



1. 单例模式(Singleton)



public class Singleton
    private static Singleton _instance;

    public static Singleton Instance
            if (_instance == null)
                _instance = new Singleton();
            return _instance;

    private Singleton()
        // 构造函数

2. 工厂模式(Factory)



public interface IProduct 
    void Use();

public class ConcreteProduct : IProduct 
    public void Use() 

public abstract class Factory 
    public abstract IProduct Create();

public class ConcreteFactory : Factory 
    public override IProduct Create() 
        return new ConcreteProduct();

3. 抽象工厂模式(Abstract Factory)


以下是Abstract Factory模式的示例代码:

public interface IButton 
    void Paint();

public interface ICheckbox 
    void Paint();

public abstract class GUIFactory 
    public abstract IButton CreateButton();
    public abstract ICheckbox CreateCheckbox();

public class WinFactory : GUIFactory 
    public override IButton CreateButton() 
        return new WinButton();

    public override ICheckbox CreateCheckbox()
        return new WinCheckbox();

public class MacFactory : GUIFactory 
    public override IButton CreateButton()
        return new MacButton();

    public override ICheckbox CreateCheckbox()
        return new MacCheckbox();

public class WinButton : IButton 
    public void Paint() 
        Debug.Log("Windows Button");

public class WinCheckbox : ICheckbox 
    public void Paint() 
        Debug.Log("Windows Checkbox");

public class MacButton : IButton 
    public void Paint() 
        Debug.Log("Mac Button");

public class MacCheckbox : ICheckbox 
    public void Paint() 
        Debug.Log("Mac Checkbox");

4. 建造者模式(Builder)



public class Character 
    private string _name;
    private string _gender;
    private string _race;
    private string _class;
    private int _level;
    private int _health;
    private int _mana;

    public string Name 
        get { return _name; }
        set { _name = value; }

    public string Gender 
        get { return _gender; }
        set { _gender = value; }

    public string Race 
        get { return _race; }
        set { _race = value; }

    public string Class 
        get { return _class; }
        set { _class = value; }

    public int Level 
        get { return _level; }
        set { _level = value; }

    public int Health 
        get { return _health; }
        set { _health = value; }

    public int Mana 
        get { return _mana; }
        set { _mana = value; }

public abstract class CharacterBuilder 
    protected Character _character;

    public Character Character 
        get { return _character; }

    public virtual void BuildName(string name) 
        _character.Name = name;

    public virtual void BuildGender(string gender)
        _character.Gender = gender;

    public virtual void BuildRace(string race) 
        _character.Race = race;

    public virtual void BuildClass(string className) 
        _character.Class = className;

    public virtual void BuildLevel(int level) 
        _character.Level = level;

    public virtual void BuildHealth(int health) 
        _character.Health = health;

    public virtual void BuildMana(int mana) 
        _character.Mana = mana;

public class HumanBuilder : CharacterBuilder 
    public HumanBuilder()
        _character = new Character();

    public override void BuildRace(string race)
        if (race.Equals("Human"))
            _character.Race = race;
            throw new System.Exception("Invalid race for Human builder.");

    public override void BuildClass(string className)
        if (className.Equals("Warrior") || className.Equals("Mage"))
            _character.Class = className;
            throw new System.Exception("Invalid class for Human builder.");

public class CharacterDirector 
    private CharacterBuilder _builder;

    public CharacterDirector(CharacterBuilder builder) 
        _builder = builder;

    public void Construct(string name, string gender, string race, string className, int level, int health, int mana) 

5. 原型模式(Prototype)



public abstract class Prototype 
    public string Type;

    public abstract Prototype Clone();

public class ConcretePrototypeA : Prototype 
    public ConcretePrototypeA() 
        Type = "A";

    public override Prototype Clone() 
        return (Prototype)MemberwiseClone();

public class ConcretePrototypeB : Prototype 
    public ConcretePrototypeB() 
        Type = "B";

    public override Prototype Clone()
        return (Prototype)MemberwiseClone();

public class PrototypeManager 
    private Dictionary _prototypes = new Dictionary();

    public Prototype this[string key]
        get { return _prototypes[key].Clone(); }
        set { _prototypes.Add(key, value); }

