from pprint import pprint
from paddlenlp import Taskflow
schema = ['地名', '人名', '组织', '时间', '产品', '价格', '天气']
ie = Taskflow('information_extraction', schema=schema)
pprint(ie("2K 与 Gearbox Software 宣布,《小缇娜的奇幻之地》将于 6 月 24 日凌晨 1 点登录 Steam,此前 PC 平台为 Epic 限时独占。在限定期间内,Steam 玩家可以在 Steam 入手《小缇娜的奇幻之地》,并在 2022 年 7 月 8 日前享有获得黄金英雄铠甲包。"))
[2023-03-27 16:11:00,527] [ INFO] - Downloading model_state.pdparams from https://bj.bcebos.com/paddlenlp/taskflow/information_extraction/uie_base_v1.0/model_state.pdparams
100%|██████████| 450M/450M [00:45<00:00, 10.4MB/s]
[2023-03-27 16:11:46,996] [ INFO] - Downloading model_config.json from https://bj.bcebos.com/paddlenlp/taskflow/information_extraction/uie_base/model_config.json
100%|██████████| 377/377 [00:00<00:00, 309kB/s]
[2023-03-27 16:11:47,074] [ INFO] - Downloading vocab.txt from https://bj.bcebos.com/paddlenlp/taskflow/information_extraction/uie_base/vocab.txt
100%|██████████| 182k/182k [00:00<00:00, 1.27MB/s]
[2023-03-27 16:11:47,292] [ INFO] - Downloading special_tokens_map.json from https://bj.bcebos.com/paddlenlp/taskflow/information_extraction/uie_base/special_tokens_map.json
100%|██████████| 112/112 [00:00<00:00, 99.6kB/s]
[2023-03-27 16:11:47,364] [ INFO] - Downloading tokenizer_config.json from https://bj.bcebos.com/paddlenlp/taskflow/information_extraction/uie_base/tokenizer_config.json
100%|██████████| 172/172 [00:00<00:00, 192kB/s]
W0327 16:11:47.478449 273 gpu_resources.cc:61] Please NOTE: device: 0, GPU Compute Capability: 8.0, Driver API Version: 11.2, Runtime API Version: 11.2
W0327 16:11:47.481654 273 gpu_resources.cc:91] device: 0, cuDNN Version: 8.2.
[2023-03-27 16:11:50,518] [ INFO] - Converting to the inference model cost a little time.
[2023-03-27 16:11:57,379] [ INFO] - The inference model save in the path:/home/aistudio/.paddlenlp/taskflow/information_extraction/uie-base/static/inference
[2023-03-27 16:11:59,489] [ INFO] - We are using to load '/home/aistudio/.paddlenlp/taskflow/information_extraction/uie-base'.
[{'产品': [{'end': 35,
'probability': 0.8595664902550801,
'start': 25,
'text': '《小缇娜的奇幻之地》'}],
'地名': [{'end': 34,
'probability': 0.30077351606695757,
'start': 26,
'text': '小缇娜的奇幻之地'},
{'end': 117,
'probability': 0.5250433327469182,
'start': 109,
'text': '小缇娜的奇幻之地'}],
'时间': [{'end': 52,
'probability': 0.8796518890642702,
'start': 38,
'text': '6 月 24 日凌晨 1 点'}],
'组织': [{'end': 2,
'probability': 0.6914450625760651,
'start': 0,
'text': '2K'},
{'end': 93,
'probability': 0.5971815528872604,
'start': 88,
'text': 'Steam'},
{'end': 75,
'probability': 0.5844303540013343,
'start': 71,
'text': 'Epic'},
{'end': 105,
'probability': 0.45620707081511114,
'start': 100,
'text': 'Steam'},
{'end': 60,
'probability': 0.5683007420326334,
'start': 55,
'text': 'Steam'},
{'end': 21,
'probability': 0.6797917390407271,
'start': 5,
'text': 'Gearbox Software'}]}]
