英文 | 中文 |
-I didn't kill that man Michael.-The evidence says you did. | -迈克尔那人不是我杀的-可证据确凿 |
I was set up. | 我是被陷害的 |
Put down your weapon. | 把枪放下! |
I find it incumbent that you see the inside of a prison cell. | 本席在此宣判 你入狱服刑 |
I'm looking for someone guy named Lincoln Burrows. | 我想找个人他叫林肯·布伦斯 |
Man killed the vice president's brother. | 杀害副总统哥哥的那个? |
Why you want to see Burrows so bad anyhow? | 你为什么这样急着见布伦斯? |
'Cause he's my brother. | 他是我哥哥 |
-I'm getting you out of here.-It's impossible. | -我要把你弄出去-不可能 |
Not if you designed the place,it isn't | 除非这个地方是你设计的 你说呢 |
You've seen the blueprints. | 你看过蓝图了? |
Better than that. | 不仅如此 |
I've got 'em on me. | 我都纹在身上了 |
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There's a lawyer poking around. | 有个好管闲事的律师 |
Ms Donovan? | 多诺万小姐 |
I didn't mean to scare you. | 我没想吓倒您 |
It's gone. | 不见了! |
Does anyone else have a key to this place? | 都谁还有这里的钥匙? |
You were here.remember? | 你当时也在的记得么? |
I walked over to the cabinet and I... | 我走过橱柜然后 |
Got an issue with our little friend over there? | 对我们的小朋友有什么意见么? |
Yeah. Maybe it's time I lit up that leather once and for all, huh? | 是时候给他点颜色看看了 |
What happened? | 发生了什么事? |
Don't make me lie to you. | 别逼我骗你 |
You heard the news, didn't you? | 你听说了么? |
No. What? | 听说什么? |
-They're brothers.-Who? | -他们是兄弟-谁? |
-Burrows and Scofield.-Michael Scofield? | -布伦斯 和斯科菲尔德-迈克尔·斯科菲尔德? |
I'm going into the walls tonight,see if I can access the roof. | 今晚打算再到墙那边 看看能否顺利到达屋顶 |
Take the only thing Burrows has left. | 不要给布伦斯留下丝毫希望 |
The chair isn't the only way to take a man's life in prison. | 在监狱里行刑不一定非要通过电椅 |
Just a few more rides.Then you have to wrap it up. | 那就再玩几次吧回来后就走 |
Wow. Adam's getting bigger. | 亚当已经长大了? |
-Ten.-Not here. | -10岁了?-这里说话不方便 |
We need a favour. | 帮我们个忙 |
been out of the life for years,you know that. | 你也知道 我早就洗手不干了 |
I know. | 我知道 |
Problem is, Diamond, no one's gonna believe that | 可问题是帝蒙谁又会相信你呢 |
if I take the heroin in my pocket | 尤其是当我把包里的海洛因 |
and put it in the glove box of the reasonably priced minivan you got over there. | 适当的放在你装手套的盒子里的时候 |
I will cuff you. | 我将会逮捕你 |
I will drag you out of here in front of everyone. | 然后当着众人的面把你带走 |
What do you need? | 你想怎样? |
What America needs | 美国需要的 |
is an environmentally friendly, | 是一个环保的 |
logistically feasible | 可持续发展的 |
and economically responsible alternative fuel source. | 经济可靠的全新替代型燃料 |
Leave a message and I'll call you back. Thanks. | 请留言我会尽快回电 谢谢 |
It's Wendy. | 嗨是温蒂 |
I know you wanted to work with no distractions, so don't pick up. | 知道你工作时不想分心 所以不用接了 |
I just wanted to let you know that Nick Savrinn left six messages for you... | 我只想告诉你 尼克·萨维恩给你打了六个电话 |
What did you tell him? | 你都告诉她什么了? |
What you said to say you were in a meeting. | 照你的吩咐告诉他你在开会 |
Look,If he comes by tomorrow, tell him I'm not there.OK? | 好的如果明天他还来的话 告诉他我不在这里好么? |
OK. Goodnight, Veronica. | 好的晚安维罗妮卡 |
Thanks, Wendy. | 多谢温蒂 |
Bed check. | 查宿 |
Do you want to tell me why haven't you returned any of my calls? | 能向我解释一下为什么不回我电话么? |
Look, I really appreciate everything you've done,okay? | 听着我很感激你一直以来给予我的帮助? |
but I don't want your help anymore. | 但我从此不需要了 |
Don't want my help anymore. | 不再需要我的帮助了 |
Do you really think I had something to do with that missing tape? | 你还是以为那盘丢失的录像带和我有关? |
No. I'm just gonna go grab a cup of coffee and get back to work.okay? | 不我只是想冲杯咖啡然后继续工作好么? |
I don't have time for this right now. | 我现在没时间来讨论这个 |
Veronica, | 维罗妮卡 |
just wait a second. | 请等一下 |
Will you hold on a second? | 能不能听我说? |
-Listen, what are you avoid...-Don't touch me!all right? | -你为什么躲着我?-不要碰我好么? |
Everything OK, Miss Donovan? | 没事吧 多诺万小姐? |
Lucasz, do you mind walking me back inside? | 卢卡斯可否麻烦你送我回屋? |
Take a walk, pal. | 走远点伙计 |
You're being paranoid. | 别痴心妄想了 |
-You're being paranoid.-Go away, Nick. | -别痴心妄想了-滚远点 |
Show some skin, Scofield. | 露点皮出来 斯科菲尔德 |
Hey, Scofield! | 斯科菲尔德 |
I'm trying to sleep, boss. | 刚睡着呢老大 |
I can't get through the wall. | 到不了围墙 |
What do you mean you can't get through the wall? | 什么意思你到不了围墙? |