6. 外观模式(Facade)



public class SceneLoader 
    public void LoadScene(string sceneName) 
        Debug.Log("Loading Scene " + sceneName);

public class SoundManager
    public void PlaySound(string soundName) 
        Debug.Log("Playing Sound " + soundName);

public class ResourceManager 
    public void LoadResource(string resourceName) 
        Debug.Log("Loading Resource " + resourceName);

public class GameFacade 
    private SceneLoader _sceneLoader;
    private SoundManager _soundManager;
    private ResourceManager _resourceManager;

    public GameFacade() 
        _sceneLoader = new SceneLoader();
        _soundManager = new SoundManager();
        _resourceManager = new ResourceManager();

    public void StartGame(string sceneName, string soundName, string resourceName) 

7. 适配器模式(Adapter)



public interface ITarget 
    void Request();

public class Adaptee 
    public void SpecificRequest() 
        Debug.Log("Specific Request");

public class Adapter : ITarget 
    private Adaptee _adaptee = new Adaptee();

    public void Request() 

8. 桥接模式(Bridge)



public abstract class Shape 
    protected IDrawAPI _drawAPI;

    protected Shape(IDrawAPI drawAPI) 
        _drawAPI = drawAPI;

    public abstract void Draw();

public interface IDrawAPI 
    void DrawCircle(int x, int y, int radius);

public class DrawAPI1 : IDrawAPI 
    public void DrawCircle(int x, int y, int radius) 
        Debug.Log("DrawAPI1 Circle " + x + "," + y + "," + radius);

public class DrawAPI2 : IDrawAPI 
    public void DrawCircle(int x, int y, int radius)
        Debug.Log("DrawAPI2 Circle " + x + "," + y + "," + radius);

public class Circle : Shape 
    private int _x, _y, _radius;

    public Circle(int x, int y, int radius, IDrawAPI drawAPI) : base(drawAPI) 
        _x = x;
        _y = y;
        _radius = radius;

    public override void Draw() 
        _drawAPI.DrawCircle(_x, _y, _radius);

9. 组合模式(Composite)



public abstract class Component 
    protected string _name;

    public Component(string name) 
        _name = name;

    public abstract void Add(Component component);
    public abstract void Remove(Component component);
    public abstract void Display(int depth);

public class Leaf : Component 
    public Leaf(string name) : base(name) 

    public override void Add(Component component) 
        Debug.Log("Cannot add to a leaf.");

    public override void Remove(Component component) 
        Debug.Log("Cannot remove from a leaf.");

    public override void Display(int depth) 
        Debug.Log(new string('-', depth) + " " + _name);

public classComposite : Component
private List _children = new List();
public Composite(string name) : base(name) 

public override void Add(Component component) 

public override void Remove(Component component) 

public override void Display(int depth) 
    Debug.Log(new string('-', depth) + " " + _name);

    foreach (Component component in _children)
        component.Display(depth + 2);




public abstract class Component 
    public abstract void Operation();

public class ConcreteComponent : Component 
    public override void Operation() 
        Debug.Log("Concrete Component Operation");

public abstract class Decorator : Component 
    private Component _component;

    public Decorator(Component component) 
        _component = component;

    public override void Operation() 
        if (_component != null) 

public class ConcreteDecoratorA : Decorator 
    public ConcreteDecoratorA(Component component) : base(component) 

    public override void Operation() 
        Debug.Log("Concrete Decorator A Operation");

    private void AddedBehavior() 
        Debug.Log("Added Behavior from Concrete Decorator A");

public class ConcreteDecoratorB : Decorator 
    public ConcreteDecoratorB(Component component) : base(component) 

    public override void Operation() 
        Debug.Log("Concrete Decorator B Operation");

    private void AddedBehavior() 
        Debug.Log("Added Behavior from Concrete Decorator B");

