Spring - ComponentScan注解中的basePackageClasses


  1. scanBasePackages (常用)

可以指定多个类或接口的class,扫描时会 在这些指定的类和接口所属的包进行扫面。


  1. Seems sensible for all such classes to have the same name so they can be easily identified.
  2. Seems sensible for it to start with "Package" (in the same way as package-info.java).
  3. Seems sensible for it to end with "Marker" since the documentation refers to a "marker class".
  4. Opted not to include the word "Base" so it isn't confused with base classes.
  5. Opted not to include the word "Info" as it doesn't contain any info like package-info.java does.
  6. Opted not to include any other words (e.g. "NoOp") to keep it snappy and flexible for other possible uses.

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