小组长之前研究了Efficiently answering reachability queries on very large directed graphs这篇论文,关于Path-tree计算可达性的,其中需要构造最大生成树(无需固定root),于是负责打酱油的我就开始琢磨单连通有向图的最大生成树算法Edmonds Algorithm了。
Solving The Directed MST Problem
Chu and Liu [2], Edmonds [3], and Bock [4] have independently given efficient algorithms for finding the MST on a directed graph. The Chu-Liu and Edmonds algorithms are virtually identical; the Bock algorithm is similar but stated on matrices instead of on graphs. Furthermore, a distributed algorithm is given by Humblet [5]. In the sequel, we shall briefly illustrate the Chu-Liu/Edmonds algorithm, following by a comprehensive example (due to [1]). Reader can also refer to [6] [7] for an efficient implementation, O(mlogn) and O(n^2) for dense graph, of this algorithm.
Chu-Liu/Edmonds Algorithm
c(i,k)=c(i,j) - (c(x(j),j) - min_{j}(c(x(j),j))
where c(x(j),j) is the cost of the arc in the cycle which enters j.
The key idea of the algorithm is to find the replacing arc(s) which has the minimum extra cost to eliminate cycle(s) if any. The given equation exhibits the associated extra cost. The following example illustrates that the contraction technique finds the minimum extra cost replacing arc (2,3) for arc (4,3) and hence the cycle is eliminated.
BV: a vertex bucket
BE: an edge bucket
G0 = (V0,E0) :the original digraph.
v : a vertex
e :an edge of maximum positive weight that is incident to v
Ci : a circuit
ui is a replacement vertex for Ci
The order of this algorithm is . There is a faster implementation of the algorithm by Robert Tarjan. The order is for a sparse graph and for a dense graph. This is as fast as Prim's algorithm for an undirected minimum spanning tree. In 1986, Gabow, Galil, Spencer, and Tarjan made a faster implementation, and its order is .
Fibonacci 堆是Fredman 和Tarjan 于1984 年发明的,这个Tarjan将F-Heaps应用到很多图算法中,减少了算法复杂度,比如说86年用于Edmonds Algorithm的这篇paper:
H. N. Gabow, Z. Galil, T. Spencer, and R. E. Tarjan, “Efficient algorithms for finding minimum spanning trees in undirected and directed graphs,” Combinatorica 6 (1986), 109-122.
By observing that in certain situations items can be moved among F-heaps
in O(1) amortized time per item moved, we obtain an implementation of Edmonds' minimum directed spanning tree algorithm [16] with a running time of O (n log n +m)…
[16] R. E. TARJAN, Applications of path compression on balanced trees, J. Assoc. Comput. Mach. 26 (1979), 690--715.
Edmonds's algorithm ( edmonds-alg ) – An open source implementation of Edmonds's algorithm written in C++ and licensed under the MIT License. This source is using Tarjan's implementation for the dense graph.
The package edmonds-alg contains a C++-implementation of Edmonds's optimum branching algorithm as described by Tarjan in 1977.
AlgoWiki – Edmonds's algorithm - A public-domain implementation of Edmonds's algorithm written in Java.
Tarjan的论文:Finding Optimum Branchings
上述论文的修正: A Note on Finding Optimum Branchings
Coolshell上介绍过一些有意思的算法代码,有Edmonds’s Matching Algorithm的Java实现,细看发现这个不是求最大生成树的Edmonds‘s Algorithm算法,白高兴了。
1. 删去所有自己连向自己的入边。
2. 移除树根的全部入边。
3. 判断树根能不能连到图上各个点,否则生成树不存在。
4. 重复以下步骤,直到形成生成树为止:
4.1 找出图上每个点的最小入边。O(E)
4.2 找出所有水母(环)。如果没有水母就表示目前已是最小生成树。O(V)
4.3 调整所有进入水母环的边的权重。O(E)
w(a, x) -= w(å, x),åx是x点的最小入边,ax为其他连入x点的边。
4.4 收缩水母环成为一点。O(E)
1. 删去所有自己连向自己的入边。
2. 重复以下步骤,直到形成生成树为止:
2.1 找出图上每个点的最小入边。O(E)
2.2 找出所有水母。如果没有水母就表示目前已是最小生成树。O(V)
2.3 调整所有进入水母环的边的权重。O(E)
w(a, x) -= w(å, x),åx是x点的最小入边,ax为其他连入x点的边。
2.4 收缩水母环成为一点。O(E)
于是我开始使用两年没摸过的Java了。。。先把比较弱的AlgoWiki整合到小组代码框架里,再捣鼓下用F-heap优化算法的Tarjan's implementation的C++实现,,改成Java版本的。
The Directed Minimum Spanning Tree Problem Description of the algorithm summarized(总结) by Shanchieh Jay Yang, May 2000.