MK趋势检验+Kendalls taub等级相关+稳健回归(Sens slope estimator等)

MK趋势检验+Kendalls taub等级相关+稳健回归(Sens slope estimator等)_第1张图片

MK趋势检验+Kendalls taub等级相关+稳健回归(Sens slope estimator等)_第2张图片

python中的Mann-Kendall单调趋势检验--及原理说明_liucheng_zimozigreat的博客-CSDN博客_mann-kendall python


  • 当没有趋势时,随时间获得的数据是独立同分布的。独立的假设是说数据随着时间不是连续相关的。
  • 所获得的时间序列上的数据代表了采样时的真实条件。(样本具有代表性)
  • 样本的采集、处理和测量方法提供了总体样本中的无偏且具有代表性的观测值。





  1. 原始mann-kendall检验(原始_检验):原始mann-kendall检验是非参数检验,不考虑序列相关性或季节性影响。

  2. hamed和rao修正的mk检验(hamed和rao修正的mk检验):这个修正的mk检验由hamed和rao(1998)提出的解决序列自相关问题的方法。他们建议采用方差校正方法来改进趋势分析。用户可以通过在该函数中插入滞后数来考虑前n个显著滞后。默认情况下,它会考虑所有重要的延迟。

  3. Yue和Wang修正的MK检验(Yue-Wang_修正的检验):这也是Yue,S.,&Wang,C.Y.(2004)提出的考虑序列自相关的方差修正方法。用户还可以为计算设置所需的有效n滞后。

  4. 使用预白化方法的修正mk检验(预白化方法的修正):Yue和Wang(2002)建议在应用趋势检验之前使用预白化时间序列的检验。

  5. 使用无趋势预白化方法的修正mk试验(无趋势预白化试验):Yue和Wang(2002)也提出了在应用趋势试验之前去除趋势成分,然后对时间序列进行预白化的试验。

  6. 多变量mk检验(多变量检验):这是hirsch(1982)提出的多参数mk检验。他用这种方法进行季节性mk检验,把每个月作为一个参数。

  7. 季节性MK检验(季节性检验):对于季节性时间序列数据,Hirsch,R.M.,Slack,J.R.和Smith,R.A.(1982)提出了这个检验来计算季节性趋势。

  8. 区域mk检验(regional mk test):基于Hirsch(1982)提出的季节性mk检验,Helsel,D.R.和Frans,L.M.,(2006)建议采用区域mk检验来计算区域尺度的总体趋势。

  9. 相关多变量mk检验(相关多变量检验):hipel(1994)提出的参数相关的多变量mk检验。

  10. 相关季节性MK检验(相关季节性检验):当时间序列与前一个或多个月/季节显著相关时,使用Hipel(1994)提出的方法。

  11. 部分mk检验(部分_检验):在实际事件中,许多因素都会影响研究的主要响应参数,从而使趋势结果产生偏差。为了克服这个问题,libiseller(2002)提出了部分mk检验。它需要两个参数作为输入,一个是响应参数,另一个是独立参数。

  12. 泰尔-森斜率估计器(sen s-slope):泰尔(1950)和森(1968)提出的估计单调趋势幅度的方法。

  13. 季节sen斜率估计量(季节sen斜率):hipel(1994)提出的当数据具有季节性影响时估计单调趋势大小的方法。



  • x:向量(列表、numpy数组或pandas系列)数据
  • α:显著性水平(默认为0.05)
  • 滞后:第一个有效滞后数(仅在hamed_rao_modification_test和yue_wang_modification_test中可用)
  • 周期:季节性周期。月数据为12,周数据为52(仅在季节性测试中可用)


  • 趋势:显示趋势(增加、减少或无趋势)
  • h:真(如果趋势存在)或假(如果趋势不存在)
  • p:显著性检验的p值
  • z:标准化测试统计
  • :肯德尔陶
  • s:Mann Kendal的分数
  • 方差s:方差s
  • 斜率:sen的斜率


 Python pymannkendall包_程序模块 - PyPI - Python中文网

Created on 05 March 2018
Update on 26 July 2019
@author: Md. Manjurul Hussain Shourov
version: 1.1
Approach: Vectorisation
Citation: Hussain et al., (2019). pyMannKendall: a python package for non parametric Mann Kendall family of trend tests.. Journal of Open Source Software, 4(39), 1556,

from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import norm, rankdata
from collections import namedtuple

