instance.
3: Developer
Please enter 1 2 or 3(The default is 1):
Choice a kind of install mode!

1: Single Mode.
2: High Availability Mode
3: Distributed Mode
Please enter 1, 2 or 3:(The default is 1)
Please select distributed mode!
Please enter distributed mode:
1 Normal mode;
2 Multi-server single instance;
3 Single server multi-instance.(Default 1)
Configure the directory and port for the single-node multi-instance.
Please enter coordinator node:
Please enter the ip of coordinator node, such as
Please enter the port of coordinator node. (Default port 5432):
Please enter worker node:
Please enter the ip of worker node, such as
Please enter the port of worker node. (Default port 5432):
Please enter the ip of worker node, such as
Please enter the port of worker node. (Default port 5432):
Continue to add worker node?(1[yes],2[no])
======================================= Servers =======================================
Coordinator Node :
Worker Node :
Worker Node :
======================================= Servers =======================================
Please check the servers of Multi-server single instance. 1 continue; 2 clear server config (Default 1)
====================================== Generate pg_hba ================================
====================================== Generate end ===================================
====================================== Copying files takes time ======================= start copy end copy start copy end copy
====================================== Copying files end ==============================
Check system parameters and dependency packages!
========================================= =========================================
name: sem, recommend value: 500,2048000,200,4096, current value: 500,2048000,200,4096, status: OK
name: aio_max_nr, recommend value: 1048576, current value: 1048576, status: OK
name: somaxconn, recommend value: 2000, current value: 2000, status: OK
name: tcp_max_syn_backlog, recommend value: 2000, current value: 2000, status: OK
name: tcp_tw_reuse, recommend value: 1, current value: 1, status: OK
name: tcp_syn_retries, recommend value: 3, current value: 3, status: OK
name: tcp_retries2, recommend value: 5, current value: 5, status: OK
name: tcp_slow_start_after_idle, recommend value: 0, current value: 0, status: OK
name: dirty_background_ratio, recommend value: 5, current value: 5, status: OK
name: dirty_ratio, recommend value: 40, current value: 40, status: OK
name: dirty_expire_centisecs, recommend value: 500, current value: 500, status: OK
name: dirty_writeback_centisecs, recommend value: 250, current value: 250, status: OK
name: shmmni, recommend value: 4096, current value: 4096, status: OK
name: shmmax, recommend value: 1976979456, current value: 1976979456, status: OK
name: shmall, recommend value: 482661, current value: 482661, status: OK
name: swappiness, recommend value: 5, current value: 5, status: OK
name: overcommit_memory, recommend value: 2, current value: 2, status: OK
name: overcommit_ratio, recommend value: 75, current value: 75, status: OK
name: file_max, recommend value: 524288, current value: 524288, status: OK
name: ulimit_core, recommend value: unlimited, current value: unlimited, status: OK
name: ulimit_nofile, recommend value: 8192, current value: 524288, status: OK
Dependency Package
name: JSON-C-0.11 is existed: yes
name: C-ARES-1 is existed: yes
name: LIBNL3 is existed: yes
name: LIBPCAP-1 is existed: yes
name: LIBZSTD-1 is existed: yes
name: LZ4-1 is existed: yes
name: NCURSES-LIBS-5 is existed: yes
name: READLINE-6 is existed: yes
name: SNAPPY-1 is existed: yes
name: UUID-1.6 is existed: yes
name: LIBICU-50 is existed: yes
System service
name: ntp is install: no
========================================= =========================================
name: sem, recommend value: 500,2048000,200,4096, current value: 500,2048000,200,4096, status: OK
name: aio_max_nr, recommend value: 1048576, current value: 1048576, status: OK
name: somaxconn, recommend value: 2000, current value: 2000, status: OK
name: tcp_max_syn_backlog, recommend value: 2000, current value: 2000, status: OK
name: tcp_tw_reuse, recommend value: 1, current value: 1, status: OK
name: tcp_syn_retries, recommend value: 3, current value: 3, status: OK
name: tcp_retries2, recommend value: 5, current value: 5, status: OK
