「SQL面试题库」 No_122 Fix Product Name Format


「SQL面试题库」是由 不是西红柿 发起,全员免费参与的SQL学习活动。我每天发布1道SQL面试真题,从简单到困难,涵盖所有SQL知识点,我敢保证只要做完这100道题,不仅能轻松搞定面试,代码能力和工作效率也会有明显提升。

1.1 活动流程

  1. 整理题目:西红柿每天无论刮风下雨,保证在8am 前,更新一道新鲜SQL面试真题。
  2. 粉丝打卡:粉丝们可在评论区写上解题思路,或者直接完成SQL代码,有困难的小伙伴不要着急,先看别人是怎么解题的,边看边学,不懂就问我。
  3. 交流讨论:为了方便交流讨论,可进入 数据仓库
  4. 活动奖励:我每天都会看评论区和群里的内容,对于积极学习和热心解答问题的小伙伴,红包鼓励,以营造更好的学习氛围。

1.2 你的收获

  1. 增强自信,搞定面试:在求职中,SQL是经常遇到的技能点,而这些题目也多数是真实的面试题,刷题可以让我们更好地备战面试,增强自信,提升自己的核心竞争力。

  2. 巩固SQL语法,高效搞定工作:通过不断练习,能够熟悉SQL的语法和常用函数,掌握SQL核心知识点,提高SQL编写能力。代码能力提升了,工作效率自然高了。

  3. 提高数据处理能力、锻炼思维能力:SQL是数据处理的核心工具,通过刷题可以让我们更好地理解数据处理的过程,提高数据分析的效率。SQL题目的难度不一,需要在一定时间内解决问题,培养了我们对问题的思考能力、解决问题的能力和对时间的把控能力等。


题目介绍: Fix Product Name Format fix-product-name-format





| Column Name  | Type    |
| sale_id      | int     |
| product_name | varchar |
| sale_date    | date    |
sale_id is the primary key for this table.
Each row of this table contains the product name and the date it was sold.

Since table Sales was filled manually in the year 2000,

may contain leading and/or trailing white spaces, also they are case-insensitive.

Write an SQL query to report

  • product_name
    in lowercase without leading or trailing white spaces.
  • sale_date
    in the format
  • total
    the number of times the product was sold in this month.

Return the result table ordered by

in ascending order, in case of a tie order it by
in ascending order.

The query result format is in the following example.

``` Sales +------------+------------------+--------------+ | sale_id | product_name | sale_date | +------------+------------------+--------------+ | 1 | LCPHONE | 2000-01-16 | | 2 | LCPhone | 2000-01-17 | | 3 | LcPhOnE | 2000-02-18 | | 4 | LCKeyCHAiN | 2000-02-19 | | 5 | LCKeyChain | 2000-02-28 | | 6 | Matryoshka | 2000-03-31 | +------------+------------------+--------------+

Result table: +--------------+--------------+----------+ | product_name | sale_date | total | +--------------+--------------+----------+ | lcphone | 2000-01 | 2 | | lckeychain | 2000-02 | 2 | | lcphone | 2000-02 | 1 | | matryoshka | 2000-03 | 1 | +--------------+--------------+----------+

In January, 2 LcPhones were sold, please note that the product names are not case sensitive and may contain spaces. In Februery, 2 LCKeychains and 1 LCPhone were sold. In March, 1 matryoshka was sold. ```

select trim(lower(product_name)) as product_name, 
        date_format(sale_date,'%Y-%m') as sale_date,
        count(*) as total 
from Sales 
group by trim(lower(product_name)), date_format(sale_date,'%Y-%m') 
order by product_name asc, sale_date asc


  • 已经有灵感了?在评论区写下你的思路吧!
