Spire.Office for Java 8.7.2 -NEW-23.7.18

Spire.Office for Java is a combination of Enterprise-Level Office Java APIs offered by E-iceblue. It includes Spire.Doc for Java, Spire.XLS for Java, Spire.Presentation for Java, Spire.PDF for Java and Spire.Barcode for Java.

Developers can use Spire.Office for Java to perform a wide range of office document operations in Java applications, such as opening, creating, modifying, converting and printing Word, Excel, PowerPoint and PDF documents, generating and scanning 1D&2D barcodes.

As an independent Office Java library, Spire.Office for Java doesn't need Microsoft Office to be installed on either the development or target systems.

Spire.Office for Java 8.7.2 -NEW-23.7.18_第1张图片


Here is a list of changes made in this release
Spire.Doc for Java
Category ID Description
New feature SPIREDOC-9004 Supports the function to create a PrivateFontPath object in a stream format.
// Constructor
PrivateFontPath(String fontName,InputStream fontStream); PrivateFontPath(String fontName,int fontStyle,InputStream fontStream);
// getter setter
setFontStream(InputStream value); 
New feature SPIREDOC-9423 Supports the function to maintain consistent display of user information annotations after converting Word to PDF.
ToPdfParameterList parms = new ToPdfParameterList();
Bug SPIREDOC-9044 Fixes the issue that the pagination was inconsistent after converting Word to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-9053 Fixes the issue that the table of contents not being updated after converting Word to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-9129 Fixes the issue that the watermark was missing after loading a file and saving it as a new document
Bug SPIREDOC-9323 Fixes the issue that the first-level headings lost after converting a Word document to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-9346 Fixes the issue that the application threw an exception: "Index is less than 0 or more than or equal to the list count" when comparing Word documents.
Bug SPIREDOC-9347 Fixes the issue that the bookmarks lost after converting Word to HTML and then back to Word.
Bug SPIREDOC-9382 Fixes the issue that the application threw an exception: "An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary." when cloning a document.
Bug SPIREDOC-9386 Fixes the issue that the indentation in paragraphs changed after converting HTML to Word.
Bug SPIREDOC-9431 Fixes the issue that table of contents updating was incorrect after merging documents.
Bug SPIREDOC-9435 Fixes the issue that the content was missing after converting Word to PDF
Bug SPIREDOC-9457 Fixes the issue that the layout was inconsistent after converting Word to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-9462 Fixes the issue that the document contained excessive blank paragraphs after accepting revisions.
Bug SPIREDOC-9500 Fixes the issue that the application threw an exception: "No have this value 110" when loading DOC format files.
Bug SPIREDOC-9509 Fixes the issue that the content was inconsistent after converting Word to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-9520 Fixes the issue that the fonts changed after converting Word to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-9529 Fixes the issue that the page number was incorrect after converting Word to PDF by using WPS rules.
Spire.PDF for Java
Category ID Description
New feature - Adds the new interface for converting PDF to Word.
PdfToWordConverter converter(inputPath);
New feature - Adds the new method for converting PDF to HTML.
pdfDocument.getConvertOptions().setPdfToHtmlOptions(bool useEmbeddedSvg, bool useEmbeddedImg)
pdfDocument.getConvertOptions().setPdfToHtmlOptions(bool useEmbeddedSvg, bool useEmbeddedImg, int maxPageOneFile)
Bug SPIREPDF-5885 Fixes the issue that that the added text box was not displayed when the document was opened by WPS tools.
Bug SPIREPDF-5966 Fixes the issue that that the program threw java.lang.ClassCastException when converting OFD to PDF.
Bug SPIREPDF-5979 Fixes the issue that program threw a java.lang.NullPointerException when converting OFD to PDF.
Bug SPIREPDF-6015 Fixes the issue that the data was wrong after converting PDF to Excel.
Bug SPIREPDF-6026 Fixes the issue that the font name was incorrect after converting PDF to Word.
Bug SPIREPDF-6008 Fixes the issue that the font size was changed in PowerPoint documents converted from PDF.
Bug SPIREPDF-6035 Fixes the issue that the setting of the crop frame didn't work.
Bug SPIREPDF-6046 Fixes the issue that the keyword search failed.
Bug SPIREPDF-6049 Fixes the issue that the exception threw "Parameter 'emSize' 0.0 is invalid" when searching keywords.
Bug SPIREPDF-6050 Fixes the issue that the content overlapped when converting PDF to HTML.
Bug SPIREPDF-6061 Fixes the issue that the exception threw "No have this JpegTablesMode" when adding images.
Bug SPIREPDF-6073 Fixes the issue that the content was cropped after converting PDF to images.
Bug SPIREPDF-6083 Fixes the issue that the vertical alignment and bottom alignment of text were incorrect in the grid.
Spire.XLS for Java
Category ID Description
Bug SPIREXLS-4691 Fixes the issue that the horizontal axis of charts changed after adding watermarks.
Bug SPIREXLS-4692 Fixes the issue that content changed after saving "et" format document as a new document.
Bug SPIREXLS-4713 Fixes the issue that the content changed after converting Excel to PDF.
Bug SPIREXLS-4730 Fixes the issue that the application threw exception "Culture ID: 14345 is not a supported culture" when converting Excel to PDF.
Bug SPIREXLS-4732 Fixes the issue that the document displayed differently in WPS and Microsoft Excel after adding watermark.
Bug SPIREXLS-4739 Fixes the issue that the image was lost after loading a document and saving it as a new document.
Bug SPIREXLS-4745 Optimizes the time consumption of getting the number of pages.
Bug SPIREXLS-4758 Fixes the issue that the converted PDF failed to open with adobe under the regional setting of Portugal and Brazil.
Bug SPIREXLS-4759 Fixes the issue that the program threw an exception NullPointerException when using calculateAllValue.
Bug SPIREXLS-4760 Fixes the issue that the contents overlapped when converting Excel to pictures.
Bug SPIREXLS-4761 Fixes the issue that the number of pages obtained was incorrect.
Bug SPIREXLS-4779 Fixes the issue that extra content appeared when converting Excel to PDF.
Bug SPIREXLS-4780 Fixes the issue that the content was lost when converting Excel to PDF.
Spire.Presentation for Java
Category ID Description
New feature SPIREPPT-2152 Supports getting the number and position of vertices in a polygon.
Presentation ppt = new Presentation();
IAutoShape shape = (IAutoShape)ppt.getSlides().get(0).getShapes().get(0);
ArrayList points = shape.getPoints();
String text1 = "point count:" + " " + points.size() + "\r\n";
FileWriter writer1 = new FileWriter(outputFile, true);
for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++)
    String text2 = "point" + i + " " + points.get(i) + "\r\n";
    FileWriter writer2 = new FileWriter(outputFile, true);
Bug SPIREPPT-2262 Fixes the issue that 3D rotation effect did not work when adding an image.
Bug SPIREPPT-2263 Fixes the issue that the program reported a CRC error: the file being extracted appears to be corrupted when loading a PowerPoint file.
Bug SPIREPPT-2276 Fixes the issue that the order of adding images to the picture organization chart was incorrect.
Bug SPIREPPT-2277 Fixes the issue that the currency symbol was duplicated in data edited with WPS after saving a PowerPoint document.
