Topic(一) How do you think about the “view limit“ of twitter in recent days

       Topic(一) How do you think about the “view limit“ of twitter in recent days_第1张图片

        Rencently,  The head of twitter ceo elon musk announced that there would be a "view limit" for different kinds of users, they've applied the following temporary limits:

        - Verified users are limited to 6000 posts/day

        - Unverified users  to 600 posts/day 

        - New unverified users to 300/day

        These items made a big noise in twitter community, let's see what happend in the folllowing comments.

        after that, people will get a  message that says ,"rate limit exceeded ", musk has said that limit will "soon" increased to 10000 for verified ,  1000 for unverified , and 500 for new unverified.

 Twitter user1

        what happens when you reach 6k posts does the app just turn off.

 Twitter user2

        Bro, gonna see how long it takes me to look at 6k posts.

 Twitter user3

        Brother, just be honest, are you trying to kill the company?

Topic(一) How do you think about the “view limit“ of twitter in recent days_第2张图片

        Somebody support this solution, think this action will help people reduce the time of using twitter.

 Twitter user4

        If you have enough free time to read 6k posts a day, you need to get a real life.

        reply:  She is a milllonaire and has a lot of free time .

        If I were a millonaire and so much free time, I'd rather travel or get some hobby than spend time on tweeter...

Twitter user5

        Sounds good for me,  There is no way I can even come close to reading 600 posts a day, much less 6000.


Musk's response

        Accoriding to the official says, "the limit, imposed to address extreme level of data scraping and system manipulation. "

        Musk said the limits would help tackle scraping vast amounts of data from twitter by amlost everyone from AI companies and startups to the tech behemoths.

        On the other hand, Mush think we are all twitter addictions. we should get out of doors and spend much more time with your friends and family, that's acceptable.

My comment 

        I think this limit would pave a way to commercial for twitter, maybe it would not affect some users,  because I found it's a huge task to reach the rate limit , at least I don't get it when I spent about 2 hours on twitter every day.

        How do you think about the rate limit? welcome to  your comment.