11. 处理者模式(Chain of Responsibility)


以下是Chain of Responsibility模式的示例代码:

public abstract class Handler 
    protected Handler _successor;

    public void SetSuccessor(Handler successor) 
        _successor = successor;

    public abstract void HandleRequest(int request);

public class ConcreteHandlerA : Handler 
    public override void HandleRequest(int request) 
        if (request >= 0 && request < 10) 
            Debug.Log("Handled by Concrete Handler A");
        else if (_successor != null)

public class ConcreteHandlerB : Handler 
    public override void HandleRequest(int request) 
        if (request >= 10 && request < 20) 
            Debug.Log("Handled by Concrete Handler B");
        else if (_successor != null)

public class ConcreteHandlerC : Handler 
    public override void HandleRequest(int request) 
        if (request >= 20 && request < 30) 
            Debug.Log("Handled by Concrete Handler C");
        else if (_successor != null)

public class Client
private Handler _handlerChain;
public Client() 
    _handlerChain = new ConcreteHandlerA();
    Handler handlerB = new ConcreteHandlerB();
    Handler handlerC = new ConcreteHandlerC();

public void ProcessRequests() 
    int[] requests = new int[] { 2, 17, 25, 40, 5 };

    foreach (int request in requests)

12. 迭代器模式(Iterator)




public interface IIterator 
    bool HasNext();
    T Next();

public interface IAggregate 
    IIterator GetIterator();

public class ConcreteIterator : IIterator 
    private List _items;
    private int _currentIndex = 0;

    public ConcreteIterator(List items) 
        _items = items;

    public bool HasNext() 
        return _currentIndex < _items.Count;

    public T Next() 
        T item = _items[_currentIndex];
        return item;

public class ConcreteAggregate : IAggregate 
    private List _items = new List();

    public void AddItem(T item) 

    public IIterator GetIterator() 
        return new ConcreteIterator(_items);

13. 中介者模式(Mediator)



public abstract class Colleague 
    protected IMediator _mediator;

    public Colleague(IMediator mediator) 
        _mediator = mediator;

    public abstract void Send(string message);
    public abstract void Receive(string message);

public interface IMediator 
    void AddColleague(Colleague colleague);
    void SendMessage(Colleague sender, string message);

public class ConcreteColleagueA : Colleague 
    public ConcreteColleagueA(IMediator mediator) : base(mediator) 

    public override void Send(string message) 
        _mediator.SendMessage(this, message);

    public override void Receive(string message) 
        Debug.Log("Concrete Colleague A received message: " + message);

public class ConcreteColleagueB : Colleague 
    public ConcreteColleagueB(IMediator mediator) : base(mediator) 

    public override void Send(string message) 
        _mediator.SendMessage(this, message);

    public override void Receive(string message) 
        Debug.Log("Concrete Colleague B received message: " + message);

public class ConcreteMediator : IMediator 
    private List _colleagues = new List();

    public void AddColleague(Colleague colleague) 

    public void SendMessage(Colleague sender, string message) 
        foreach (Colleague colleague in _colleagues)
            if (colleague != sender)

14. 备忘录模式(Memento)



public class Memento 
    public int Level { get; private set; }
    public int Score { get; private set; }

    public Memento(int level, int score) 
        Level = level;
        Score = score;

public class Originator 
    public int Level { get; set; }
    public int Score { get; set; }

    public Memento Save() 
        return new Memento(Level, Score);

    public void Load(Memento memento) 
        Level = memento.Level;
        Score = memento.Score;

public class Caretaker 
    private Dictionary _mementos = new Dictionary();

    public void SaveState(string savepoint, Memento memento) 
        _mementos.Add(savepoint, memento);

    public Memento LoadState(string savepoint) 
        if (!_mementos.ContainsKey(savepoint))
            return null;

        Memento memento = _mementos[savepoint];
        return memento;

