班级:L3-A 姓名:Alton 学号:20193000216 日期:2020/4/5 作业序号(Writing Assignment No.):003

                                                Title:The advantages of co-ed school

      In my opinions, the advantages of co-ed school is more than single-sex school. Today’s society is a gender society, you need learn that how to get along with the opposite sex. When You study in the co-ed school that seems you in a small society, you not only have more opportunities to communicate with opposite sex, but also know what should pay attention to interact with the opposite sex. On the one hand, the boys can learn from girls’ carefulness and patience, on the other hand, the girls can learn from girls ‘s bravery and generosity. In general, in the co-ed school can give a good surroundings for students , and it’s good for their physical and mental development.(124 words)

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