英文 | 中文 |
Judas! | 叛徒 |
(十八世纪晚期,一位年轻的大律师William Garrow 走到了司法革命的前沿) | |
My client's life is at stake! | 我当事人命悬一线啊 |
Guilty.No! | 有罪.不要 |
No! No! | 不要!不要! |
(成为了法庭犯人辩护的先锋) | |
Are you the monster? | 你是那恶魔吗? |
Thou must be a ruffian to get at the truth. | 像个无赖似地搞到真相 |
The court is yours not Garrow's. | 法庭由你主宰,而不是Garrow |
You are not sentenced yet. | 还没有宣判啊! |
故事的灵感来自于"老贝利"(伦敦中央刑事法院) 档案中记载的有关他的生活和工作 | |
Are you aware of the role this trial will play in our nation's history? | 你知道这次审判会在我们国家的历史上占据什么样的位置吗? |
-He was slain by them!-You may have trained me but you do not own me. | -是他们杀了他!-你也许培养了我,但你并不主宰我 |
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Blast your eyes, you damned bitch! | 去你的,死三八 |
Mr Garrow! | Garrow先生 |
These are the men who will decide what charge you face. | 这些人将决定你要面临什么样的指控 |
Your law is weak if men can bend it to their will. | 那些人如果按他们的意愿进行歪曲,你的法律不堪一击 |
Damn the lot of you! This is a lynching, not a trial! | 一帮流氓! 这是私刑,不是公开审判! |
Next prisoner! | 下一个 |
Eliza Radnell, spinster was indicted for that she on the 26th of April... | 单身女子Eliza Radnell,被控于4月26日....... |
Oh, please take pity, sirs, tis my wife. | 噢,可怜可怜我吧,先生们! 她是我老婆 |
..house of Thomas Langstaffe did breach and enter, | 破门而入Thomas Langstaffe的家 |
no person being therein and stealing | 在家中无人的情况下进行偷窃 |
thenceone linen shift, one pair of worsted stockings, twelvepence. | 赃物包括:一件麻布衣,一双精纺羊毛袜和1先令 |
I call the prosecutrix, Mrs Mary Langstaffe. | 传原告 Mary Langstaffe夫人上庭 |
Would that the jury concentrate as much as you. | 但愿陪审团都像你一样精神集中. |
Then this would be a much improved place. | 那这地方肯定好多了 |
-As for your place, it is not here alas. -Just one more case! | -唉,你现在不应出现在这里.-我就多看一个案件! |
You are not employed here. | 你还没受雇于这里呢 |
Will! | Will! |
I came home and found her within. | 我回到家发现她在屋里 |
I asked her how she got in, she could not tell. | 我问她怎么进来的,她回答不上 |
I asked her what business she had with my things, she could not tell. | 我再问她拿着我的东西干什么,她还是回答不了 |
I got assistance and kept her there until the parish beadle came over. | 我找人帮忙看着她直到教区的治安官到来 |
Mr Crompton will not be pleased. | Crompton先生会不高兴的 |
It is drudgery there. | 那儿的乏味差事 |
I was not called to the bar to be buried in book dust. | 我是没机会出庭只会被书上的尘土埋掉 |
The prisoner shall speak for herself in her own defence. | 犯人应该为自己作出辩护 |
And again and as ever, no defence counsel for the prisoner. | 还是那样,犯人连个辩护律师都没有 |
I beg your pardon, sir, but I had drunk part of four pints of two penny. | 对不起,先生. 我只是花两便士买了四品脱啤酒,喝多了 |
I let myself in the house to sleep, I put the clothes on for warmth. | 我待在那屋里只是想睡一下,就拿了些衣服盖着取暖 |
Jurymen, consider your verdict. | 陪审团,商讨你们的裁决 |
You have reached a verdict?Guilty! | 你们做出裁决了吗?有罪! |
No! | 不 |
It did not take them long to confer. | 他们有花时间讨论过吗? |
The sentence is branding. | 判决烙刑 |
No!Relative to transportation, it is a mercy. | 不要!相对于流放,这算很仁慈了 |