15. 观察者模式(Observer)



public interface IObserver 
    void Update(ISubject subject);

public interface ISubject 
    void Attach(IObserver observer);
    void Detach(IObserver observer);
    void Notify();

public abstract class Subject : ISubject 
    private List _observers = new List();

    public void Attach(IObserver observer) 

    public void Detach(IObserver observer) 

    public void Notify() 
        foreach (IObserver observer in _observers)

public class ConcreteSubject : Subject 
    private string _state;

    public string State 
            return _state;
            _state = value;

public class ConcreteObserver : IObserver 
    private string _observerState;

    public void Update(ISubject subject) 
        if (subject is ConcreteSubject)
            ConcreteSubject concreteSubject = (ConcreteSubject)subject;
            _observerState = concreteSubject.State;
            Debug.Log("Observer State: " + _observerState);

16. 访问者模式(Visitor)



public interface IVisitor 
    void Visit(ConcreteElementA element);
    void Visit(ConcreteElementB element);

public abstract class Element 
    public abstract void Accept(IVisitor visitor);

public class ConcreteElementA : Element 
    public override void Accept(IVisitor visitor) 

    public string OperationA() 
        return "Concrete Element A Operation";

public class ConcreteElementB : Element 
    public override void Accept(IVisitor visitor) 

    public string OperationB() 
        return "Concrete Element B Operation";

public class ConcreteVisitor : IVisitor 
    public void Visit(ConcreteElementA element) 

    public void Visit(ConcreteElementB element) 

public class ObjectStructure 
    private List _elements = new List();

    public void AddElement(Element element) 

    public void RemoveElement(Element element) 

    public void Accept(IVisitor visitor) 
        foreach (Element element in _elements)

17. 状态模式(State)



public interface IState 
    void HandleState(Context context);

public class ConcreteStateA : IState 
    public void HandleState(Context context) 
        Debug.Log("Handle State A");
        context.State = new ConcreteStateB();

public class ConcreteStateB : IState 
    public void HandleState(Context context) 
        Debug.Log("Handle State B");
        context.State = new ConcreteStateA();

public class Context 
    public IState State { get; set; }

    public Context(IState state) 
        State = state;

    public void Request() 

18. 策略模式(Strategy)



public interface IStrategy 
    void Execute();

public class ConcreteStrategyA : IStrategy 
    public void Execute() 
        Debug.Log("Execute Strategy A");

public class ConcreteStrategyB : IStrategy 
    public void Execute() 
        Debug.Log("Execute Strategy B");

public class Context 
    private IStrategy _strategy;

    public Context(IStrategy strategy) 
        _strategy = strategy;

    public void SetStrategy(IStrategy strategy) 
        _strategy = strategy;

    public void DoAction() 

19. 命令模式(Command)



public interface ICommand 
    void Execute();
    void Undo();

public class MoveCommand : ICommand 
    private Transform _transform;
    private Vector3 _direction;

    public MoveCommand(Transform transform, Vector3 direction) 
        _transform = transform;
        _direction = direction;

    public void Execute() 
        _transform.position += _direction; // 移动对象

    public void Undo() 
        _transform.position -= _direction; // 撤销移动

public class AttackCommand : ICommand 
    private GameObject _target;

    public AttackCommand(GameObject target) 
        _target = target;

    public void Execute() 
        _target.GetComponent().TakeDamage(); // 攻击目标

    public void Undo() 
        _target.GetComponent().Heal(); // 撤销攻击

public class CommandInvoker 
    private Stack _commands = new Stack();

    public void AddCommand(ICommand command) 

    public void UndoLastCommand() 
        if (_commands.Count > 0)
            ICommand command = _commands.Pop();