pprint(ie("近日,量子计算专家、ACM计算奖得主Scott Aaronson通过博客宣布,将于本周离开得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(UT Austin)一年,并加盟人工智能研究公司OpenAI。"))
[{'人名': [{'end': 23,
'probability': 0.664236391748247,
'start': 18,
'text': 'Scott'},
{'end': 32,
'probability': 0.479811241610971,
'start': 24,
'text': 'Aaronson'}],
'时间': [{'end': 43,
'probability': 0.8424644728072508,
'start': 41,
'text': '本周'}],
'组织': [{'end': 87,
'probability': 0.5550909248934985,
'start': 81,
'text': 'OpenAI'}]}]
使用默认模型 uie-base 进行命名实体识别,效果还不错,大多数的命名实体被识别出来了,但依然存在部分实体未被识别出,部分文本被误识别等问题。比如 "Scott Aaronson" 被识别为了两个人名,比如 "得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校" 没有被识别出来。为提升识别效果,将通过标注少量数据对模型进行微调。
由于AI studio不支持在线标注,这里大家在本地端进行标注,标注完毕后上传数据集即可
pip install label-studio==1.7.1
label-studio start
在终端中执行以下脚本,将 label studio 导出的数据文件格式转换成 doccano 导出的数据文件格式。
python labelstudio2doccano.py --labelstudio_file dataset/label-studio.json
!python doccano.py \
--doccano_file dataset/doccano_ext.jsonl \
--task_type "ext" \
--save_dir ./data \
--splits 0.8 0.2 0
[2023-03-27 16:43:33,438] [ INFO] - Converting doccano data...
100%|████████████████████████████████████████| 40/40 [00:00<00:00, 29794.38it/s]
[2023-03-27 16:43:33,440] [ INFO] - Adding negative samples for first stage prompt...
100%|███████████████████████████████████████| 40/40 [00:00<00:00, 118650.75it/s]
[2023-03-27 16:43:33,441] [ INFO] - Converting doccano data...
100%|████████████████████████████████████████| 10/10 [00:00<00:00, 38095.40it/s]
[2023-03-27 16:43:33,442] [ INFO] - Adding negative samples for first stage prompt...
100%|███████████████████████████████████████| 10/10 [00:00<00:00, 130257.89it/s]
[2023-03-27 16:43:33,442] [ INFO] - Converting doccano data...
0it [00:00, ?it/s]
[2023-03-27 16:43:33,442] [ INFO] - Adding negative samples for first stage prompt...
0it [00:00, ?it/s]
[2023-03-27 16:43:33,444] [ INFO] - Save 274 examples to ./data/train.txt.
[2023-03-27 16:43:33,445] [ INFO] - Save 70 examples to ./data/dev.txt.
[2023-03-27 16:43:33,445] [ INFO] - Save 0 examples to ./data/test.txt.
[2023-03-27 16:43:33,445] [ INFO] - Finished! It takes 0.01 seconds
# 然后在终端中执行以下脚本,对 doccano 格式的数据文件进行处理,执行后会在 /home/data 目录下生成训练/验证/测试集文件。
!python finetune.py \
--train_path "./data/train.txt" \
--dev_path "./data/dev.txt" \
--save_dir "./checkpoint" \
--learning_rate 1e-5 \
--batch_size 32 \
--max_seq_len 512 \
--num_epochs 100 \
--model "uie-base" \
--seed 1000 \
--logging_steps 100 \
--valid_steps 100 \
--device "gpu"
[2023-03-27 16:47:58,806] [ INFO] - Downloading resource files...
[2023-03-27 16:47:58,810] [ INFO] - We are using to load 'uie-base'.
W0327 16:47:58.836591 13399 gpu_resources.cc:61] Please NOTE: device: 0, GPU Compute Capability: 8.0, Driver API Version: 11.2, Runtime API Version: 11.2
W0327 16:47:58.839186 13399 gpu_resources.cc:91] device: 0, cuDNN Version: 8.2.