# Supporting Functions
# Data Preprocessing
def __preprocessing(x):
    x = np.asarray(x)
    dim = x.ndim
    if dim == 1:
        c = 1
    elif dim == 2:
        (n, c) = x.shape
        if c == 1:
            dim = 1
            x = x.flatten()
        print('Please check your dataset.')
    return x, c

# Missing Values Analysis
def __missing_values_analysis(x, method = 'skip'):
    if method.lower() == 'skip':
        if x.ndim == 1:
            x = x[~np.isnan(x)]
            x = x[~np.isnan(x).any(axis=1)]
    n = len(x)
    return x, n

# ACF Calculation
def __acf(x, nlags):
    y = x - x.mean()
    n = len(x)
    d = n * np.ones(2 * n - 1)
    acov = (np.correlate(y, y, 'full') / d)[n - 1:]
    return acov[:nlags+1]/acov[0]

# vectorization approach to calculate mk score, S
def __mk_score(x, n):
    s = 0

    demo = np.ones(n) 
    for k in range(n-1):
        s = s + np.sum(demo[k+1:n][x[k+1:n] > x[k]]) - np.sum(demo[k+1:n][x[k+1:n] < x[k]])
    return s

# original Mann-Kendal's variance S calculation
def __variance_s(x, n):
    # calculate the unique data
    unique_x = np.unique(x)
    g = len(unique_x)

    # calculate the var(s)
    if n == g:            # there is no tie
        var_s = (n*(n-1)*(2*n+5))/18
    else:                 # there are some ties in data
        tp = np.zeros(unique_x.shape)
        demo = np.ones(n)
        for i in range(g):
            tp[i] = np.sum(demo[x == unique_x[i]])
        var_s = (n*(n-1)*(2*n+5) - np.sum(tp*(tp-1)*(2*tp+5)))/18
    return var_s

# standardized test statistic Z
def __z_score(s, var_s):
    if s > 0:
        z = (s - 1)/np.sqrt(var_s)
    elif s == 0:
        z = 0
    elif s < 0:
        z = (s + 1)/np.sqrt(var_s)
    return z

# calculate the p_value
def __p_value(z, alpha):
    # two tail test
    p = 2*(1-norm.cdf(abs(z)))  
    h = abs(z) > norm.ppf(1-alpha/2)

    if (z < 0) and h:
        trend = 'decreasing'
    elif (z > 0) and h:
        trend = 'increasing'
        trend = 'no trend'
    return p, h, trend

def __R(x):
    n = len(x)
    R = []
    for j in range(n):
        i = np.arange(n)
        s = np.sum(np.sign(x[j] - x[i]))
        R.extend([(n + 1 + s)/2])
    return np.asarray(R)

def __K(x,z):
    n = len(x)
    K = 0
    for i in range(n-1):
        j = np.arange(i,n)
        K = K + np.sum(np.sign((x[j] - x[i]) * (z[j] - z[i])))
    return K

# Original Sens Estimator
def __sens_estimator(x):
    idx = 0
    n = len(x)
    d = np.ones(int(n*(n-1)/2))

    for i in range(n-1):
        j = np.arange(i+1,n)
        d[idx : idx + len(j)] = (x[j] - x[i]) / (j - i)
        idx = idx + len(j)
    return d

def sens_slope(x):
    This method proposed by Theil (1950) and Sen (1968) to estimate the magnitude of the monotonic trend.
        x:   a one dimensional vector (list, numpy array or pandas series) data
        slope: sen's slope
      >>> x = np.random.rand(120)
      >>> slope = sens_slope(x)
    x, c = __preprocessing(x)
    x, n = __missing_values_analysis(x, method = 'skip')
    return np.median(__sens_estimator(x))

def seasonal_sens_slope(x, period=12):
    This method proposed by Hipel (1994) to estimate the magnitude of the monotonic trend, when data has seasonal effects.
        x:   a vector (list, numpy array or pandas series) data
		period: seasonal cycle. For monthly data it is 12, weekly data it is 52 (12 is the default)
        slope: sen's slope
      >>> x = np.random.rand(120)
      >>> slope = seasonal_sens_slope(x, 12)
    x, c = __preprocessing(x)
    n = len(x)
    if x.ndim == 1:
        if np.mod(n,period) != 0:
            x = np.pad(x,(0,period - np.mod(n,period)), 'constant', constant_values=(np.nan,))

