KIP-296:客户端配置的连接器级别可配置性旨在通过允许覆盖所有配置来解决此问题。但 KIP 不提供连接操作员控制连接器可以覆盖的内容的能力。如果没有这种能力,连接器和工作人员之间将不会有清晰的分隔线,因为连接器本身现在可以假设覆盖可用。但从操作角度来看,最好执行以下规定。
在较高层面上,该提案旨在引入类似于 Core Kafka 中可用的 CreateTopicPolicy 的可配置策略,用于连接器客户端配置覆盖。更具体地说,我们将引入一个新的工作配置,该配置将允许管理员配置连接器客户端配置覆盖的策略。
Connector.client.config.override.policy - 这将是连接 API 中引入的新接口 ConnectorClientConfigOverridePolicy 的实现。默认值为“None”,不允许任何覆盖。由于用户已经使用建议的前缀进行配置的可能性非常小,因此向后兼容性通常不是问题。在极少数情况下,用户在现有配置中拥有这些配置,他们必须删除配置才能使其再次工作。
- 用于 SinkConnector 上下文中的源连接器的生产者和 DLQ 生产者consumer.override.
- 用于接收器连接器admin.override.
- 用于在 Sink Connector 中创建 DLQ 主题(KIP 还允许使用 admin
前缀在工作线程中指定 DLQ 设置,以便与生产者和消费者保持一致)管理员可以指定 ConnectorClientConfigOverridePolicy 实现的完全限定类名或别名(别名被计算为接口名称“ConnectorClientConfigOverridePolicy”的前缀,这正是大多数现有连接插件计算其别名的方式)。
新接口将被视为新的连接插件,并将通过插件路径机制加载。这些插件将通过类似于 RestExtension 和 ConfigProvider 的服务加载器机制来发现。新接口的结构及其请求描述如下:-
import org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigValue;
* An interface for enforcing a policy on overriding of client configs via the connector configs.
Common use cases are ability to provide principal per connector, sasl.jaas.config
* and/or enforcing that the producer/consumer configurations for optimizations are within acceptable ranges.
public interface ConnectorClientConfigOverridePolicy extends Configurable, AutoCloseable {
* Worker will invoke this while constructing the producer for the SourceConnectors, DLQ for SinkConnectors and the consumer for the
* SinkConnectors to validate if all of the overridden client configurations are allowed per the
* policy implementation. This would also be invoked during the validate of connector configs via the Rest API.
* If there are any policy violations, the connector will not be started.
* @param connectorClientConfigRequest an instance of {@code ConnectorClientConfigRequest} that provides the configs to overridden and
* its context; never {@code null}
* @return List of Config, each Config should indicate if they are allowed via {@link ConfigValue#errorMessages}
List<ConfigValue> validate(ConnectorClientConfigRequest connectorClientConfigRequest);
public class ConnectorClientConfigRequest {
private Map<String, Object> clientProps;
private ClientType clientType;
private String connectorName;
private ConnectorType connectorType;
private Class<? extends Connector> connectorClass;
public ConnectorClientConfigRequest(
String connectorName,
ConnectorType connectorType,
Class<? extends Connector> connectorClass,
Map<String, Object> clientProps,
ClientType clientType) {
this.clientProps = clientProps;
this.clientType = clientType;
this.connectorName = connectorName;
this.connectorType = connectorType;
this.connectorClass = connectorClass;
* Provides Config with prefix {@code producer.override.} for {@link ConnectorType#SOURCE}.
* Provides Config with prefix {@code consumer.override.} for {@link ConnectorType#SINK}.
* Provides Config with prefix {@code producer.override.} for {@link ConnectorType#SINK} for DLQ.
* Provides Config with prefix {@code admin.override.} for {@link ConnectorType#SINK} for DLQ.
* @return The client properties specified in the Connector Config with prefix {@code producer.override.} ,
* {@code consumer.override.} and {@code admin.override.}. The configs returned don't include these prefixes.
public Map<String, Object> clientProps() {
return clientProps;
* {@link ClientType#PRODUCER} for {@link ConnectorType#SOURCE}
* {@link ClientType#CONSUMER} for {@link ConnectorType#SINK}
* {@link ClientType#PRODUCER} for DLQ in {@link ConnectorType#SINK}
* {@link ClientType#ADMIN} for DLQ Topic Creation in {@link ConnectorType#SINK}
* @return enumeration specifying the client type that is being overriden by the worker; never null.
public ClientType clientType() {
return clientType;
* Name of the connector specified in the connector config.
* @return name of the connector; never null.
public String connectorName() {
return connectorName;
* Type of the Connector.
* @return enumeration specifying the type of the connector {@link ConnectorType#SINK} or {@link ConnectorType#SOURCE}.
public ConnectorType connectorType() {
return connectorType;
* The class of the Connector.
* @return the class of the Connector being created; never null
public Class<? extends Connector> connectorClass() {
return connectorClass;
public enum ClientType {
KIP 引入了 ConnectorClientConfigOverridePolicy 的以下实现,如下表所示
类名 | 别名 | 描述 |
AllConnectorClientConfigOverridePolicy | All | 允许覆盖生产者、消费者和管理员前缀的所有配置。 |
NoneConnectorClientConfigOverridePolicy | None | 不允许任何配置覆盖。这将是默认策略。 |
PrincipalConnectorClientConfigOverridePolicy | Principal | 允许覆盖生产者、消费者和管理员前缀的“security.protocol”、“sasl.jaas.config”和“sasl.mechanism”。能够为每个连接器使用不同的主体。 |
当用户尝试创建连接器或验证连接器时,将强制执行策略本身。当任何 ConfigValue 有错误消息时
为 WorkerSourceTask 构建生产者 - 使用“ Producer.override ”调用所有配置的验证。 prefix , ClientType=Producer, ConnectorType=Source 并覆盖(如果没有违反策略)
为 DLQ 主题构建 DeadLetterQueueReporter 的管理客户端和生产者
为 WorkerSinkTask 构建 Consumer - 使用“consumer.override”调用所有配置的验证。 prefix , ClientType=Consumer, ConnectorType=Sink 并覆盖(如果没有违反策略)
在 validate() 流程中,herder(AbstractHerder) 将按如下所示对所有覆盖应用该策略。被覆盖的配置将在没有前缀的情况下传递:-