目录from docx import Document
from docx.shared import Inches
# 创建空文档
document = Document()
# 添加标题,设置级别level,0为Title,1或省略为Heading 1,0<=level<=9
document.add_heading('Document Title', 0)
# 添加段落,参数为text=''和style=None
p = document.add_paragraph('A plain paragraph having some ')
# 添加run对象,参数为text=None和style=None,
# run对象有bold(加粗)和italic(斜体)这两个属性
p.add_run('bold').bold = True
p.add_run(' and some ')
p.add_run('italic.').italic = True
document.add_heading('Heading, level 1', level=1)
document.add_paragraph('Intense quote', style='Intense Quote')
'first item in unordered list', style='List Bullet'
'first item in ordered list', style='List Number'
# 添加图片
document.add_picture('monty-truth.png', width=Inches(1.25))
# 添加表格
records = (
(3, '101', 'Spam'),
(7, '422', 'Eggs'),
(4, '631', 'Spam, spam, eggs, and spam')
table = document.add_table(rows=1, cols=3)
hdr_cells = table.rows[0].cells
hdr_cells[0].text = 'Qty'
hdr_cells[1].text = 'Id'
hdr_cells[2].text = 'Desc'
for qty, id, desc in records:
row_cells = table.add_row().cells
row_cells[0].text = str(qty)
row_cells[1].text = id
row_cells[2].text = desc
添加样式import docx
from docx.enum.text import WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH
from docx.oxml.ns import qn
from docx.shared import Cm, Pt
document = Document()
# 设置一个空白样式
style = document.styles['Normal']
# 设置西文字体
style.font.name = 'Times New Roman'
# 设置中文字体
style.element.rPr.rFonts.set(qn('w:eastAsia'), '微软雅黑')
首行缩进# 获取段落样式
paragraph_format = style.paragraph_format
# 首行缩进0.74厘米,即2个字符
paragraph_format.first_line_indent = Cm(0.74)
单独设置标题样式# 设置标题
title_ = document.add_heading(level=0)
# 标题居中
title_.alignment = WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH.CENTER
# 添加标题内容
title_run = title_.add_run(title)
# 设置标题字体大小
title_run.font.size = Pt(14)
# 设置标题西文字体
title_run.font.name = 'Times New Roman'
# 设置标题中文字体
title_run.element.rPr.rFonts.set(qn('w:eastAsia'), '微软雅黑')def add_hyperlink(paragraph, url, text, color, underline):
A function that places a hyperlink within a paragraph object.
:param paragraph: The paragraph we are adding the hyperlink to.
:param url: A string containing the required url
:param text: The text displayed for the url
:return: The hyperlink object
# This gets access to the document.xml.rels file and gets a new relation id value
part = paragraph.part
r_id = part.relate_to(url, docx.opc.constants.RELATIONSHIP_TYPE.HYPERLINK, is_external=True)
# Create the w:hyperlink tag and add needed values
hyperlink = docx.oxml.shared.OxmlElement('w:hyperlink')
hyperlink.set(docx.oxml.shared.qn('r:id'), r_id, )
# Create a w:r element
new_run = docx.oxml.shared.OxmlElement('w:r')
# Create a new w:rPr element
rPr = docx.oxml.shared.OxmlElement('w:rPr')
# Add color if it is given
if not color is None:
c = docx.oxml.shared.OxmlElement('w:color')
c.set(docx.oxml.shared.qn('w:val'), color)
# Remove underlining if it is requested
if not underline:
u = docx.oxml.shared.OxmlElement('w:u')
u.set(docx.oxml.shared.qn('w:val'), 'none')
# Join all the xml elements together add add the required text to the w:r element
new_run.text = text
return hyperlink
document = docx.Document()
p = document.add_paragraph()
#add a hyperlink with the normal formatting (blue underline)
hyperlink = add_hyperlink(p, 'http://www.google.com', 'Google', None, True)
#add a hyperlink with a custom color and no underline
hyperlink = add_hyperlink(p, 'http://www.google.com', 'Google', 'FF8822', False)
"""I am trying to add an hyperlink in a MS Word document using docx module for Python. Just do it."""# 判断字段是否为链接
def is_text_link(text):
for i in ['http', '://', 'www.', '.com', '.org', '.cn', '.xyz', '.htm']:
if i in text:
return True
return False
# 对段落中的链接加上超链接
def add_text_link(document, text):
paragraph = document.add_paragraph()
# 根据标签拆分文本内容
text = re.split(r'|',text)
keyword = None
for i in range(len(text)):
# 对非链接和非关键词的内容,通过run直接加入段落中
if not is_text_link(text[i]):
if text[i] != keyword:
# 对链接和关键词,使用add_hyperlink插入超链接
elif i + 1
keyword=text[i + 1]
add_hyperlink(paragraph, url, keyword, None, True)