        x = x.reshape(int(len(x)/period),period)
    x, n = __missing_values_analysis(x, method = 'skip')
    d = []
    for i in range(period):
    return np.median(np.asarray(d))

def original_test(x, alpha = 0.05):
    This function checks the Mann-Kendall (MK) test (Mann 1945, Kendall 1975, Gilbert 1987).
        x: a vector (list, numpy array or pandas series) data
        alpha: significance level (0.05 default)
        trend: tells the trend (increasing, decreasing or no trend)
        h: True (if trend is present) or False (if trend is absence)
        p: p-value of the significance test
        z: normalized test statistics
        Tau: Kendall Tau
        s: Mann-Kendal's score
        var_s: Variance S
        slope: sen's slope
	  >>> import pymannkendall as mk
      >>> x = np.random.rand(1000)
      >>> trend,h,p,z,tau,s,var_s,slope = mk.original_test(x,0.05)
    res = namedtuple('Mann_Kendall_Test', ['trend', 'h', 'p', 'z', 'Tau', 's', 'var_s', 'slope'])
    x, c = __preprocessing(x)
    x, n = __missing_values_analysis(x, method = 'skip')
    s = __mk_score(x, n)
    var_s = __variance_s(x, n)
    Tau = s/(.5*n*(n-1))
    z = __z_score(s, var_s)
    p, h, trend = __p_value(z, alpha)
    slope = sens_slope(x)

    return res(trend, h, p, z, Tau, s, var_s, slope)

def hamed_rao_modification_test(x, alpha = 0.05, lag=None):
    This function checks the Modified Mann-Kendall (MK) test using Hamed and Rao (1998) method.
        x: a vector (list, numpy array or pandas series) data
        alpha: significance level (0.05 default)
        lag: No. of First Significant Lags (default None, You can use 3 for considering first 3 lags, which also proposed by Hamed and Rao(1998))
        trend: tells the trend (increasing, decreasing or no trend)
        h: True (if trend is present) or False (if trend is absence)
        p: p-value of the significance test
        z: normalized test statistics
        Tau: Kendall Tau
        s: Mann-Kendal's score
        var_s: Variance S
		slope: sen's slope
	  >>> import pymannkendall as mk
      >>> x = np.random.rand(1000)
      >>> trend,h,p,z,tau,s,var_s,slope = mk.hamed_rao_modification_test(x,0.05)
    res = namedtuple('Modified_Mann_Kendall_Test_Hamed_Rao_Approach', ['trend', 'h', 'p', 'z', 'Tau', 's', 'var_s', 'slope'])
    x, c = __preprocessing(x)
    x, n = __missing_values_analysis(x, method = 'skip')
    s = __mk_score(x, n)
    var_s = __variance_s(x, n)
    Tau = s/(.5*n*(n-1))

    # Hamed and Rao (1998) variance correction
    if lag is None:
        lag = n
        lag = lag + 1
    # detrending
    # x_detrend = x - np.multiply(range(1,n+1), np.median(x))
    slope = sens_slope(x)
    x_detrend = x - np.arange(1,n+1) * slope
    I = rankdata(x_detrend)
    # account for autocorrelation
    acf_1 = __acf(I, nlags=lag-1)
    interval = norm.ppf(1 - alpha / 2) / np.sqrt(n)
    upper_bound = 0 + interval
    lower_bound = 0 - interval

    sni = 0
    for i in range(1,lag):
        if (acf_1[i] <= upper_bound and acf_1[i] >= lower_bound):
            sni = sni
            sni += (n-i) * (n-i-1) * (n-i-2) * acf_1[i]
    n_ns = 1 + (2 / (n * (n-1) * (n-2))) * sni
    var_s = var_s * n_ns
    z = __z_score(s, var_s)
    p, h, trend = __p_value(z, alpha)
    return res(trend, h, p, z, Tau, s, var_s, slope)