But she may have been telling the truth, that she was not guilty. | 如果她说的是实话,不应判有罪 |
The wisdom of the court observes that it requires no manner of skill to make a plain and honest defence. | 法官和陪审团的智慧能辨别真假答辩再有技巧也是白搭 |
But it will, one day it will. | 人们会发现答辩是需要技巧的 总有这一天 |
An acquittal shall follow! | 她是无罪的 |
Will, when you have a criminal brief, it will be your duty to address a court of law but not now. | Will,等你有了诉讼委托,对着法庭发言就是你的职责了,可不是现在. |
Nicholas Porter is indicted for stealing two fat hogs | Nicholas Porter被控盗窃两只肥猪 |
value 40 shillings and 18live fowls value nine shillings... | 价值40先令 , 18只活家禽,价值9先令 |
Mr Southouse! | Southouse先生 |
You have business in there this afternoon? | 今天下午你在那有案子吗? |
A silk merchant prosecuted by a creditor with half a guinea to enlist me as his attorney. | 一丝绸商被债权人起诉,想用半几尼请我当他的事务律师 (事务律师:负责诉讼中的法律事务,但不出庭) |
Is he in need of counsel, I should very much like to help. | 他需要出庭律师吗? 我非常乐意帮忙 |
You should hurry. | 你快回去吧 |
Mr Garrow? | Garrow先生? |
Mr Crompton. | Crompton先生 |
Brandy here. This man's not long been robbed at gunpoint! | 来杯白兰地, 他刚在枪口下被抢劫了 |
Come on. Come and sit down. | 来,来,快坐下 |
The wretch clapped a pistol to my breast and demanded my money! | 那人渣拿出枪对准我的胸部 然后向我要钱 |
Whoa! | 驭! |
You robbed this gentleman, you wretch. And now you'll be brought to justice. | 你抢劫了这位先生,你这个恶棍。你会被送上法庭 |
Mr Southouse! I've never been inside Newgate, I would learn from it. | Southouse先生,我从没去过“新门”监狱,我愿去那好好学学 |
I'm not there to furnish you with experience. | 我可不是去那给你上实践课的 |
-Well, what then? -A very faithful and sincere young woman has | -呃,怎么?- 一位相当有诚意的女士 |
sold half her possessions to pay for my service on behalf of her brother. | 卖掉一半家产来请我当他弟弟的事务律师 |
It is a limited service, you cannot appear in court, you may tell him | 这样做是很有限的,你不能出现在法庭上,你也许还得告诉他... |
who and what is sworn against him and help prepare his speech... | 什么人和事会对他不利,然后还要帮他准备他的答词... |
And it may save his life.It may. | 还也许能救他一命呢.也许 |
Mr Southouse, I promise I will not speak I will merely observe. | Southouse先生! 我保证 我只从旁观察 不说什么 |
I have seen you observe at the Old Bailey. | 我在"老贝利"已经领教过你的从旁观察了. |
-Your eyes are very busy as is your mouth, unfortunately. -I cannot stay in the Pleader's Office! | -嘴巴跟眼睛一样忙乎.-我不想待在律师办公室 |
Then head for Quarter Sessions. | 那就去季审法庭 |
Pass paupers from one parish to another! Oppose dancing licences... | 把乞丐从某个教区赶到另一个!反对跳舞特许权... |
I will be an Old Bailey barrister | 我将来会成为"老贝利"的大律师(也称辩护律师) |
and I will seek any attorney for my briefs but I would rather you embraced me, dear mentor. | 然后我可以请任何事务律师给我案子, 可我宁愿你接受我, 我的好导师. |
Very well... | 好吧 |
but in silence. | 记得闭上你的嘴 |
Mr Southouse, always a pleasure to see you going about your business. | Southouse先生,每次看到你来办案我都很高兴 |
My er... | 这是我的..... |
His humble servant. | 卑微的仆人 |
Peter Pace, please. | 我找Peter Pace,谢谢 |
This way, gentlemen. | 请这边走 |
