jvm zgc 内存占用超出实际限制(内存占用3倍)

1. 现象

java服务使用jdk11 zgc垃圾回收,配置的堆大小为51G

-Xms51G  -Xmx51G  -Xss512k  -XX:MetaspaceSize=512m  -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=512m





2. 原因



Since this question was asked from time to time, and I am tired of explaining it already, let me try to put it here so people can simply search, get their answer, and be happy again (even for a very short period of time, it's still worth it!).

RSS over-reporting by ZGC is due to the technique that ZGC uses to manipulate the memory pages, namely, multi-mapping. and since ZGC is essentially another implementation of Zing C4 collector (by Azul Systems), Zing also shares the same "over-reporting" RSS issue.

Look into this code:


Map all views:

    map_view(pmem, ZAddress::marked0(offset), AlwaysPreTouch);

    map_view(pmem, ZAddress::marked1(offset), AlwaysPreTouch);

    map_view(pmem, ZAddress::remapped(offset), AlwaysPreTouch);

This means that for the same address, ZGC will map it to 3 different views: marked0, marked1 and remapped. These 3 views are reflected int the virtual memory addresses. And this means, 3 different virtual memory addresses will be mapped to the same underlying physical memory, and thus for each physical memory page, there are 3 virtual pages mapped to it.

And if ZGC grows up to be a generational GC (where you have young generation and old generation, instead of one single generation as ZGC is right now), we can expect this number to be increased to 6x of xmx heap size too.

And this is why the multi-mapping used by both Azul Zing and Oracle ZGC put people to panic mode at "top" command. But please note that it is only the virtual memory space that gets reported, so unless your system tool runs into this confusing part, there is no reason for you to call 911.



45-42位为metadata比特位, 对应于如下状态: finalizable,remapped,marked1和marked0



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