BGP(Border Gateway Protocol)边界网关协议


BGP,即边界网关协议(Border Gateway Protocol),是一个用于自治系统(Autonomous Systems, AS)之间路由和可达性信息交换的协议。其主要思想是通过网络节点之间的互联,实现网络路由的优化和控制,使得数据能够通过正确的路径从一点传输到另一点。





在Kubernetes(K8s)设计中,BGP也有其重要作用。为了在集群之间正确路由流量,很多Kubernetes的网络插件策略采用了BGP。举个例子,像 Calico、BGP、Cilium 都实现了 BGP 协议。









BGP Peering:

BGP Peering是指两个BGP运行设备(或称为"对等体")之间的连接。在这种情况下,两个设备会交换路由信息,对方会知道如何找到彼此。这种做法使得在Internet服务提供商(ISP)或者大型网络环境(例如云计算数据中心)中数据的传输更加高效。通过BGP Peering,可以建立复杂的,分层的网络,因为每个设备知道如何通过最有效的路径找到其它设备。


尽管扁平网络和BGP Peering可能看起来是互斥的(因为扁平网络是没有路由层次的,而BGP Peering正是通过建立路由层次来优化网络传输),但它们实际上可以一起使用。例如,在一个使用了扁平网络结构的数据中心,我们可能会使用BGP Peering来管理网络中的数据流,以优化特定类型的通信(例如,南-北流量)。在Kubernetes中,计算节点之间的网络连接可以是扁平的,而BGP Peering可以用于建立Pod之间的路由信息,使得数据在Pod之间更有效的传输。


Project Calico 是一个开源项目,它为虚拟和物理网络提供了一个基于规则的网络和跨主机网络建筑方案。这种基于规则的网络允许网络定义更加详细,准确和精细。此外,Calico 还提供了各种网络接入模式,由纯三层网络模式到主机网络(Overlay)模式模型。

在 Kubernetes 中,Calico 可以提供如下几项功能:

  • 网络策略:Calico 通过基于标签的政策定义,对 Pod 网络通信进行细粒度控制,这样就能够让开发者具有强大的网络隔离和安全性能。

  • 网络路由:Calico 通过 BGP 协议,实现集群内部 Pod 网络的互通,同时通过与外部物理网络的 BGP Peering,实现了 Pod 网络对外的路由发布。这就能在无需额外的负载均衡设备的情况下,从外部访问 Pod。

  • 网络性能:由于 Calico 使用纯三层网络,而不是常见的 Overlay 网络,它的网络性能损失非常小,能够有效地提升应用的性能。

使用 Calico 的步骤:

具体应用到 Kubernetes 中,部署 Calico的步骤如下:

  • 首先,你需要在每个 Kubernetes 机器上安装 Calico Node 组件。这个组件包含了一些核心网络和网络策略处理的依赖。

  • 接着,你需要创建相关的 Default 网络策略,并将 Calico 设置为 Kubernetes 的网络插件。

  • 最后,你可以定义你自己的网络策略,来对微服务进行精细化控制。







One more thing

In the strikingly vivid metropolis nested within cyber-realm, the ever-evolving landscape of network nodes, which people fondly referred to as “The Cyberspace”, thrived alive. The foundations of this intricate world rested on a universal language – BGP, or Border Gateway Protocol. BGP was the key, the secret whisper between nodes, enabling the sprawling expanse of the Cyberspace to function like a well-oiled machine.

Our protagonist, a gifted, young hacker named Ray, had one objective - to traverse the countless interconnected pathways of the Cyberspace, seeking an ancient code buried deep within its intricate labyrinth. No one had ever dared to venture this far, let alone hoped to return unscathed, as the farther you ventured, the greater the risks posed by the perilous data storms and malicious cyberspace predators.

Despite the dangers, Ray remained undeterred. Armed with an unprecedented understanding of BGP, he navigated through the vast network. Each node was a city, a planet, a unique world on its own; each served as a pathway to the next destination. BGP was Ray’s compass, using its complex routing algorithms to guide him, avoiding congested pathways and finding the quickest routes through the interconnected maze.

As he journeyed deeper, Ray witnessed the powerful role of BGP - enabling communication, propagating routes, instilling order amidst potential chaos. He also realized how precariously balanced everything was; a single misrepresented route or a rogue node could cripple the entire system, a genuine testimony to the power resting at every node’s fingertips.

Eventually, after what felt like a digital eternity, Ray stumbled upon the ancient code embedded in the primal node. He had finally found the origin, the Genesis, of the Cyberspace. This was untapped information, inscribed in the very blueprint of this digital universe, encrypted with the original BGP.

Ray realized the monumental significance of his discovery, understanding now why this code was guarded so fiercely. The BGP was more than a mere navigation tool - it was the gospel of Cyberspace and the ultimate manifestation of power within it. It wasn’t merely shaping the architecture; it was the architecture.

With the code in his possession, Ray had two choices - use it for personal gain, potentially to dictate the networking world, or protect BGP’s sanctity, preserving the natural order of Cyberspace.

As Ray navigated homewards, he found himself pondering not the exhilaration of his journey, but the gravity of the decision awaiting him. His final verdict would have profound implications, shaping the destiny of the interconnected universe he had grown to revere.

So, our tale fades at the cusp of Ray’s decision, leaving a lingering question - in this world imbued with the power of BGP, what would you have done?
