[基因家族扩张与收缩分析]_CAFE5 tutorial

CAFE: Computational Analysis of gene Family Evolution (Version 5)

参考:CAFE5 tutorial


## Jan 20, 2020 ##

1. This tutorial

In this tutorial we provide you with instructions on how to generate a

reasonable phylogeny using CAFE. We start by asking you to download a

set of mammalian FASTA files, and derive a potential mammal phylogeny

from that.

The tutorial is divided into two parts:

1. Preparing an input dataset that CAFE understands

This is most of the work, and makes use of auxiliary Python scripts (which we provide) and a few other programs;

2. Running CAFE:

 Performing basic evolutionary inferences about gene family evolution.

1.1 Dependencies 

The tutorial assumes you are running a Unix-based operating system. It also assumes

you have a local working version of CAFE (please see CAFE’s manual for instructions

on how to install it), but also of a few other programs that are necessary for the first

part of the tutorial:

* Python 3.6.x (https://www.python.org/) (注意:python 的版本)

* BLAST (https://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi)

* mcl (https://micans.org/mcl/)

* r8s (https://sourceforge.net/projects/r8s/)

In many cases, the steps provided can take minutes or even hours to run. We have provided

a set of intermediate files available for download if you wish to bypass the steps. These

files are available from https://iu.box.com/v/cafetutorial-files(作者展示了些案例文件,供练习用) . The files provided will be noted in the text when necessary.

If you have any comments or suggestions, please email [email protected].

2. Preparing the input 

2.1 Downloading the data 

This tutorial and the scripts we provide assume you will use sequences in FASTA format

(.fa) downloaded from Ensembl using the Biomart tool. To download the protein

sequences from, say, cat (Felis catus), you must navigate Biomart:

1. CHOOSE DATABASE → Ensembl Genes 87 → CHOOSE DATASET → Cat


2. Then click Attributes → Sequences: Peptide → Header information: Gene ID +

CDS length (uncheck Transcript ID);

3. Finally, click Results. If you have a good internet connection, choose Compressed

file (.gz), otherwise choose Compressed web file and provide your email address.

We are going to analyze data from 12 species: mouse, rat, cow, horse, cat, marmoset,

macaque, gibbon, baboon, orangutan, chimpanzee, and human.

If you prefer, download and uncompress twelve_spp_proteins.tar.gz from the tutorial

web site.

2.2 Identifying gene families

Identifying gene families within and among species requires a few steps. First, we need

to deal with alternative splicing and redundant gene entries by removing all but the

longest isoform for each gene. After this is done for all 12 species, we shall move all

sequences to a single file and prepare a database for BLAST. BLAST will allow us to find

the most similar sequence for each sequence in the database (all-by-all blastp). Then

we employ a clustering program, mcl, to find groups of sequences (gene families) that

are more similar among themselves than with the rest of the dataset. Finally, we parse

mcl’s output to use as input for CAFE.

2.2.1 Moving all longest isoforms into a single file

In order to keep all but the longest isoforms, and place all sequences from all species

into a single .fa file for the next tutorial step, run the following commands in your shell

from the tutorial folder:


$ python longest_iso.py -d twelve_spp_proteins/

$ cat twelve_spp_proteins/longest*.fa > makeblastdb_input.fa


2.2.2 All-by-all BLAST

    With makeblastdb_input.fa in hand, we can now prepare a database for BLAST, and

then run blastp on it, all sequences against all sequences. This step gives us, for each

sequence, the most similar sequence (in addition to itself) in the dataset. We can then

find clusters of similar sequences from these similarity scores (see next step). To prepare

the database, run the following command on your shell:

$ makeblastdb -in makeblastdb_input.fa -dbtype prot -out blastdb

This command should create a few files. From here, we can actually run blastp (on,

say, four threads) with:

$ blastp -num_threads 4 -db blast.db -query makeblastdb_input.fa -outfmt 7 -seg yes > blast_output.txt

The -seg parameter filters low complexity regions (amino acids coded as X) from

sequences. If you prefer, download and uncompress blast output.tar.gz from the tutorial

web site.

2.2.3 Clustering sequences with mcl 

Now we must use the output of BLAST to find clusters of similar sequences. These

clusters will essentially be the gene families we will analyse with CAFE. First,

convert the Blast output to the ABC format which is used by MCL:

$ grep -v "#" blast_output.txt | cut -f 1,2,11 >blast_output.abc

Then, with the following commands, we have mcl create a network and a

dictionary file (.mci and .tab, respectively), and perform the clustering:

$ mcxload -abc blast_output.abc --stream-mirror --stream-neg-log10 -stream-tf 'ceil(200)' -o blast_output.mci -write-tab blast_output.tab

If you prefer, download the file mcl_output.tar.gz from the tutorial web site.