name: tcp_slow_start_after_idle, recommend value: 0, current value: 0, status: OK
name: dirty_background_ratio, recommend value: 5, current value: 5, status: OK
name: dirty_ratio, recommend value: 40, current value: 40, status: OK
name: dirty_expire_centisecs, recommend value: 500, current value: 500, status: OK
name: dirty_writeback_centisecs, recommend value: 250, current value: 250, status: OK
name: shmmni, recommend value: 4096, current value: 4096, status: OK
name: shmmax, recommend value: 1976979456, current value: 1976979456, status: OK
name: shmall, recommend value: 482661, current value: 482661, status: OK
name: swappiness, recommend value: 5, current value: 5, status: OK
name: overcommit_memory, recommend value: 2, current value: 2, status: OK
name: overcommit_ratio, recommend value: 75, current value: 75, status: OK
name: file_max, recommend value: 524288, current value: 524288, status: OK
name: ulimit_core, recommend value: unlimited, current value: unlimited, status: OK
name: ulimit_nofile, recommend value: 8192, current value: 524288, status: OK
Dependency Package
name: JSON-C-0.11 is existed: yes
name: C-ARES-1 is existed: yes
name: LIBNL3 is existed: yes
name: LIBPCAP-1 is existed: yes
name: LIBZSTD-1 is existed: yes
name: LZ4-1 is existed: yes
name: NCURSES-LIBS-5 is existed: yes
name: READLINE-6 is existed: yes
name: SNAPPY-1 is existed: yes
name: UUID-1.6 is existed: yes
name: LIBICU-50 is existed: yes
System service
name: ntp is install: no
========================================= =========================================
name: sem, recommend value: 500,2048000,200,4096, current value: 500,2048000,200,4096, status: OK
name: aio_max_nr, recommend value: 1048576, current value: 1048576, status: OK
name: somaxconn, recommend value: 2000, current value: 2000, status: OK
name: tcp_max_syn_backlog, recommend value: 2000, current value: 2000, status: OK
name: tcp_tw_reuse, recommend value: 1, current value: 1, status: OK
name: tcp_syn_retries, recommend value: 3, current value: 3, status: OK
name: tcp_retries2, recommend value: 5, current value: 5, status: OK
name: tcp_slow_start_after_idle, recommend value: 0, current value: 0, status: OK
name: dirty_background_ratio, recommend value: 5, current value: 5, status: OK
name: dirty_ratio, recommend value: 40, current value: 40, status: OK
name: dirty_expire_centisecs, recommend value: 500, current value: 500, status: OK
name: dirty_writeback_centisecs, recommend value: 250, current value: 250, status: OK
name: shmmni, recommend value: 4096, current value: 4096, status: OK
name: shmmax, recommend value: 1976979456, current value: 1976979456, status: OK
name: shmall, recommend value: 482661, current value: 482661, status: OK
name: swappiness, recommend value: 5, current value: 5, status: OK
name: overcommit_memory, recommend value: 2, current value: 2, status: OK
name: overcommit_ratio, recommend value: 75, current value: 75, status: OK
name: file_max, recommend value: 524288, current value: 524288, status: OK
name: ulimit_core, recommend value: unlimited, current value: unlimited, status: OK
name: ulimit_nofile, recommend value: 8192, current value: 524288, status: OK
Dependency Package
name: JSON-C-0.11 is existed: yes
name: C-ARES-1 is existed: yes
name: LIBNL3 is existed: yes
name: LIBPCAP-1 is existed: yes
name: LIBZSTD-1 is existed: yes
name: LZ4-1 is existed: yes
name: NCURSES-LIBS-5 is existed: yes
name: READLINE-6 is existed: yes
name: SNAPPY-1 is existed: yes
name: UUID-1.6 is existed: yes
name: LIBICU-50 is existed: yes
System service
name: ntp is install: no
Choice a kind of Compatible Type!
1: LightdDB(Compatible with PostgreSQL).
2: ORACLE(Compatible with ORACLE).
3: MYSQL(Compatible with MYSQL).
Please enter 1, 2 or 3:(The default is 1)
Choice a kind of LightDB workload!
1: OLTP(On-line Transaction Processing).
2: OLAP(On-Line Analytical Processing).
Please enter 1 or 2:(The default is 1)
Specify a path for installing all LightDB software and storing configuration information.
Please enter base location(The default is /usr/local/lightdb):
Base Location: /usr/local/lightdb-dis-multi
Install Location: /usr/local/lightdb-dis-multi/lightdb-x/13.8-22.3
Please enter instance location(The default is /usr/local/lightdb-dis-multi/lightdb-x/13.8-22.3/data/defaultCluster/):