[2023-03-27 16:48:30,349] [ INFO] - global step 100, epoch: 12, loss: 0.00060, speed: 3.46 step/s
[2023-03-27 16:48:30,794] [ INFO] - Evaluation precision: 0.93878, recall: 0.85185, F1: 0.89320
[2023-03-27 16:48:30,794] [ INFO] - best F1 performence has been updated: 0.00000 --> 0.89320
[2023-03-27 16:48:58,054] [ INFO] - global step 200, epoch: 23, loss: 0.00032, speed: 3.82 step/s
[2023-03-27 16:48:58,500] [ INFO] - Evaluation precision: 0.95918, recall: 0.87037, F1: 0.91262
[2023-03-27 16:48:58,500] [ INFO] - best F1 performence has been updated: 0.89320 --> 0.91262
[2023-03-27 16:49:25,664] [ INFO] - global step 300, epoch: 34, loss: 0.00022, speed: 3.83 step/s
[2023-03-27 16:49:26,107] [ INFO] - Evaluation precision: 0.90385, recall: 0.87037, F1: 0.88679
[2023-03-27 16:49:52,155] [ INFO] - global step 400, epoch: 45, loss: 0.00017, speed: 3.84 step/s
[2023-03-27 16:49:52,601] [ INFO] - Evaluation precision: 0.93878, recall: 0.85185, F1: 0.89320
[2023-03-27 16:50:18,632] [ INFO] - global step 500, epoch: 56, loss: 0.00014, speed: 3.84 step/s
[2023-03-27 16:50:19,075] [ INFO] - Evaluation precision: 0.92157, recall: 0.87037, F1: 0.89524
[2023-03-27 16:50:45,077] [ INFO] - global step 600, epoch: 67, loss: 0.00012, speed: 3.85 step/s
[2023-03-27 16:50:45,523] [ INFO] - Evaluation precision: 0.93478, recall: 0.79630, F1: 0.86000
[2023-03-27 16:51:11,546] [ INFO] - global step 700, epoch: 78, loss: 0.00010, speed: 3.84 step/s
[2023-03-27 16:51:11,987] [ INFO] - Evaluation precision: 0.93750, recall: 0.83333, F1: 0.88235
[2023-03-27 16:51:38,013] [ INFO] - global step 800, epoch: 89, loss: 0.00009, speed: 3.84 step/s
[2023-03-27 16:51:38,457] [ INFO] - Evaluation precision: 0.93617, recall: 0.81481, F1: 0.87129
[2023-03-27 16:52:04,361] [ INFO] - global step 900, epoch: 100, loss: 0.00008, speed: 3.86 step/s
[2023-03-27 16:52:04,808] [ INFO] - Evaluation precision: 0.95745, recall: 0.83333, F1: 0.89109
!python evaluate.py \
--model_path ./checkpoint/model_best \
--test_path ./data/dev.txt \
--batch_size 16 \
--max_seq_len 512
[2023-03-27 16:56:21,832] [ INFO] - We are using to load './checkpoint/model_best'.
W0327 16:56:21.863559 15278 gpu_resources.cc:61] Please NOTE: device: 0, GPU Compute Capability: 8.0, Driver API Version: 11.2, Runtime API Version: 11.2
W0327 16:56:21.866312 15278 gpu_resources.cc:91] device: 0, cuDNN Version: 8.2.
[2023-03-27 16:56:27,409] [ INFO] - -----------------------------
[2023-03-27 16:56:27,409] [ INFO] - Class Name: all_classes
[2023-03-27 16:56:27,409] [ INFO] - Evaluation Precision: 0.95918 | Recall: 0.87037 | F1: 0.91262
!python evaluate.py \
--model_path ./checkpoint/model_best \
--test_path ./data/dev.txt \
[2023-03-27 16:56:31,824] [ INFO] - We are using to load './checkpoint/model_best'.