def yue_wang_modification_test(x, alpha = 0.05, lag=None):
    Input: This function checks the Modified Mann-Kendall (MK) test using Yue and Wang (2004) method.
        x: a vector (list, numpy array or pandas series) data
        alpha: significance level (0.05 default)
        lag: No. of First Significant Lags (default None, You can use 1 for considering first 1 lags, which also proposed by Yue and Wang (2004))
        trend: tells the trend (increasing, decreasing or no trend)
        h: True (if trend is present) or False (if trend is absence)
        p: p-value of the significance test
        z: normalized test statistics
        Tau: Kendall Tau
        s: Mann-Kendal's score
        var_s: Variance S
		slope: sen's slope
	  >>> import pymannkendall as mk
      >>> x = np.random.rand(1000)
      >>> trend,h,p,z,tau,s,var_s,slope = mk.yue_wang_modification_test(x,0.05)
    res = namedtuple('Modified_Mann_Kendall_Test_Yue_Wang_Approach', ['trend', 'h', 'p', 'z', 'Tau', 's', 'var_s', 'slope'])
    x, c = __preprocessing(x)
    x, n = __missing_values_analysis(x, method = 'skip')
    s = __mk_score(x, n)
    var_s = __variance_s(x, n)
    Tau = s/(.5*n*(n-1))
    # Yue and Wang (2004) variance correction
    if lag is None:
        lag = n
        lag = lag + 1

    # detrending
    slope = sens_slope(x)
    x_detrend = x - np.arange(1,n+1) * slope
    # account for autocorrelation
    acf_1 = __acf(x_detrend, nlags=lag-1)
    idx = np.arange(1,lag)
    sni = np.sum((1 - idx/n) * acf_1[idx])
    n_ns = 1 + 2 * sni
    var_s = var_s * n_ns

    z = __z_score(s, var_s)
    p, h, trend = __p_value(z, alpha)

    return res(trend, h, p, z, Tau, s, var_s, slope)

def pre_whitening_modification_test(x, alpha = 0.05):
    This function checks the Modified Mann-Kendall (MK) test using Pre-Whitening method proposed by Yue and Wang (2002).
        x: a vector (list, numpy array or pandas series) data
        alpha: significance level (0.05 default)
        trend: tells the trend (increasing, decreasing or no trend)
        h: True (if trend is present) or False (if trend is absence)
        p: p-value of the significance test
        z: normalized test statistics
        s: Mann-Kendal's score
        var_s: Variance S
		slope: sen's slope
	  >>> import pymannkendall as mk
      >>> x = np.random.rand(1000)
      >>> trend,h,p,z,tau,s,var_s,slope = mk.pre_whitening_modification_test(x,0.05)
    res = namedtuple('Modified_Mann_Kendall_Test_PreWhitening_Approach', ['trend', 'h', 'p', 'z', 'Tau', 's', 'var_s', 'slope'])
    x, c = __preprocessing(x)
    x, n = __missing_values_analysis(x, method = 'skip')
    # PreWhitening
    acf_1 = __acf(x, nlags=1)[1]
    a = range(0, n-1)
    b = range(1, n)
    x = x[b] - x[a]*acf_1
    n = len(x)
    s = __mk_score(x, n)
    var_s = __variance_s(x, n)
    Tau = s/(.5*n*(n-1))
    z = __z_score(s, var_s)
    p, h, trend = __p_value(z, alpha)
    slope = sens_slope(x)
    return res(trend, h, p, z, Tau, s, var_s, slope)

def trend_free_pre_whitening_modification_test(x, alpha = 0.05):
    This function checks the Modified Mann-Kendall (MK) test using the trend-free Pre-Whitening method proposed by Yue and Wang (2002).
        x: a vector (list, numpy array or pandas series) data
        alpha: significance level (0.05 default)
        trend: tells the trend (increasing, decreasing or no trend)
        h: True (if trend is present) or False (if trend is absence)
        p: p-value of the significance test
        z: normalized test statistics
        s: Mann-Kendal's score
        var_s: Variance S
		slope: sen's slope
	  >>> import pymannkendall as mk
      >>> x = np.random.rand(1000)
      >>> trend,h,p,z,tau,s,var_s,slope = mk.trend_free_pre_whitening_modification_test(x,0.05)
    res = namedtuple('Modified_Mann_Kendall_Test_Trend_Free_PreWhitening_Approach', ['trend', 'h', 'p', 'z', 'Tau', 's', 'var_s', 'slope'])
    x, c = __preprocessing(x)
    x, n = __missing_values_analysis(x, method = 'skip')
    # detrending
    slope = sens_slope(x)
    x_detrend = x - np.arange(1,n+1) * slope
    # PreWhitening
    acf_1 = __acf(x_detrend, nlags=1)[1]
    a = range(0, n-1)
    b = range(1, n)
    x = x_detrend[b] - x_detrend[a]*acf_1