Instance location: /usr/local/lightdb-dis-multi/lightdb-x/13.8-22.3/data/defaultCluster/
Please configure memory(MB) and character set!
Please enter shared_buffers, Default value is (942):

Please enter effective_cache_size, Default value is (2639):

Please choice a kind of Character Set.
1. UTF8
2. GBK
The default choice 1(UTF8)
Please enter LightDB password!
Please enter original password:

Please enter confirm password:

Do you want to deploy immediately?(Yes or No, The default is yes)
Ntp Server
Enter the ip address or domain name of the ntp server, Allowed to change.(Default ntp ip:

Execute follow commands as root
Execute follow commands to start ntp:

sh /home/lightdb/lightdb-x-13.8-22.3-7953-el7.x86_64/script/13_ntp_start.sh /usr/local/lightdb-dis-multi/lightdb-x/13.8-22.3

Check service:
Please enter any key to continue for checking? ntp service not start or problem! ntp service not start or problem!

Check service:
Please enter any key to continue for checking?
Choose whether to install LVS to load balance coordinator node ?(Yes or No,The default is no)
Install Finish
Ntp Server
Enter the ip address or domain name of the ntp server, Allowed to change.(Default ntp ip:

Execute follow commands as root
Execute follow commands to start ntp:

sh /home/lightdb/lightdb-x-13.8-22.3-7953-el7.x86_64/script/13_ntp_start.sh /usr/local/lightdb-dis-multi/lightdb-x/13.8-22.3

Check service:
Please enter any key to continue for checking? ntp service not start or problem! ntp service not start or problem!

Check service:
Please enter any key to continue for checking?
Choose whether to install LVS to load balance coordinator node ?(Yes or No,The default is no)
Install Finish
  • 查看安装进程

[lightdb@localhost lightdb-x-13.8-22.3-7953-el7.x86_64]$ ps aux|grep lightdb
root       1594  0.0  0.0 191892  2348 pts/0    S    11:14   0:00 su - lightdb
lightdb    1595  0.0  0.0 115544  2128 pts/0    S    11:14   0:00 -bash
root       3493  0.0  0.0 191892  2348 pts/1    S    12:16   0:00 su - lightdb
lightdb    3494  0.0  0.0 115544  2088 pts/1    S    12:16   0:00 -bash
root       7162  0.0  0.0 191892  2348 pts/1    S    13:16   0:00 su - lightdb
lightdb    7163  0.0  0.0 115544  2088 pts/1    S    13:16   0:00 -bash
lightdb   11974  0.6  9.5 1708684 368848 ?      Ss   14:00   0:04 /usr/local/lightdb-dis-multi/lightdb-x/13.8-22.3/bin/lightdb -D /usr/local/lightdb-dis-multi/lightdb-x/13.8-22.3/data/defaultCluster
lightdb   11977  0.0  0.1 292224  4688 ?        Ss   14:00   0:00 lightdb: logger 
lightdb   11979  0.0  0.1 1708564 4976 ?        Ss   14:00   0:00 lightdb: checkpointer 
lightdb   11980  0.1  0.4 1710096 17056 ?       Ss   14:00   0:01 lightdb: background writer 
lightdb   11981  0.0  3.5 1708564 136388 ?      Ss   14:00   0:00 lightdb: walwriter 
lightdb   11982  0.0  0.2 1712684 8340 ?        Ss   14:00   0:00 lightdb: autovacuum launcher 
lightdb   11983  0.0  0.1 294988  5280 ?        Ss   14:00   0:00 lightdb: stats collector 
lightdb   11984  0.3  0.5 1713772 22728 ?       Ss   14:00   0:02 lightdb: lt_cron launcher 
lightdb   11985  0.0  0.1 1712320 7720 ?        Ss   14:00   0:00 lightdb: logical replication launcher 
lightdb   11986  0.0  0.4 1715756 17992 ?       Ss   14:00   0:00 lightdb: Canopy Maintenance Daemon: 14198/10 
root      12378  0.0  0.0  47120  2380 ?        Ss   14:03   0:00 /usr/local/lightdb-dis-multi/lightdb-x/13.8-22.3/tools/bin/ntpd -g -c /usr/local/lightdb-dis-multi/lightdb-x/13.8-22.3/etc/ntp/ntp.conf
lightdb   12905  0.0  0.3 1713244 11992 ?       Ss   14:09   0:00 lightdb: Canopy Maintenance Daemon: 25717/10 
lightdb   12985  0.0  0.4 1717192 18604 ?       Ss   14:11   0:00 lightdb: lightdb postgres idle
lightdb   12988  0.0  0.4 1717192 18604 ?       Ss   14:11   0:00 lightdb: lightdb postgres idle
  • 数据库访问

[lightdb@localhost ~]$ ltsql -h -p 5437
[lightdb@localhost ~]$ ltsql -h -p 5438
[lightdb@localhost ~]$ ltsql -h -p 5439