I know how to do it. | 我知道怎么做 |
I just don't have the time to do it. | 只是没有足够的时间 |
We're locked up. All we got is time. | 咱们被关在这儿 有的是时间 |
You don't understand. | 你不明白 |
I planned this break on a schedule. | 我本来已计划好了这一切 |
They constantly coming up here for count | 但这里却总是点名 |
won't let me do what I need to do to get through the wall. | 使我无法顺利完成墙那边的工作 |
If I'm not back on schedule, | 如果我不能按时回来 |
which means we're through by the end of the day manana, | 就意味着即使几天后 咱们顺利穿过了那堵墙 |
we're not getting out of here. | 也无法离开这里 |
Look, there's three things for certain in life | 生活中有三个东西是无法逃避的 |
death, taxes and count. | 死亡税收还有点名 |
The only way to stop count is... | 唯一逃避点名的办法就是 |
What? | 是什么? |
Never mind. It's a bad idea. | 算了这主意不好 |
Worse than the idea of losing Maricruz? | 比失去玛丽克鲁兹还糟? |
A lockdown. | 一级禁闭 |
We get Gen Pop locked down for a day, you'll have all the time you need. | 只要能让这里禁闭一天 你就有足够的时间来做你想做的 |
-And no count?-Bulls don't even come by. | -不用点名?-那帮畜生甚至都不会来 |
Only one problem. | 只是有一点 |
How do we get a lockdown? | 怎样才能让这里被禁闭呢? |
Can you get to the prison AC unit? | 你到得了空调机房么? |
Maybe. | 或许 |
You want a lockdown? You got to get the inmates riled up. | 想要被封闭 首先要激怒这里的囚犯 |
And if you wanna piss off the meat in concrete, | 想再狠点的话 |
turn up the heat. | 再加点温 |
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I thought you were retired. | 还以为你退休了呢 |
Never mind me. | 不用管我 |
Some heavy hitters want this done, so that means I want it done. | 上面希望这事尽早解决 我也是迫不得已 |
No screw-ups. | 不能有丝毫差错 |
For you, Diamond, it's not a problem. | 既然你开口肯定没问题 |
Burrows is as good as dead. | 布伦斯死定了 |
Hottest April on record. | 这个四月还真是热 |
-Global warming.-Probably. You got a minute? | -全球气候变暖-或许吧现在有时间么? |
About five years' worth. | 有差不多5年呢 |
Sorry. Right. | 没错 |
You never told me Burrows is your brother. | 你从没和我说过林肯·布伦斯是你哥哥 |
-It never came up.-Right. | -你也没问过-没错 |
I'm curious if that isn't because of my father, the governor. | 我很好奇 这事是否和我的那个州长父亲有关 |
He may not be the one pulling the switch, | 他说话可能不太管用 |
but you and I both know he has power to grant clemency and he won't. | 你我都知道他可以请求缓刑 但他是不会那样做的 |
and he never does. | 永远都不会 |
My old man was an abusive drunk who abandoned his family. | 我家老头曾因酗酒成性将家人抛弃 |
I don'tjudge anyone by their father's actions,or inactions, | (所以)我从来不通过家长的举动看人 |
if that was your concern. | 你是担心这个吗? |
Just so you know,I don't agree with his politics. | 正如你所知道的 我不太赞同他的某些政策 |
And I'm sorry about your brother. | 你哥哥的事我很抱歉 |
I appreciate that. | 多谢了 |
Hey, this isn't much... | 虽说帮不上太大的忙 |
I have to give Lincoln a weekly checkup now. | 我每周要为林肯做检查 |
If you want, I could schedule those visits | 如果愿意的话 我可以把他的检查时间安排在 |
to end right before you come in for your shots. | 在给你打针之前 |
That way | 这样或许 |
you could at least see each other,even if it's just in passing. | 你们能互相见一面 虽然时间不长 |
Thank you. | 谢谢你了 |
Yeah. | 不客气 |
Greetings from the kitchen, fish. 100 bucks. | 来自厨师的问候菜鸟 100块钱 |
Theodore Bagwell,transferred back from the infirmary. | 图多尔·伯格威尔 从医务室归来 |
We got you a little "get well" gift. | 为你准备了一个"康复"礼物 |
It's just the right size. | 大小正合适 |
Thank you, boys. | 谢谢伙计们 |
I'll catch up with you later. | 回见 |
What's your name? | 你叫什么名字? |
Seth. | 塞斯 |
You new, Seth? | 新来的塞斯? |
Scared? Look at me, boy. | 害怕么?看着我 孩子 |
You probably heard stories about me. | 你应该听说过我的故事 |
They're not all true. | 不全是真的 |
What do you say we go for a walk, huh? | 我们出去走走好么? |
Your co-counsel's already here. | 您的助理已经到了 |
Excuse me? | 你说什么? |
What the hell are you doing here? | 你来这干什么? |
I'm talking to my client. | 和客户谈话 |
-Don't talk to him.-Veronica | -不要和他讲话-维罗妮卡 |
We don't know anything about this guy. | 我们还不了解他 |
He found somebody that could help us out. | 他找到能帮助我们的办法了 |
You have one minute. | 只给你1分钟 |
I've been going over the incident report from the night og the murder, | 我看了谋杀当晚的报告 |
and somebody made an anonymous phone call to the local cops | 有位匿名人士打电话给警察 |
claiming to see Lincoln running away from the garage | 宣称看见林肯从车库中跑出来 |
with bloody pants. | 身穿血裤 |
We've been through this | 这个我们以前讨论过 |