

BTY-DNS已开放注册。BTY DNS去中心化系统,创建您在DeSoc的.yuan ID!

参与BTY-DNS公测的用户将获得 yuan id-Y NFT 并解锁 “yuan-id-y”频道 BTY Discord的 ,该频道有很多独特的活动。



使用 BTY 支付 DNS 费用



完成NFT的认领,前往BTY Discord社群#collabland-join#频道,验证通过获取.yuan id-Y NFT角色,进入#yuan-id-y #频道


  1. 将获得4位数、5位数以上等域名的优先注册权;
  2. 进入到Discord的#yuan-id-y #频道,参与群抽奖,抽奖内容:
  • 7月5日、7月12日、7月19日、7月26日、8月3日进行群抽奖,每次抽出10名幸运儿,以高于首年注册价一倍的金额进行奖励,每名幸运儿一次奖励机会;
  • 7月6日、7月13日、7月20日、7月27日、8月4日进行群抽奖,每次抽出20名DNS-OG用户,获取到DNS-OG专属权益。
  • 获得DNS-OG角色的用户,可进入到DNS-OG频道,8月5日进行抽奖,抽10名幸运儿,每名奖励5U。
  1. 对于公测提交反馈建议的用户我们也将从中选出DNS-OG幸运儿。


BTY-DNS public beta activity

BTY-DNS is open for registration.BTY DNS-Decentralized Domain Name System, Create your YUAN ID in the DeSoc (Decentralized Society) !

Users participating in the BTY-DNS public test will get the yuan id-Y NFT and unlock “yuan-id-y” channel of BTY Discord, this channel has a lot of unique activities. BTY-DNS Official Website: BTY Trade at: Pay for DNS with BTY NFT trading platform is under development ✅Process: Complete the claim of NFT, go to the “collabland-join” channel of the BTY Discord community, verify that you have obtained the .yuan id-Y NFT role, and enter the “yuan-id-y”channel.

  1. Priority registration rights for domain names with 4-letter, 5-letter or more than 5-letter will be obtained.
  2. Enter the “yuan-id-y” channel of BTY Discord, and participate in the group lottery:
  • (1)Group lucky draws on July 5th, July 12th, July 19th, July 26th, and August 3rd, 10 lucky winners will be drawn each time, and will be rewarded with an amount higher than twice the registration price for the first year, one time reward opportunity for each person.
  • (2)Group lucky draws will be held on July 6th, July 13th, July 20th, July 27th, and August 4th, 20 DNS-OG role winners each time to obtain the exclusive rights of the DNS-OG role.
  • (3)Users who have obtained the DNS-OG role can enter the DNS-OG channel, and a lucky draw will be held on August 5th, 10 lucky winners, and each person will be rewarded with 5 USDT.
  1. For users who submit feedback and suggestions for the public test, we will also select BTY and DNS-OG lucky winners.

Join the event:  QuestN
