VsCode Ant Design of Vue组件代码片段

	// Place your 全局 snippets here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a scope, prefix, body and 
	// description. Add comma separated ids of the languages where the snippet is applicable in the scope field. If scope 
	// is left empty or omitted, the snippet gets applied to all languages. The prefix is what is 
	// used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are: 
	// $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. 
	// Placeholders with the same ids are connected.
	// Example:
	// "Print to console": {
	// 	"scope": "javascript,typescript",
	// 	"prefix": "log",
	// 	"body": [
	// 		"console.log('$1');",
	// 		"$2"
	// 	],
	// 	"description": "Log output to console"
	// }
	"WpAntdVueImportSnippet": {
		"prefix": "w-antd-import",
		"body": [
			"import { ComponentName } from 'ant-design-vue'",
		"description": "AntdVue组件导入代码片段"
	"WpAntdVuePageHeaderWrapperSnippet": {
		"prefix": "w-phw",
		"body": [
			"  >",
			"    ",
			"    ",
", " , " type=\"flex\"", " justify=\"space-between\"", " align=\"middle\"", " :gutter=\"[", " { xs: 8, sm: 8, md: 8, lg: 8 },", " { xs: 8, sm: 8, md: 8, lg: 8 }", " ]\"", " >", " ", "
, " content", "
, "
, "
, "
, " , " :xs=\"{ span: 1, offset: 0, order: 8 }\"", " :sm=\"{ span: 1, offset: 0, order: 8 }\"", " :md=\"{ span: 1, offset: 0, order: 8 }\"", " :lg=\"{ span: 1, offset: 0, order: 8 }\"", " :xl=\"{ span: 1, offset: 0, order: 8 }\"", " :xxl=\"{ span: 1, offset: 0, order: 8 }\"", " >cintent, " >", " ", "
, " ", ], "description": "AntdProLayoutPageHeaderWrapper" }, "WpAntdVueGridSnippet": { "prefix": "w-grid", "body": [ ", " type=\"flex\"", " justify=\"space-between\"", " align=\"middle\"", " :gutter=\"[", " { xs: 8, sm: 8, md: 8, lg: 8 },", " { xs: 8, sm: 8, md: 8, lg: 8 }", " ]\"", " >", "
, " content", "
, "
, "
, "
, " , " :xs=\"{ span: 1, offset: 0, order: 8 }\"", " :sm=\"{ span: 1, offset: 0, order: 8 }\"", " :md=\"{ span: 1, offset: 0, order: 8 }\"", " :lg=\"{ span: 1, offset: 0, order: 8 }\"", " :xl=\"{ span: 1, offset: 0, order: 8 }\"", " :xxl=\"{ span: 1, offset: 0, order: 8 }\"", " >cintent, " >", " ", ], "description": "AntdVue栅格代码片段" }, "WpAntdVueButtonSnippet": { "prefix": "w-button", "body": [ ", " type=\"primary\"", " shape=\"round\"", " icon=\"search\"", " :loading=\"loading\"", " size=\"default\"", " block", " @click=\"handleClickEvent\"", " >查询, " >", ], "description": "AntdVue按钮代码片段" }, "WpAntdVueSpaceSnippet": { "prefix": "w-space", "body": [ " ", ], "description": "AntdVue间距代码片段" }, "WpAntdVueIconSnippet": { "prefix": "w-icon", "body": [ " , " type=\"setting\"", " theme=\"twoTone\"", " two-tone-color=\"#52c41a\"", " spin", " :rotate=\"180\"", " />", ], "description": "AntdVue图标代码片段" }, "WpAntdVueDropdownButtonSnippet": { "prefix": "w-dropdown-button", "body": [ ", " @click=\"handleButtonClick\"", " >TestDropdown", " , " #overlay", " >", " , " @click=\"handleMenuClick\"", " v-for=\"(item, index) in data\"", " :key=\"index\"", " :disabled=\"item.disabled\"", " > {{ item.content }}, " >", " , " >", " ", " ", ], "description": "AntdVue下拉菜单代码片段" }, "WpAntdVuePaginationSnippet": { "prefix": "w-pagination", "body": [ ", " show-size-changer", " showQuickJumper", " v-model=\"currentPage\"", " :page-size-options=\"pageSizeOptions\"", " :default-current=\"1\"", " :total=\"total\"", " @change=\"onChange\"", " @showSizeChange=\"onshowSizeChange\"", " >", " ", " ", ], "description": "AntdVue分页代码片段" }, "WpAntdVueStepsSnippet": { "prefix": "w-steps", "body": [ ", " :current=\"currentStep\"", " size=\"small\"", " direction=\"horizontal\"", " :status=\"status\"", " >", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", ], "description": "AntdVue步骤条代码片段" }, "WpAntdVueCascaderSnippet": { "prefix": "w-cascader", "body": [ ", " size:large", " :options=\"options\"", " :default-value=\"defaultValues\"", " :show-search=\"{ filter }\"", " placeholder=\"请选择位置\"", " change-on-select", " @change=\"onChange\"", " >", " ", " ", ], "description": "AntdVue级联选择器代码片段" }, "WpAntdVueCheckboxSnippet": { "prefix": "w-checkbox", "body": [ ", " :default-checked=\"defaultChecked\"", " :disabled=\"disabled\"", " @change=\"onChange\"", " >选择框测试, " >", " ", ], "description": "AntdVue多选框代码片段" }, "WpAntdVueCheckboxGroupSnippet": { "prefix": "w-checkboxgroup", "body": [ ", " v-model=\"groupValue\"", " :options=\"options\"", " :default-value=\"defaultGroupValue\"", " @change=\"onGroupChange\"", " >", " ", ], "description": "AntdVue多选框组代码片段" }, "WpAntdVueDateTimePickerSnippet": { "prefix": "w-date-time-picker", "body": [ ", " placeholder=\"请选择日期\"", " :show-time=\"{ defaultValue: moment('08:00:00', dateTimeFormat) }\"", " :format=\"dateTimeFormat\"", " :default-value=\"moment(new Date().toLocaleDateString(), dateTimeFormat)\"", " :disabled-date=\"disabledDate\"", " :disabled-time=\"disabledTime\"", " @change=\"onDateTimeChange\"", " >