$ mcl blast_output.mci -I 3

$ mcxdump -icl out.blast_output.mci.I30 -tabr blast_output.tab -o dump.blast_output.mci.I30

The -I (inflation) parameter determines how granular the clustering will be. Lower

numbers means denser clusters, but again, this is an arbitrary choice. A value of 3

usually works, but you can try different values and compare results. Ideally, one wants

to be able maximize the number of clusters containing the same number of genes as there

are species, as these are likely to represent correct one-to-one ortholog identifications (in

our case, we want clusters with 12 species). Furthermore, we want to minimize the

number of clusters with just a single sequence.

2.2.4 Final parsing of mcl’s output

The file obtained in the last section (the dump file from mcl) is still not ready to be

read by CAFE: we need to parse it and filter it. Parsing is quite simple and just involves

tabulating the number of gene copies found in each species for each gene family.

We provide a script that does it for you. From the directory where the dump file was

written, run the following command:

$ python mcl2rawcafe.py -i dump.blast_output.mci.I30 -o unfiltered_cafe_input.txt -sp "ENSG00 ENSPTR ENSPPY ENSPAN ENSNLE ENSMMU ENSCJA ENSRNO ENSMUS ENSFCA ENSECA ENSBTA

For the sake of clarity, and to make our gene family species match our tree, we would like

to rename the species ID with the corresponding informal

species names, so “ENSG00” would read “human”, “ENSPTR” “chimp””, and so on. We can do this

via a short Bash SED script:

$ sed -i -e 's/ENSG00/human/g' \

      -e 's/ENSPTR/chimp/g' \

      -e 's/ENSPPY/orang/g' \

      -e 's/ENSPAN/baboon/g' \

      -e 's/ENSNLE/gibbon/g' \

      -e 's/ENSMMU/macaque/g' \

      -e 's/ENSCJA/marmoset/g' \

      -e 's/ENSRNO/rat/g' \

      -e 's/ENSMUS/mouse/g' \

      -e 's/ENSFCA/cat/g' \

      -e 's/ENSECA/horse/g' \

      -e 's/ENSBTA/cow/g' \


The script "common_names.sh" contains this command.

There is one final filtering step we must perform. Gene families that have large

gene copy number variance can cause parameter estimates to be non-informative. You

can remove gene families with large variance from your dataset, but we found that

putting aside the gene families in which one or more species have ≥ 100 gene copies does

the trick. You can do this filtering step with another script we provide:

$ python clade_and_size_filter.py -i unfiltered_cafe_input.txt -o filtered_cafe_input.txt -s

As you will see, the script will have created two files: filtered_cafe_input.txt and

large_filtered_cafe_input.txt. The latter contains gene families where one or more

species had ≥ 100 gene copies. We can now run CAFE on filtered_cafe_input.txt,

and use the estimated parameter values to analyse the large gene families that were set

apart in large_filtered_cafe_input.txt.

2.3 Estimating a species tree

    Estimating a species tree takes a number of steps. If genome data is available for all

species of interest, one will need sequence alignments (with one sequence per species,

from hopefully many genes) and then choose one among the many available species-tree

estimation methods. Obtaining alignments usually requires finding one-to-one ortholog

clusters with mcl (see previous section), but other procedures exist. Alternatively,

prealigned one-to-one ortholog data from Ensembl or UCSC Genome Browser can sometimes

be found and readily used.

    With alignments in hand, one could concatenate all alignments and infer a nonultrametric

species tree with a maximum-likelihood (e.g., RAxML or PhyML) or Bayesian phylogenetic

program (e.g., MrBayes). Alternatively, coalescent-based methods can be

used (e.g., fast methods such as MP-EST and Astral-II, or full coalescent methods such

as BPP and *BEAST).

    Calculating a species tree for our mammal species should not be problematic, but

estimating it from genome scale data is outside the scope of this tutorial. A sample

result can be found in the file maximum_likelihood_tree.txt.

2.3.1 Making the species tree ultrametric

    CAFE requires a tree that is ultramatric. There are many ways to obtain ultrametric trees

(also known as timetrees, these are phylogenetic trees scaled to time, where all paths from root to tips have the same length).

    Here, we use a fast program called r8s. You will need to know the number of sites in the

alignment used to estimate the species tree (the one you want to make ultrametric), and

then you can specify one or more calibration points (ideally, the age or age window of a

documented fossil) to scale branch lengths into time units. We provide you with a script

that prepares the control file for running r8s on the species tree above (the number of

sites is 35157236, and the calibration point for cats and humans is 94). In your shell,


$ python prep_r8s.py -i maximum_likelihood_tree.txt -o r8s_ctl_file.txt -s 35157236 -p 'human,cat' -c '94'

Then you can finally run r8s, and parse its output with:

$ r8s -b -f r8s_ctl_file.txt > r8s_tmp.txt

$ tail -n 1 r8s_tmp.txt | cut -c 16- > mammals_tree.txt

A sample mammals_tree.txt may also be found in the examples folder.

