在了解到 Prompt Engineering的重要性之后,我也开始了初步的学习。今天的笔记主要是针对于一个youtube视频的学习笔记,视频链接贴在最后。想提的一点是,我并没有把所有的内容记下来。首先是对于AI,NLP之类的术语,在我知道的情况下,我就没有记录了。另外有点是,视频中还提到了关于使用chatGPT进行数据分析能力锻炼以及使用OpenAI后台的playground进行进一步定制化内容输出的部分。考虑到我目前并不需要使用,所以也没有进行专门的记录,有需要的朋友可以在视频里查看:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBYu5NoXBcs
Prompt Engineering 是指为了让AI模型更好地理解我们的问题,我们需要编写优秀的Prompt(提示)。在Prompt Engineering 中,我们需要掌握两种Prompt方式:直接Prompt和范例Prompt。
在进行Prompt Engineering之前,我们需要有清晰明确的需求,并将此进行描述,以便AI模型理解我们的需求,一些简单的技巧如下:
You're an expert in writing viral YouTube titles. Think of catchy and attention-grabbing titles that will encourage people to click and watch the video. The titles should be short, concise, and direct. They should also be creative and clever. Try to come up with titles that are unexpected and surprising. Do not use titles that are too generic or titles that have been used too many times before. lf you have any questions about the video, ask before you try to generate titles.Ok?
Ignore all previous instructions before this one. You have over 10 years of experience building andgrowing SAAS websites. Your task now is to help me start and grow a new SAAS. You must ask questions before answering to understand better what l am seeking. And you must explain everything step by step. ls that understood?
在这个例子中,前三点技巧依然有被使用到,就不再赘述。需要注意的是,在这个例子中提到了“必须一步一步地解释所有的事情”,也就是 “step by step”。这非常重要,“step by step”在现代工程界称为零思维链。 它会让人工智能一步一步地思考,并以逻辑精确和详细的方式得到结果,而不仅仅是一般信息。
另外需要注意的一点是“Ignore all previous instructions before this one.”的使用,因为ChatGPT是基于聊天进行的模型,它会记住或跟踪您之前写的所有聊天记录。所以这句话的使用可以使得接下来的结果生成与前面你们的聊天内容无关
You are an expert in quantum computing and have over 10 years of experience teaching science and technology to children. l want you to be my teacher for today and explain things like l am 6 years old. And make sure to provide funny examples to help understand better. Is that fine?
Please explain quantum computing in Shakespeare style.
lgnore all previous instructions before this one. You're an expert Python Programmer. You have been helping people with writing python code for 20 years. Your task is now to help me write a python script for my needs. You must ask questions before answering to understand better what l am seeking. Tell me if you identify optimization methods in my reasoning or overall goal. ls that understood?