    n = len(x)
    x = x + np.arange(1,n+1) * slope
    s = __mk_score(x, n)
    var_s = __variance_s(x, n)
    Tau = s/(.5*n*(n-1))
    z = __z_score(s, var_s)
    p, h, trend = __p_value(z, alpha)
    slope = sens_slope(x)
    return res(trend, h, p, z, Tau, s, var_s, slope)

def multivariate_test(x, alpha = 0.05):
    This function checks the Multivariate Mann-Kendall (MK) test, which is originally proposed by R. M. Hirsch and J. R. Slack (1984) for the seasonal Mann-Kendall test. Later this method also used Helsel (2006) for Regional Mann-Kendall test.
        x: a matrix of data
        alpha: significance level (0.05 default)
        trend: tells the trend (increasing, decreasing or no trend)
        h: True (if trend is present) or False (if trend is absence)
        p: p-value of the significance test
        z: normalized test statistics
        Tau: Kendall Tau
        s: Mann-Kendal's score
        var_s: Variance S
		slope: sen's slope
	  >>> import pymannkendall as mk
      >>> x = np.random.rand(1000)
      >>> trend,h,p,z,tau,s,var_s,slope = mk.multivariate_test(x,0.05)
    res = namedtuple('Multivariate_Mann_Kendall_Test', ['trend', 'h', 'p', 'z', 'Tau', 's', 'var_s', 'slope'])
    s = 0
    var_s = 0
    denom = 0
    x, c = __preprocessing(x)
#     x, n = __missing_values_analysis(x, method = 'skip')  # It makes all column at the same size

    for i in range(c):
        if c == 1:
            x_new, n = __missing_values_analysis(x, method = 'skip')  # It makes all column at deferent size
            x_new, n = __missing_values_analysis(x[:,i], method = 'skip')  # It makes all column at deferent size

        s = s + __mk_score(x_new, n)
        var_s = var_s + __variance_s(x_new, n)
        denom = denom + (.5*n*(n-1))
    Tau = s/denom
    z = __z_score(s, var_s)
    p, h, trend = __p_value(z, alpha)

    slope = seasonal_sens_slope(x, period = c)
    return res(trend, h, p, z, Tau, s, var_s, slope)

def seasonal_test(x, period = 12, alpha = 0.05):
    This function checks the  Seasonal Mann-Kendall (MK) test (Hirsch, R. M., Slack, J. R. 1984).
        x:   a vector of data
        period: seasonal cycle. For monthly data it is 12, weekly data it is 52 (12 is the default)
        alpha: significance level (0.05 is the default)
        trend: tells the trend (increasing, decreasing or no trend)
        h: True (if trend is present) or False (if trend is absence)
        p: p-value of the significance test
        z: normalized test statistics
        Tau: Kendall Tau
        s: Mann-Kendal's score
        var_s: Variance S
		slope: sen's slope
	  >>> import pymannkendall as mk
      >>> x = np.random.rand(1000)
      >>> trend,h,p,z,tau,s,var_s,slope = mk.seasonal_test(x,0.05)
    res = namedtuple('Seasonal_Mann_Kendall_Test', ['trend', 'h', 'p', 'z', 'Tau', 's', 'var_s', 'slope'])
    x, c = __preprocessing(x)
    n = len(x)
    if x.ndim == 1:
        if np.mod(n,period) != 0:
            x = np.pad(x,(0,period - np.mod(n,period)), 'constant', constant_values=(np.nan,))

        x = x.reshape(int(len(x)/period),period)
    trend, h, p, z, Tau, s, var_s, slope = multivariate_test(x, alpha = alpha)

    return res(trend, h, p, z, Tau, s, var_s, slope)