So, the young lady's brother was brought before the justice for violent theft and highway robbery. | 这位女士的弟弟是因为暴力盗窃和拦路抢劫进来的. |
Half a guinea is a not inconsiderable sum... | 半几尼不算笔小钱了... |
but for his life, it may be a bargain. | 可对他的命来说就太便宜了. |
Thank you. | 谢谢 |
Peter, this is Mr Southouse your attorney. | Peter,这是Southouse先生 你的律师 |
I never saw my accusers at all until they come up to me and knocked me off my horse. | 他们将我从马上击倒之前 我从来没见过原告 |
They stamped on my head, they said they would butcher me for what I done. | 他们要在我头上烙印,还说就我做的过事应该把我宰了. |
They said, "Damn his eyes, kill him!" | 他们说 杀了他! |
My pen is not yet out of my pocket, Mr Pace. | Pace先生,我想要拿一下笔 |
Please... | 请坐下 |
Now then, tell me, at magistrate's court, what passed? | 现在告诉我,在推事庭上,都发生了些什么? |
I cannot exactly recall. | 我也说不清 |
My mind was not set right. | 我心很乱,记不清 |
Mr Grove, the prosecutor swore he was the highwayman. | Grove先生---那个检举人,发誓说他是劫匪 |
The charge says that two shillings were stolen. | 他们控告你偷了2先令 |
They did not find me two shillings richer. | 他们没找出比两先令更多的钱来. |
You were searched immediately? I was more set upon... | 你当时就被搜身了?他们打我 |
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and then brought along. You were in want of money? | 然后把我带来这里你很缺钱吗? |
-Sir?- Will! | -先生?- Will! |
Did you see an opportunity? | 你是否遇到了这样的机会? |
-A man, alone on a deserted road.-You will wait outside! | -当一个人孤身走在一条僻静的路上.-你去外面等着 |
The man you overtook put a pistol to his cheek and then discarded it. | 你拿出枪指向他的脸....然后把枪丢弃 |
-Never!-Explain this! Who is this accuser? | -绝对没有!-告诉我,这个原告又是谁? |
Mr Garrow. Apprentice to me at 15... | Garrow先生,当我的学徒在15... |
But too gifted in law to be a mere attorney. | 但是做为一个小小的事务律师在法律上还是很有天赋的. |
Come, sir, you can speak freely. Black is white and white is black, | 来,随你怎么说,是黑是白,你说了算 |
according as we are paid, our loyalty is to the client, not to the truth. | 收钱办事我们的忠诚只给客户,不是真相 |
-William!-Speak freely? | -William!-随我说? |
Oh, I have a language for you, sir. | 好啊,你给我听清楚,先生. |
Damn you both if you would take a guinea from me or my sister and think to have me lie. | 如果你们觉得收我们一个几尼就能让我撒谎的话,见你们的鬼去吧 |
I will not have you! | 我不要你们帮忙 |
Good. | 好 |
Excellent. Well said. | 太棒了,说得好 |
You will not give a better testimony. | 你给出了再好不过的证词 |
Oh! Oh, I see. | 噢! 噢,我明白了 |
-You do?-He puts it to me and I... | -你明白了?-他试探我而我... |
Excellent, sir. | 非常好,先生 |
And am I blessed to have the both of you to serve me? | 有你俩帮我 是上天的怜悯吗? |
A...not... | 呃...不是 |
Mr Garrow is a barrister. | Garrow先生是大律师(辩护律师) |
I would be bound to instruct him. | 我应该再委托给他. |
Then do so. Mary? | 那就这么办. Mary? |
But the cost of a barrister, madam. | 但是大律师的费用, 夫人 |
Half a guinea? | 半几尼? |
I'm afraid that will not... Half a guinea. | 我恐怕那不....就半几尼 |
Half a guinea. | 半几尼 |
You are instructed. | 你接受委托? |
-I am instructed.-Attorney and counsel. | -我接受委托 .-事务律师和出庭律师 |
