Set up the compilation environment for ESP8266-RTOS-SDK using Git on Windows

Software to be installed:

  1. Git Bash
  2. Python Environment,ESP8266 Master require Python v3 environment. Please check “add to PATH” while installing
  • Open Git Bash,Enter a local disk,create an empty folder, enter the folder you just created
    Set up the compilation environment for ESP8266-RTOS-SDK using Git on Windows_第1张图片
cd D:

mkdir ESP8266

cd ESP8266
  • Enter ESP8266 directory and clone ESP8266_RTOS_SDK ,For more recourses: Espressif Systems。
git clone -b v3.4
  • Go to the ESP8266_RTOS_SDK directory,running the folling command to clone the submodule repository:


git submoudule update --int --recursive

git pull
  • Configure environment variables for ESP8266_RTOS_SDK
export IDF_PATH=$(pwd)
  • Execute the required toolchain

. ./
  • Now you can test the example routines, for example:
cd examples/get-started/hello_world build -p COM31  flash monitor

  • If you need to modify the code of “ESP8266_RTOS_SDK” for further development, you can set up the environment by installing “Visual Studio Code” IDE. Then, open ESP8266_RTOS_SDK for code editing within the “Visual Studio Code” environment:

Set up the compilation environment for ESP8266-RTOS-SDK using Git on Windows_第2张图片

  • Alternatively, in the “Git Bash” terminal, run the command “‘code .’” to open the currently compiled ESP8266_RTOS_SDK directly in “Visual Studio Code”.

Set up the compilation environment for ESP8266-RTOS-SDK using Git on Windows_第3张图片
Set up the compilation environment for ESP8266-RTOS-SDK using Git on Windows_第4张图片
Set up the compilation environment for ESP8266-RTOS-SDK using Git on Windows_第5张图片

For more guide:

  • ESP8266_RTOS_SDK (IDF Style) Programming Guide

  • Windows上 ESP8266 环境搭建【教程】