def regional_test(x, alpha = 0.05):
    This function checks the Regional Mann-Kendall (MK) test (Helsel 2006).
        x:   a matrix of data
        alpha: significance level (0.05 default)
        trend: tells the trend (increasing, decreasing or no trend)
        h: True (if trend is present) or False (if trend is absence)
        p: p-value of the significance test
        z: normalized test statistics
        Tau: Kendall Tau
        s: Mann-Kendal's score
        var_s: Variance S
		slope: sen's slope
	  >>> import pymannkendall as mk
      >>> x = np.random.rand(1000)
      >>> trend,h,p,z,tau,s,var_s,slope = mk.regional_test(x,0.05)
    res = namedtuple('Regional_Mann_Kendall_Test', ['trend', 'h', 'p', 'z', 'Tau', 's', 'var_s', 'slope'])
    trend, h, p, z, Tau, s, var_s, slope = multivariate_test(x)
    return res(trend, h, p, z, Tau, s, var_s, slope)

def correlated_multivariate_test(x, alpha = 0.05):
    This function checks the Correlated Multivariate Mann-Kendall (MK) test (Libiseller and Grimvall (2002)).
        x:   a matrix of data
        alpha: significance level (0.05 default)
        trend: tells the trend (increasing, decreasing or no trend)
        h: True (if trend is present) or False (if trend is absence)
        p: p-value of the significance test
        z: normalized test statistics
        Tau: Kendall Tau
        s: Mann-Kendal's score
        var_s: Variance S
		slope: sen's slope
	  >>> import pymannkendall as mk
      >>> x = np.random.rand(1000)
      >>> trend,h,p,z,tau,s,var_s,slope = mk.correlated_multivariate_test(x,0.05)
    res = namedtuple('Correlated_Multivariate_Mann_Kendall_Test', ['trend', 'h', 'p', 'z', 'Tau', 's', 'var_s', 'slope'])
    x, c = __preprocessing(x)
    x, n = __missing_values_analysis(x, method = 'skip')
    s = 0
    denom = 0
    for i in range(c):
        s = s + __mk_score(x[:,i], n)
        denom = denom + (.5*n*(n-1))
    Tau = s/denom

    Gamma = np.ones([c,c])

    for i in range(1,c):
        for j in range(i):
            k = __K(x[:,i], x[:,j])
            ri = __R(x[:,i])
            rj = __R(x[:,j])
            Gamma[i,j] = (k + 4 * np.sum(ri * rj) - n*(n+1)**2)/3
            Gamma[j,i] = Gamma[i,j]

    for i in range(c):
        k = __K(x[:,i], x[:,i])
        ri = __R(x[:,i])
        rj = __R(x[:,i])
        Gamma[i,i] = (k + 4 * np.sum(ri * rj) - n*(n+1)**2)/3
    var_s = np.sum(Gamma)
    z = s / np.sqrt(var_s)

    p, h, trend = __p_value(z, alpha)
    slope = seasonal_sens_slope(x, period=c)

    return res(trend, h, p, z, Tau, s, var_s, slope)

def correlated_seasonal_test(x, period = 12 ,alpha = 0.05):
    This function checks the Correlated Seasonal Mann-Kendall (MK) test (Hipel [1994] ).
        x:   a matrix of data
		period: seasonal cycle. For monthly data it is 12, weekly data it is 52 (12 is default)
        alpha: significance level (0.05 default)
        trend: tells the trend (increasing, decreasing or no trend)
        h: True (if trend is present) or False (if trend is absence)
        p: p-value of the significance test
        z: normalized test statistics
        Tau: Kendall Tau
        s: Mann-Kendal's score
        var_s: Variance S
		slope: sen's slope
	  >>> import pymannkendall as mk
      >>> x = np.random.rand(1000)
      >>> trend,h,p,z,tau,s,var_s,slope = mk.correlated_seasonal_test(x,0.05)
    res = namedtuple('Correlated_Seasonal_Mann_Kendall_test', ['trend', 'h', 'p', 'z', 'Tau', 's', 'var_s', 'slope'])
    x, c = __preprocessing(x)

    n = len(x)
    if x.ndim == 1:
        if np.mod(n,period) != 0:
            x = np.pad(x,(0,period - np.mod(n,period)), 'constant', constant_values=(np.nan,))

        x = x.reshape(int(len(x)/period),period)
    trend, h, p, z, Tau, s, var_s, slope = correlated_multivariate_test(x)

    return res(trend, h, p, z, Tau, s, var_s, slope)