3. Running CAFE

    Some of the steps in this tutorial can take a while to finish, so we provide you with all

the outputs – we will inform you of which analyses take longer, so you do not accidentally

overwrite the output files we provide. Please be sure you finish reading a section before

executing commands. Finally, all commands we list below should be run from the

tutorial folder.

3.1 Estimating the birth-death parameter λ

    The main goal of CAFE is to estimate one or more birth-death (λ) parameters for the

provided tree and gene family counts. The λ parameter describes the probability that

any gene will be gained or lost.

3.1.1 Estimating a single λ for the whole tree

Now that we have a tree and a list of gene family counts, we can use CAFE to estimate

a lambda for the tree.

$ cafexp -i filtered_cafe_input.txt -t mammals_tree.txt   

### Understanding the output ###

After CAFE finishes estimating λ, you will find a variety of files in the "results"

directory. The first one to look at is results.txt.

It should look like this (some numbers might differ, of course):


Model Base Result: 203921

Lambda: 0.0024443005606287


The first line gives the model that was run, and the final score calculated for the given lambda.

* On the second line, you will find the estimated value of λ for the whole tree, which for this run of CAFE was 0.0024443005606287.

The file "base_asr.tre" is in the Nexus file format. Each tree looks like the following:

TREE 8 = ((((cat<11>_59:68.7107,horse<10>_62:68.7107)<15>_62:4.56677,cow<14>_63:73.2775)<19>_62:20.7225,




The tree can be read as follows: Each node is labelled with an id inside angle brackets, e.g. <15>.

The nodes associated with species have that species prefixed to the node label, e.g. cat<11>.

Each node has a suffix following an underscore which indicates the expected (or actual) count

of the node for that species, e.g. horse<10>_62 indicates that horse has 62 copies of the gene,

while <9>_63 indicates that the parent node of gibbon was estimated to have 63 copies.

The file Base_branch_probabilities.tab is a tab-separated file containing the calculated likelihood

of the gene family size at each node.

* Then finally you have the results for each gene family, one gene family per line. In

our example above, we are showing the first three gene families, identified by their

numbers (the first column, ‘ID’), 8, 10 and 11 (see filtered cafe input.txt).

The number that appears after a species name in the tree given under ‘Newick’

(e.g., 59 in ‘cat 59’ from gene family 8) is the gene count for that species and that

gene family. The third column (‘Family-wide P-value’) tells us for each gene

family whether it has a significantly greater rate of evolution. When this value

is < 0.01, then the fourth column (‘Viterbi P-value’) allows the identification

of which branches the shift in λ was significant. Because the family-wide p-value

of gene families 8 and 10 were not significant in our example, then no results are

presented under the Viterbi p-value. However, gene family 11 had a significant

family-wide p-value (0), and so we can now identify which branches underwent

significant contractions or expansions. For this CAFE run, branches 0, 1, 2 and 4

have not undergone significant shifts in λ, but branch 8 (leading to humans) have

(not shown above, but see report run4.cafe).

Summarizing the output

    If you open file results/base_clade_results.txt, you will see, for each branch, how many families underwent expansions, contractions, and how many are rapidly evolving. In fact, we provide yet another script that allows you to plot these numbers on a phylogenetic tree. Just run the following command:

python python_scripts/cafetutorial_draw_tree.py -i reports/summary_run1_node.txt -t '((((cat:68.7105,horse:68.7105):4.56678,cow:73.2773):20.7227,(((((chimp:4.44417,human:4.44417):6.68268,orang:11.1268):2.28586,gibbon:13.4127):7.21153,(macaque:4.56724,baboon:4.56724):16.057):16.0607,marmoset:36.6849):57.3151):38.738,(rat:36.3024,mouse:36.3024):96.4356)' -d '((((cat<0>,horse<2>)<1>,cow<4>)<3>,(((((chimp<6>,human<8>)<7>,orang<10>)<9>,gibbon<12>)<11>,(macaque<14>,baboon<16>)<15>)<13>,marmoset<18>)<17>)<5>,(rat<20>,mouse<22>)<21>)<19>' -o reports/summary_run1_tree_rapid.png -y Rapid

    You can then find the tree in the reports/summary run1 tree rapid.png file that should have been created. We can see that the internal branch with the largest numbers of rapidly evolving gene families corresponds to the most recent common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees. The terminal branch with the most rapidly evolving gene families is the one leading to humans. Then if you wish to look at the number of gene families expanding or contracting (but not necessarily with statistical significance), replace ‘Rapid’ with ‘Expansions’ or ‘Contractions’, and rename the output file names accordingly. Finally, you might also be interested in having a look at reports/summary_run1_fams.txt, which will show how many rapidly evolving families (and which families) were found for each species and internal branch.