- This goes well.-This goes very well. | - 一切都会好的- 一切都会非常好的 |
Mr Garrow? | Garrow先生 |
Mr Crompton. | Crompton先生 |
Will... William! | Will... William! |
You will concentrate here. | 你得把精力放在这个上面. |
This is the brief.It is. | 是辩护状. 是的 |
It s very thin.Well, you're not allowed to see the indictment. | 很薄. 你不允许看起诉状 |
You are refused copies of the deposition sworn against your client. | 你被拒绝抄录对你当事不利的宣过誓的证词 |
You are not permitted to visit your client while he is in Newgate. | 你的当事人在"新门"监狱时你不得去探访. |
When you are at the Old Bailey you will not be allowed to address the jury, make an opening statement | 等到了“老贝利”, 你不允许直接对陪审团讲话,不允许做开案陈词 |
or a closing speech. | 或结案陈词。 |
You may call witnesses as to the prisoner's character but they are not bound to appear. | 你可以传召证人 但他们不一定出现 |
In fact, not only is it impermissible for counsel to make a full defence, | 事实上,不是不允许辩护律师作全面辩护 |
it is barely allowable for them to actually win a case. | 而是压根不允许他们赢官司 |
Hence the thinness of your papers. | 薄薄一张纸,够了 |
But in the meantime, Mr Southouse, what have I to save Mr Pace from the rope? | 那要这样的话,Southhouse先生,我要怎么做才能救出Pace先生呢? |
The prosecution's testimony. | 控方证词 |
You must find a weakness in it. | 你必需找出他的疑点 |
Study your brief. I shall see you at court. | 好好看你的辩护状 明天法庭上见 |
Goodnight, Will. | 晚安, Will |
And if you cannot sleep, let us hope it's from anticipation and not fear. | 如果你睡不着,希望是因为期待而不是担心 |
Good night. | 晚安 |
William! | William! |
You look splendid. | 穿得真好看 |
Oh, no. Edward Forrester. A renowned thief-taker. | 哎呀!不好了. Edward Forrester, 出名的赏金捕快 |
If he's involved in the prosecution, this goes not so well. | 案子里面有他的份,情况不妙 |
Mr Southouse, if a thief-taker is at the heart of this that will help make our defence. -Or our damnation. | -Southouse先生,如果他一心来捞好处 这对我们有利.-大障碍才对 |
Good luck, Will. | 祝你好运, Will。 |
Mary! | Mary! |
Who's this? | 这是哪位啊? |
-William Garrow from Lincoln's Inn. -By way of? | -来自Lincoln会馆(当时英国培养律师的机构之一)的William Garrow . -哪出身啊? |
-Sir?-Well, not Oxford or I'd know you. | -什么?-你是牛津出來的还是我应该知道你? |
Articled to an attorney, John Southouse of Milk Street. | 跟着Milk街的事务律师John Southouse见习. |
You received your education in Billingsgate. | 你是在Billingsgate(伦敦的鱼市场,意为低等的地方)受教育的. |
Oh, dear... | 噢! 对了.. |
Silvester. | 我叫Silvester. |
Middle Temple | 中殿会馆(当时英国培养律师的机构之一). |
Come to condemn the wretches or confound the jury today? | 今天来惩罚恶徒还是来迷惑陪审团? |
I've come to defend a man. | 我来为一位先生作辩护 |
First case?Peter Pace. | 第一次出庭辩护?Peter Pace先生 |
You're against me. And the facts. | 事实上,你的对手是我 |
Court shall rise. | 开庭 |
Still, they'd need only detain for us for a few hours, then what's next? | 他们就是让我们呆这里几个小时, 接下来有什么? |
Oh, a coining. Well, that will make two hangings before lunch. | 哦, 午饭前一个烙刑的 两个绞刑 |
-I recommend the broth.-I recommend you read your brief again. | -我建议吃肉汤.-我建议你再好好看看你的起诉状. |