def partial_test(x, alpha = 0.05):
    This function checks the Partial Mann-Kendall (MK) test (Libiseller and Grimvall (2002)).
        x: a matrix with 2 columns
        alpha: significance level (0.05 default)
        trend: tells the trend (increasing, decreasing or no trend)
        h: True (if trend is present) or False (if trend is absence)
        p: p-value of the significance test
        z: normalized test statistics
        Tau: Kendall Tau
        s: Mann-Kendal's score
        var_s: Variance S
		slope: sen's slope
	  >>> import pymannkendall as mk
      >>> x = np.random.rand(1000)
      >>> trend,h,p,z,tau,s,var_s,slope = mk.partial_test(x,0.05)
    res = namedtuple('Partial_Mann_Kendall_Test', ['trend', 'h', 'p', 'z', 'Tau', 's', 'var_s', 'slope'])
    x_old, c = __preprocessing(x)
    x_old, n = __missing_values_analysis(x_old, method = 'skip')
    if c != 2:
        raise ValueError('Partial Mann Kendall test required two parameters/columns. Here column no ' + str(c) + ' is not equal to 2.')
    x = x_old[:,0]
    y = x_old[:,1]
    x_score = __mk_score(x, n)
    y_score = __mk_score(y, n)
    k = __K(x, y)
    rx = __R(x)
    ry = __R(y)
    sigma = (k + 4 * np.sum(rx * ry) - n*(n+1)**2)/3
    rho = sigma / (n*(n-1)*(2*n+5)/18)
    s = x_score - rho * y_score
    var_s = (1 - rho**2) * (n*(n-1)*(2*n+5))/18
    Tau = x_score/(.5*n*(n-1))
    z = s / np.sqrt(var_s)

    p, h, trend = __p_value(z, alpha)
    slope = sens_slope(x)

    return res(trend, h, p, z, Tau, s, var_s, slope)


scipy.stats.kendalltau() 函数

Kendall's tau-b(肯德尔)等级相关系数:用于反映分类变量相关性的指标,适用于两个分类变量(时间—水文要素)均为有序分类的情况。对相关的有序变量进行非参数相关检验;取值范围在-1-1之间,此检验适合于正方形表格;

MK趋势检验+Kendalls taub等级相关+稳健回归(Sens slope estimator等)_第3张图片

scipy.stats.kendalltau — SciPy v0.19.1 Reference Guide

from scipy import stats
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

data = pd.read_csv(r"C:\Users\Leon\Desktop\Pre.csv")

#print (data)

x = range(38)
print (x)
y = np.zeros((0))
for j in range(994):
    b = stats.kendalltau(x,data.values[:,j]) ##MK检验,结果包含两个参数:tau, p_value 
    y = np.append(y, b, axis=0)
#np.savetxt("C:/Users/Leon/Desktop/P.txt",y) ##保存ndarray类型数据

稳健回归(Robustness regression)







稳健回归(Robust regression),就是当最小二乘法遇到上述的,数据样本点存在异常点的时候,用于代替最小二乘法的一个算法。当然,稳健回归还可以用于异常点检测,或者是找出那些对模型影响最大的样本点。

Breakdown point

关于稳健回归,有一个名词需要做解释:Breakdown point,这个名词我并不想翻译,我也没找到一个很好的中文翻译。对于一个估计器而言,原始数据中混入了脏数据,那么,Breakdown point 指的就是在这个估计器给出错误的模型估计之前,脏数据最大的比例 αα,Breakdown point 代表的是一个估计器对脏数据的最大容忍度。

这个均值估计器的Breakdown point 为0,因为使任意一个xixi变成足够大的脏数据之后,上面估计出来的均值,就不再正确了。

毫无疑问,Breakdown point越大,估计器就越稳健。

Breakdown point 是不可能达到 50% 的,因为如果总体样本中超过一半的数据是脏数据了,那么从统计上来说,就无法将样本中的隐藏分布和脏数据的分布给区分开来。

本文主要介绍两种稳健回归模型:RANSAC(RANdom SAmple Consensus 随机采样一致性)和Theil-Sen estimator。


RANSAC算法的输入是一组观测数据(往往含有较大的噪声或无效点),它是一种重采样技术(resampling technique),通过估计模型参数所需的最小的样本点数,来得到备选模型集合,然后在不断的对集合进行扩充,其算法步骤为:

