
本文主要介绍external/wpa_supplicant_8/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant_i.h 这个文件


1. wpa_interface 结构体

wpa_interface 用来描述一个无线网络设备。wpa_supplicant 可以支持操作多个无线网络设备,需要添加到wpa_supplicant 中

 * struct wpa_interface - Parameters for wpa_supplicant_add_iface()
struct wpa_interface {
	 * confname - Configuration name (file or profile) name
	 * This can also be %NULL when a configuration file is not used. In
	 * that case, ctrl_interface must be set to allow the interface to be
	 * configured.
	const char *confname; //接口对应的配置文件的名称,wpa_supplicant.conf

	 * confanother - Additional configuration name (file or profile) name
	 * This can also be %NULL when the additional configuration file is not
	 * used.
	const char *confanother;//是接口对应扩展配置文件的名称,如果没有使用设置为NULL

	 * ctrl_interface - Control interface parameter
	 * If a configuration file is not used, this variable can be use