3.1.2 Setting λ to a previously estimated value to deal with families with large numbers of gene copies

As described in section 2.2.4, families with high variance in gene copy number can lead to non-informative parameter estimates, so we had to set them aside. We can now analyse them with the λ estimate obtained from the other gene families by running CAFE with:

cafexp -i large_filtered_cafe_input.txt -t mammals_tree.txt -l 0.0024443005606287 -o large_results

Running this analysis can take a long time – so we suggest you download large_results.tar.gz from the tutorial archive and look at it.

3.1.3 Estimating multiple λ for different parts of the tree

If you suspect different species or clades have different rates of gene family evolution, you

can ask CAFE to estimate them. In this case, you must tell CAFE how many different

λs there are, and which species or clades share these different λs. The lambdas and

their locations are specified in a tree file. For example, if you suspect chimps and humans

evolve at a different rate, you might set up a tree that looks like this:


    This tree structure specifies which species are to share the same λ values. In our example, humans, chimpanzees and their immediate ancestor share λ1 ; then all the remaining primates (except for marmoset) share λ2 ; and finally marmoset and the other species share the λ3 value. The tree is in the tutorial directory under the name separate_lambdas.txt.

cafexp -i filtered_cafe_input.txt -t mammals_tree.txt -y separate_lambdas.txt

After CAFE finishes running, you should have obtained values somewhat similar to

these: λ1 = 0.0182972, λ2 = 0.00634377 and λ3 = 0.00140705 (see reports/report_

run3.cafe). This tells us that the lineage leading to (and including) humans and chimpanzees have higher gene family evolution rates, followed by the remaining primates

(except for marmosets), and then by the remaining species.


    Here, the genfamily command simulates the datasets (in the example above, we are

asking for 100 simulations with -t 100). It estimates λ from the observed data to

simulate gene families. Then the likelihoods of the two competing models are calculated

with the lhtest function, which takes the multi-λ tree structure, and the estimated λ

value using the global-λ model.

This command will take a long time for 100 simulations, so go ahead and have a look

at the output file that we provide (reports/lhtest_result.txt). We can further parse

the result of these commands, and plot the null distribution with:

$ cut -f 2,4 reports/lhtest_result.txt > run4_lk_diffs.txt

$ Rscript other/lhtest.R reports/run4_lk_diffs.txt -162576.606204 -149055.330013

    The numbers −162576.606204 and −149055.330013 are the log-likelihoods of the

global-λ and multi-λ models from reports/log_run1.txt and reports/log_run3.txt,

respectively (the negative log-likelihoods are given in these two files). Running the

command above creates a histogram with the null distribution from the simulations


Note that the observed likelihood ratio (2 × (lnLglobal − lnLmulti )) would fall on the

far left tail of the null distribution, yielding a very small p-value, and meaning that the

the probability of a multi-λ model fitting better than a global-λ model by chance is very


3.4 Estimating an error model to account for genome assembly error

    Errors in the assembly of a genome (and its annotation) can cause the observed number

of gene copies in gene families to deviate from the true ones, possibly leading to

a downstream overestimation of λ. In order to account for assembly errors, CAFE can

estimate the error distribution of a dataset without any external

data, which can then be used in λ analyses. To estimate the error distribution,

add the -e parameter:

$ cafexp -i filtered_cafe_input.txt -t mammals_tree.txt -e

# In the results directory, you should find the file Base_error_model.txt. The file

looks something like this:

maxcnt: 140

cntdiff: -1 0 1

0 0 0.953105 0.0468951

1 0.0468951 0.90621 0.0468951

This simply indicates that the error model has been calculated to be approximately 0.047. The value that CAFE calculated as epsilon is assumed to be equally likely to cause a smaller or larger family size than observed. With this file in hand, you can now estimate λ values once again. Let us estimate three different λ values, now with an error model. Pass the new error model as a parameter to the -e parameter:

$ cp results/Base_error_model.txt error_model_047.txt

$ cafexp -i filtered_cafe_input.txt -t mammals_tree.txt -y separate_lambdas.txt -eerror_model_047.txt

    After CAFE finishes running, you can check the three λ estimates using the specified

error model (results/Base_results.txt): 0.0096455011174017, 0.0023855337206497, and

0.00066023323972255. As you can see, the three values are lower than when no error model

was employed. This is accordance with the fact that error in genome assembly and gene

annotation should artefactually inflate the rate of gene family evolution, and therefore

controlling for it should lead to smaller estimates of λ. Nevertheless, the estimate of λ for

human, chimpanzee, and their ancestor is still larger than the other two λs – and so the

acceleration of gene family evolution in these species is still a result despite correction

for error.

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