MK趋势检验+Kendalls taub等级相关+稳健回归(Sens slope estimator等)_第4张图片

RANSAC算法是一个非确定性算法(non-deterministic algorithm),这个算法只能得以一定的概率得到一个还不错的结果,在基本模型已定的情况下,结果的好坏程度主要取决于算法最大的迭代次数。




# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

author : [email protected]
time : 2016-07-07-15-36


import numpy as np
import time
from sklearn import linear_model,datasets

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# 产生数据样本点集合
# 样本点的特征X维度为1维,输出y的维度也为1维
# 输出是在输入的基础上加入了高斯噪声N(0,10)
# 产生的样本点数目为1000个

n_samples = 1000
X, y, coef = datasets.make_regression(n_samples=n_samples,

# 将上面产生的样本点中的前50个设为异常点(外点)
# 即:让前50个点偏离原来的位置,模拟错误的测量带来的误差
n_outliers = 50
np.random.seed(int(time.time()) % 100)
X[:n_outliers] = 3 + 0.5 * np.random.normal(size=(n_outliers, 1))
y[:n_outliers] = -3 + 0.5 * np.random.normal(size=n_outliers)

# 用普通线性模型拟合X,y
model = linear_model.LinearRegression(), y)

# 使用RANSAC算法拟合X,y
model_ransac = linear_model.RANSACRegressor(linear_model.LinearRegression()), y)
inlier_mask = model_ransac.inlier_mask_
outlier_mask = np.logical_not(inlier_mask)

# 使用一般回归模型和RANSAC算法分别对测试数据做预测
line_X = np.arange(-5, 5)
line_y = model.predict(line_X[:, np.newaxis])
line_y_ransac = model_ransac.predict(line_X[:, np.newaxis])

print "真实数据参数:", coef
print "线性回归模型参数:", model.coef_
print "RANSAC算法参数: ", model_ransac.estimator_.coef_

plt.plot(X[inlier_mask], y[inlier_mask], '.g', label='Inliers')
plt.plot(X[outlier_mask], y[outlier_mask], '.r', label='Outliers')
plt.plot(line_X, line_y, '-k', label='Linear Regression')
plt.plot(line_X, line_y_ransac, '-b', label="RANSAC Regression")
plt.legend(loc='upper left')

MK趋势检验+Kendalls taub等级相关+稳健回归(Sens slope estimator等)_第5张图片


真实数据参数: 82.1903908408
线性回归模型参数: [ 55.19291974]
RANSAC算法参数:  [ 82.08533159]

Theil-Sen Regression 泰尔森回归

Theil-Sen回归是一个参数中值估计器,它适用泛化中值,对多维数据进行估计,因此其对多维的异常点(outliers 外点)有很强的稳健性。

MK趋势检验+Kendalls taub等级相关+稳健回归(Sens slope estimator等)_第6张图片


在单变量回归问题中,Theil-Sen方法的Breakdown point为29.3%,也就是说,Theil-Sen方法可以容忍29.3%的数据是outliers。

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


@author : [email protected]
@time ;2016-07-08_08-50

Theil-Sen 回归



print __doc__

import time
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression, TheilSenRegressor,\

estimators = [('OLS', LinearRegression()),
              ('Theil-Sen', TheilSenRegressor())]

# 异常值仅仅出现在y轴
np.random.seed((int)(time.time() % 100))
n_samples = 200

# 线性模型的函数形式为: y = 3 * x + N(2, .1 ** 2)
x = np.random.randn(n_samples)
w = 3.
c = 2.
noise = c + 0.1 * np.random.randn(n_samples)
y = w * x + noise

# 加入10%的异常值,最后20个值称为异常值
y[-20:] += -20 * x[-20:]

X = x[:, np.newaxis]
plt.plot(X, y, 'k+', mew=2, ms=8)
line_x = np.array([-3, 3])

for name, estimator in estimators:
    t0 = time.time(), y)
    elapsed_time = time.time() - t0
    y_pred = estimator.predict(line_x.reshape(2, 1))
    plt.plot(line_x, y_pred, label='%s (fit time: %.2fs)'
             %(name, elapsed_time))

plt.legend(loc='upper left')

MK趋势检验+Kendalls taub等级相关+稳健回归(Sens slope estimator等)_第7张图片