W0327 16:56:31.856709 15361 gpu_resources.cc:61] Please NOTE: device: 0, GPU Compute Capability: 8.0, Driver API Version: 11.2, Runtime API Version: 11.2
W0327 16:56:31.859668 15361 gpu_resources.cc:91] device: 0, cuDNN Version: 8.2.
[2023-03-27 16:56:37,039] [ INFO] - -----------------------------
[2023-03-27 16:56:37,039] [ INFO] - Class Name: 时间
[2023-03-27 16:56:37,039] [ INFO] - Evaluation Precision: 1.00000 | Recall: 0.90000 | F1: 0.94737
[2023-03-27 16:56:37,092] [ INFO] - -----------------------------
[2023-03-27 16:56:37,092] [ INFO] - Class Name: 地名
[2023-03-27 16:56:37,092] [ INFO] - Evaluation Precision: 0.95833 | Recall: 0.85185 | F1: 0.90196
[2023-03-27 16:56:37,113] [ INFO] - -----------------------------
[2023-03-27 16:56:37,113] [ INFO] - Class Name: 产品
[2023-03-27 16:56:37,113] [ INFO] - Evaluation Precision: 1.00000 | Recall: 1.00000 | F1: 1.00000
[2023-03-27 16:56:37,139] [ INFO] - -----------------------------
[2023-03-27 16:56:37,139] [ INFO] - Class Name: 组织
[2023-03-27 16:56:37,139] [ INFO] - Evaluation Precision: 1.00000 | Recall: 0.50000 | F1: 0.66667
[2023-03-27 16:56:37,161] [ INFO] - -----------------------------
[2023-03-27 16:56:37,161] [ INFO] - Class Name: 人名
[2023-03-27 16:56:37,161] [ INFO] - Evaluation Precision: 1.00000 | Recall: 1.00000 | F1: 1.00000
[2023-03-27 16:56:37,181] [ INFO] - -----------------------------
[2023-03-27 16:56:37,181] [ INFO] - Class Name: 天气
[2023-03-27 16:56:37,181] [ INFO] - Evaluation Precision: 1.00000 | Recall: 1.00000 | F1: 1.00000
[2023-03-27 16:56:37,198] [ INFO] - -----------------------------
[2023-03-27 16:56:37,198] [ INFO] - Class Name: 价格
[2023-03-27 16:56:37,198] [ INFO] - Evaluation Precision: 1.00000 | Recall: 1.00000 | F1: 1.00000
my_ie = Taskflow("information_extraction", schema=schema, task_path='./checkpoint/model_best') # task_path 指定模型权重文件的路径
pprint(my_ie("2K 与 Gearbox Software 宣布,《小缇娜的奇幻之地》将于 6 月 24 日凌晨 1 点登录 Steam,此前 PC 平台为 Epic 限时独占。在限定期间内,Steam 玩家可以在 Steam 入手《小缇娜的奇幻之地》,并在 2022 年 7 月 8 日前享有获得黄金英雄铠甲包。"))
[2023-03-27 16:59:31,064] [ INFO] - Converting to the inference model cost a little time.
[2023-03-27 16:59:38,171] [ INFO] - The inference model save in the path:./checkpoint/model_best/static/inference
[2023-03-27 16:59:40,364] [ INFO] - We are using to load './checkpoint/model_best'.