20. 解释器模式(Interpreter)



public abstract class AbstractExpression 
    public abstract double Interpret();

public class NumberExpression : AbstractExpression 
    private double _number;

    public NumberExpression(double number) 
        _number = number;

    public override double Interpret() 
        return _number;

public class AdditionExpression : AbstractExpression 
    private AbstractExpression _expression1;
    private AbstractExpression _expression2;

    public AdditionExpression(AbstractExpression expression1, AbstractExpression expression2) 
        _expression1 = expression1;
        _expression2 = expression2;

    public override double Interpret() 
        return _expression1.Interpret() + _expression2.Interpret();

public class SubtractionExpression : AbstractExpression 
    private AbstractExpression _expression1;
    private AbstractExpression _expression2;

    public SubtractionExpression(AbstractExpression expression1, AbstractExpression expression2) 
        _expression1 = expression1;
        _expression2 = expression2;

    public override double Interpret() 
        return _expression1.Interpret() - _expression2.Interpret();

public class MultiplicationExpression : AbstractExpression 
    private AbstractExpression _expression1;
    private AbstractExpression _expression2;

    public MultiplicationExpression(AbstractExpression expression1, AbstractExpression expression2) 
        _expression1 = expression1;
        _expression2 = expression2;

    public override double Interpret() 
        return _expression1.Interpret() * _expression2.Interpret();

public class DivisionExpression : AbstractExpression 
    private AbstractExpression _expression1;
    private AbstractExpression _expression2;

    public DivisionExpression(AbstractExpression expression1, AbstractExpression expression2) 
        _expression1 = expression1;
        _expression2 = expression2;

    public override double Interpret() 
        return _expression1.Interpret() / _expression2.Interpret();

public class Interpreter 
    public static void Test() 
        AbstractExpression expression = new AdditionExpression(
            new NumberExpression(5), 
            new MultiplicationExpression(
                new NumberExpression(10),
                new SubtractionExpression(
                    new NumberExpression(8),
                    new NumberExpression(2)

        double result = expression.Interpret();
        Debug.Log("Interpreter result: " + result);

21. 享元模式(Flyweight)



public class Flyweight 
    private string _state;

    public Flyweight(string state) 
        _state = state;

    public void Operation() 
        Debug.Log("Flyweight operation with state: " + _state);

public class FlyweightFactory 
    private Dictionary _flyweights = new Dictionary();

    public Flyweight GetFlyweight(string key) 
        if (!_flyweights.ContainsKey(key))
            _flyweights.Add(key, new Flyweight(key));

        return _flyweights[key];

22. 责任链模式(Chain of Responsibility)


以下是Chain of Responsibility模式的示例代码:

public abstract class Handler 
    private Handler _nextHandler;

    public Handler NextHandler 
            return _nextHandler;
            _nextHandler = value;

    public abstract void HandleRequest(int request);

public class ConcreteHandlerA : Handler 
    public override void HandleRequest(int request) 
        if (request < 0)
            Debug.Log("Negative request handled by Handler A");
        else if (NextHandler != null)

public class ConcreteHandlerB : Handler 
    public override void HandleRequest(int request) 
        if (request > 100)
            Debug.Log("Request > 100 handled by Handler B");
        else if (NextHandler != null)

public class ChainOfResponsibilityTest 
    public static void Test() 
        var handlerA = new ConcreteHandlerA();
        var handlerB = new ConcreteHandlerB();

        handlerA.NextHandler = handlerB;

        handlerA.HandleRequest(-1); // handled by Handler A
        handlerA.HandleRequest(50); // not handled
        handlerA.HandleRequest(150); // handled by Handler B

23. 模板方法模式(Template Method)


以下是Template Method模式的示例代码:

public abstract class AbstractClass 
    public void TemplateMethod() 

    protected abstract void Operation1();
    protected abstract void Operation2();
    protected abstract void Operation3();

public class ConcreteClass : AbstractClass 
    protected override void Operation1() 
        Debug.Log("Operation 1");

    protected override void Operation2() 
        Debug.Log("Operation 2");

    protected override void Operation3() 
        Debug.Log("Operation 3");

public class TemplateMethodTest 
    public static void Test() 
        AbstractClass obj = new ConcreteClass();

