ORACLE集群管理-Manual Steps for Apply/Rollback Patch RAC(PSU LOAD)-

第一章节  Manual Steps for Apply/Rollback Patch

Steps for Applying the Patch


You must stop the EM agent processes running from the database home, prior to patching the Oracle RAC database or GI Home. Execute the following command on the node to be patched.

As the Oracle RAC database home owner execute:

$ /bin/emctl stop dbconsole

Execute the following on each node of the cluster in non-shared CRS and DB home environment to apply the patch.

  1. Stop the CRS managed resources running from DB homes.


    If this is a GI Home environment, as the database home owner execute:

    $ /bin/srvctl stop home -o  -s  -n 

    If this is an Oracle Restart Home environment, as the database home owner execute:

    $ /bin/srvctl stop home -o  -s 


     You need to make sure that the Oracle ACFS file systems are unmounted (see My Oracle Support document 1494652.1 How to Mount or Unmount ACFS File System While Applying GI Patches?) and all other Oracle processes are shutdown before you proceed.
  2. Run the pre root script.


    If this is a GI Home, as the root user execute: (不执行打补丁,一些文件无法覆盖,无权限)

  3. # /crs/install/ -unlock

    If this is an Oracle Restart Home, as the root user execute:

    # /crs/install/ -unlock
  4. Apply the CRS patch using (Generate response file, if needed, using the emocmrsp and specify using -ocmrf option)


    As the GI home owner execute:

    $ /OPatch/opatch napply -oh  -local //

    As the GI home owner execute:

    $ /OPatch/opatch napply -oh  -local //

    As the GI home owner execute:

    $ /OPatch/opatch apply -oh  -local //
  5. Run the pre script for DB component of the patch.


    As the database home owner execute:

    $ ///custom/server//custom/scripts/ -dbhome 
  6. Apply the DB patch.


    As the database home owner execute (Generate response file, if needed, using the emocmrsp and specify using -ocmrf option):

    $ /OPatch/opatch napply -oh  -local ///custom/server/
    $ /OPatch/opatch apply -oh  -local //
  7. Run the post script for DB component of the patch.


    As the database home owner execute:

    $ ///custom/server//custom/scripts/ -dbhome 
  8. Run the post script.


    As the root user execute:

    # /rdbms/install/

    If this is a GI Home, as the root user execute:

    # /crs/install/ -patch

    If this is an Oracle Restart Home, as the root user execute:

    # /crs/install/ -patch
  9. If the message, "A system reboot is recommended before using ACFS� is shown, then a reboot must be issued before continuing. Failure to do so will result in running with an unpatched ACFS\ADVM\OKS driver.

  10. Start the CRS managed resources that were earlier running from DB homes.


    If this is a GI Home environment, as the database home owner execute:

    $ /bin/srvctl start home -o  -s  -n 

    If this is an Oracle Restart Home environment, as the database home owner execute:

    $ /bin/srvctl start home -o  -s  
  11. Refer Section 2.5, "Patch Post-Installation Instructions" step after installing the patch

第二章节   Steps for Rolling Back the Patch From a GI Home

Execute the following on each node of the cluster in non-shared CRS and DB home environment to rollback the patch.

  1. Stop the CRS managed resources running from DB homes.


    If this is a GI Home environment, as the database home owner execute:

    $ /bin/srvctl stop home -o  -s  -n 

    If this is an Oracle Restart Home environment, as the database home owner execute:

    $ /bin/srvctl stop home -o  -s  


     You need to make sure that the Oracle ACFS file systems are unmounted (see My Oracle Support document 1494652.1 How to Mount or Unmount ACFS File System While Applying GI Patches?) and all other Oracle processes are shut down before you proceed.
  2. Run the pre root script.


    If this is a GI Home, as the root user execute:

    # /crs/install/ -unlock

    If this is an Oracle Restart Home, as the root user execute:

    # /crs/install/ -unlock
  3. Roll back the CRS patch.


    As the GI home owner execute:

    $ /OPatch/opatch rollback -local -id  -oh  
    $ /OPatch/opatch rollback -local -id  -oh  
    $ /OPatch/opatch rollback -local -id  -oh  
  4. Run the pre script for DB component of the patch.


    As the database home owner execute:

    $ ///custom/server//custom/scripts/ -dbhome 
  5. Roll back the DB patch from the database home.


    As the database home owner execute:

    $ /OPatch/opatch rollback -local -id  -oh  
    $ /OPatch/opatch rollback -local -id  -oh 
  6. Run the post script for DB component of the patch.


    As the database home owner execute:

    $ ///custom/server//custom/scripts/ -dbhome 
  7. Run the post script.


    As the root user execute:

    # /rdbms/install/

    If this is a GI Home, as the root user execute:

    # /crs/install/ -patch

    If this is an Oracle Restart Home, as the root user execute:

    # /crs/install/ -patch
  8. If the message, "A system reboot is recommended before using ACFS� is shown, then a reboot must be issued before continuing. Failure to do so will result in running with an unpatched ACFS\ADVM\OKS driver.

  9. Start the CRS managed resources that were earlier running from DB homes.


    If this is a GI Home environment, as the database home owner execute:

    $ /bin/srvctl start home -o  -s  -n 

    If this is an Oracle Restart Home environment, as the database home owner execute:

    $ /bin/srvctl start home -o  -s  
  10. Refer Section 2.8, "Patch Post-Deinstallation Instructions for an Oracle RAC Environment" for the post rollback steps

Patching an Oracle RAC Home Installation Manually

Note that USM only patches cannot be applied to a Database home.

  1. Run the pre script for DB component of the patch.


    As the database home owner execute:

    $ ///custom/server//custom/scripts/ -dbhome 
  2. Apply the DB patch.


    As the database home owner execute (Generate response file, if needed, using the emocmrsp and specify using -ocmrf option):

    $ /OPatch/opatch napply -oh  -local ///custom/server/
    $ /OPatch/opatch apply -oh  -local //
  3. Run the post script for DB component of the patch.


    As the database home owner execute:

    $ ///custom/server//custom/scripts/ -dbhome 
  4. Refer Section 2.5, "Patch Post-Installation Instructions" step after installing the patch

Rolling Back the Patch from an Oracle RAC Home Installation Manually

  1. Run the pre script for DB component of the patch.


    As the database home owner execute:

    $ ///custom/server//custom/scripts/ -dbhome 
  2. Roll back the DB patch from the database home.


    As the database home owner execute:

    $ /OPatch/opatch rollback -local -id  -oh 
    $ /OPatch/opatch rollback -local -id  -oh 
  3. Run the post script for DB component of the patch.


    As the database home owner execute:

    $ ///custom/server//custom/scripts/ -dbhome 
  4. Refer Section 2.8, "Patch Post-Deinstallation Instructions for an Oracle RAC Environment" for the post rollback steps

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Oracle Grid Infrastructure Patch Set Update SUPPLEMENTAL README

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