[{'产品': [{'end': 118,
'probability': 0.9860373472963602,
'start': 108,
'text': '《小缇娜的奇幻之地》'},
{'end': 35,
'probability': 0.9870597349192849,
'start': 25,
'text': '《小缇娜的奇幻之地》'},
{'end': 148,
'probability': 0.9075982731610566,
'start': 141,
'text': '黄金英雄铠甲包'}],
'时间': [{'end': 52,
'probability': 0.9998029564426645,
'start': 38,
'text': '6 月 24 日凌晨 1 点'},
{'end': 137,
'probability': 0.9876786236837809,
'start': 122,
'text': '2022 年 7 月 8 日前'}],
'组织': [{'end': 2, 'probability': 0.988802896329716, 'start': 0, 'text': '2K'},
{'end': 93,
'probability': 0.9500440898664806,
'start': 88,
'text': 'Steam'},
{'end': 75,
'probability': 0.9819772965571794,
'start': 71,
'text': 'Epic'},
{'end': 105,
'probability': 0.7921079762008958,
'start': 100,
'text': 'Steam'},
{'end': 60,
'probability': 0.9829542747088276,
'start': 55,
'text': 'Steam'},
{'end': 21,
'probability': 0.9994613042455924,
'start': 5,
'text': 'Gearbox Software'}]}]
pprint(my_ie("近日,量子计算专家、ACM计算奖得主Scott Aaronson通过博客宣布,将于本周离开得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(UT Austin)一年,并加盟人工智能研究公司OpenAI。"))
[{'人名': [{'end': 32,
'probability': 0.9990170436659866,
'start': 18,
'text': 'Scott Aaronson'}],
'时间': [{'end': 2,
'probability': 0.9998477751029782,
'start': 0,
'text': '近日'},
{'end': 43,
'probability': 0.9995671774285029,
'start': 41,
'text': '本周'}],
'组织': [{'end': 66,
'probability': 0.9900270615638647,
'start': 57,
'text': 'UT Austin'},
{'end': 87,
'probability': 0.9993388552686611,
'start': 81,
'text': 'OpenAI'},
{'end': 56,
'probability': 0.9968586409231648,
'start': 45,
'text': '得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校'},
{'end': 13,
'probability': 0.8437228020724348,
'start': 10,
'text': 'ACM'}]}]
基于 50 条标注数据进行模型微调后,效果有所提升。
以下是 UIE Python 端的部署流程,包括环境准备、模型导出和使用示例。
模型训练、压缩时已经自动进行了静态图的导出以及 tokenizer 配置文件保存,保存路径${finetuned_model} 下应该有 .pdimodel、.pdiparams 模型文件可用于推理。
以下示例展示如何基于 FastDeploy 库完成 UIE 模型完成通用信息抽取任务的 Python 预测部署。先参考 UIE 模型部署安装FastDeploy Python 依赖包。 可通过命令行参数--device以及--backend指定运行在不同的硬件以及推理引擎后端,并使用--model_dir参数指定运行的模型。模型目录为 model_zoo/uie/checkpoint/model_best(用户可按实际情况设置)。
为了在GPU上获得最佳的推理性能和稳定性,请先确保机器已正确安装NVIDIA相关驱动和基础软件,确保CUDA >= 11.2,cuDNN >= 8.1.1,并使用以下命令安装所需依赖
编写 predictor.py
后处理(可选):根据需要对模型返回的结果进行处理,以更好地展示。本教程中通过 format()
函数和 add_o()
Predictor 类: 不需要继承其他的类,但是至少需要提供 __init__
和 predict
中定义实体抽取结构,通过 Taskflow
中进行预测,返回后处理的结果。class Predictor:
def __init__(self):
self.schema = ['地名', '人名', '组织', '时间', '产品', '价格', '天气']
self.ie = Taskflow("information_extraction", schema=self.schema, task_path='./checkpoint/model_best')
def predict(self, json):
text = json["input"]
uie = self.ie(text)[0]
result = format(text, uie)
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
在项目根目录下已经提供了编写好的 predictor.py 可以直接在后续使用。
# !paddlenlp server server:app --workers 1 --host --port 8189
# !pip install --upgrade paddlenlp
# import json
# import requests
# url = ""
# headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
# texts = ["近日,量子计算专家、ACM计算奖得主Scott Aaronson通过博客宣布,将于本周离开得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(UT Austin)一年,并加盟人工智能研究公司OpenAI"]
# data = {
# "data": {
# "text": texts,
# }
# }
# r = requests.post(url=url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data))
# datas = json.loads(r.text)
# print(datas)
更多详情请参考Label Studio官网: