




  • 路径:~/fuel_planner/active_perception/src/frontier_finder.cpp

主要函数:寻找并更新边界簇 void FrontierFinder::searchAndAddFrontiers()
使用SDF地图,找到该边界簇的轴对齐包围盒(AABB框) B i B_i Bi,并更新更新的框内的新边界;
创建视点集 V P i VP_i VPi以覆盖簇 F i F_i Fi

    void FrontierFinder::searchAndAddFrontiers() {
        ros::Time t1 = ros::Time::now();
        //---------------   增量边界检测    ---------------------
        // Bounding box of updated region  更新区域的AABB框B_i
        Vector3d update_min, update_max;
        edt_env_->sdf_map_->getUpdatedBox(update_min, update_max, true);
        // ROS_WARN("update_min %lf %lf %lf: ", update_min[0], update_min[1], update_min[2]);
        // ROS_WARN("update_max %lf %lf %lf: ", update_max[0], update_max[1], update_max[2]);

        // Search new frontier within box slightly inflated from updated box
        Vector3d search_min = update_min - Vector3d(1, 1, 0.5);
        Vector3d search_max = update_max + Vector3d(1, 1, 0.5);
        Vector3d box_min, box_max;                              //新的边界
        edt_env_->sdf_map_->getBox(box_min, box_max);
        for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
            search_min[k] = max(search_min[k], box_min[k]);
            search_max[k] = min(search_max[k], box_max[k]);
        // ROS_WARN("search_min %lf %lf %lf: ", search_min[0], search_min[1], search_min[2]);
        // ROS_WARN("search_max %lf %lf %lf: ", search_max[0], search_max[1], search_max[2]);
        Eigen::Vector3i min_id, max_id;
        edt_env_->sdf_map_->posToIndex(search_min, min_id);
        edt_env_->sdf_map_->posToIndex(search_max, max_id);
        ROS_WARN("min_id %lf %lf %lf: ", min_id[0], min_id[1], min_id[2]);
        ROS_WARN("max_id %lf %lf %lf: ", max_id[0], max_id[1], max_id[2]);

        vector<Frontier> tmp_frontiers;                      //当前边界
        for (int x = min_id(0); x <= max_id(0); ++x)
            for (int y = min_id(1); y <= max_id(1); ++y)
                for (int z = min_id(2); z <= max_id(2); ++z) {
                    // Scanning the updated region to find seeds of frontiers
                    Eigen::Vector3i cur(x, y, z);
                    if (!is_in_frontier_[toAddress(cur)] && knownFree(cur) && isNeighborUnknown(cur)) {
                        // Expand from the seed cell to find a complete frontier cluster    //找到完整边界
                        Frontier frontier;
                        if (expandFrontier(cur, frontier)) {          //按距离聚类搜索,检查新的簇的可行性

        //---------------   增量边界聚类   ---------------------
        splitLargeFrontiers(tmp_frontiers);         //递归分割边界簇

        ROS_WARN_THROTTLE(5.0, "Frontier t: %lf", (ros::Time::now() - t1).toSec());

        origin_frontiers_num_ = frontiers_.size();
        int new_num = 0;
        int new_dormant_num = 0;
        //-----------------------  视点生成  ---------------------------
        // Try to find viewpoints for each cluster and categorize them according to viewpoint number
        for (Frontier &tmp_ftr: tmp_frontiers) {
            // Search viewpoints around frontier
            if (!tmp_ftr.viewpoints_.empty()) {
                sort(tmp_ftr.viewpoints_.begin(), tmp_ftr.viewpoints_.end(),     //降序排列
                     [](const Viewpoint &v1, const Viewpoint &v2) -> bool {
                         return v1.visible_num_ > v2.visible_num_;
                frontiers_.insert(frontiers_.end(), tmp_ftr);
            } else {
                // Find no viewpoint, move cluster to dormant list  找不到视点,将边界簇移至休眠列表
        // Reset indices of frontiers   重置边界索引
        int idx = 0;
        for (Frontier &ft: frontiers_) {
            ft.id_ = idx++;

- 按距离聚类搜索,检查新的簇的可行性 FrontierFinder::expandFrontier

    bool FrontierFinder::expandFrontier(const Eigen::Vector3i &first, Frontier &frontier) {
        // Data for clustering
        queue<Eigen::Vector3i> cell_queue;
        vector<Eigen::Vector3d> expanded;
        Vector3d pos;

        edt_env_->sdf_map_->indexToPos(first, pos);
        is_in_frontier_[toAddress(first)] = true;

        // Search frontier cluster based on region growing (distance clustering)  按距离聚类搜索
        while (!cell_queue.empty()) {
            Vector3i cur_cell = cell_queue.front();
            vector<Vector3i> neighbors = allNeighbors(cur_cell);
            for (const Vector3i &next_cell: neighbors) {
                // Qualified cell should be inside bounding box and frontier cell not clustered  
                int next_cell_adr = toAddress(next_cell);
                if (is_in_frontier_[next_cell_adr] || !edt_env_->sdf_map_->isInBox(next_cell) ||
                    !(knownFree(next_cell) && isNeighborUnknown(next_cell)))

                edt_env_->sdf_map_->indexToPos(next_cell, pos);
                if (pos[2] < 0.4) continue;  // Remove noise close to ground 消除噪音
                is_in_frontier_[next_cell_adr] = true;
        if (expanded.size() > cluster_min_) {
            frontier.cells_ = expanded;
            return true;
        return false;

- 边界簇的分割FrontierFinder::splitLargeFrontiers

void FrontierFinder::searchAndAddFrontiers() 中使用,对每个簇都进行主成分分析,如果最大特征值超过阈值,则将该簇沿第一主轴分成两个均匀的簇。(分割是递归地进行的,因此所有大簇都被分成小簇。)
对应论文 IV.B

    void FrontierFinder::splitLargeFrontiers(vector<Frontier> &frontiers) {
        vector<Frontier> split_frontiers;
        for (Frontier &frontier: frontiers) {
            vector<Frontier> splits;
            if (splitHorizontally(frontier, splits)) {
                split_frontiers.insert(split_frontiers.end(), splits.begin(), splits.end());
            } else
        frontiers = move(split_frontiers);

其中FrontierFinder::splitHorizontally :使用主成分分析,将较大的簇沿第一主轴分成两个均匀的簇 (单个的分割步骤)

- 视点集 V P i VP_i VPi的采样与覆盖率检测FrontierFinder::sampleViewpoints

void FrontierFinder::searchAndAddFrontiers() 中使用,对应论文 IV.C
对于自由空间内的每个采样点 p \mathbb{p} p,通过一个偏航角优化方法,yaw角 ξ \xi ξ由传感器对簇覆盖的最大角决定;
–> 覆盖度超过阈值的视点 将被保留 并按降序排列
–> 保留 V P i VP_i VPi中最多 N v i e w N_{view} Nview个视点,在第二大部分第2步进行局部更新

// Sample viewpoints around frontier's average position, check coverage to the frontier cells
    void FrontierFinder::sampleViewpoints(Frontier &frontier) {
        // Evaluate sample viewpoints on circles, find ones that cover most cells
        for (double rc = candidate_rmin_, dr = (candidate_rmax_ - candidate_rmin_) / candidate_rnum_;
             rc <= candidate_rmax_ + 1e-3; rc += dr)
            for (double phi = -M_PI; phi < M_PI; phi += candidate_dphi_) {
                const Vector3d sample_pos = frontier.average_ + rc * Vector3d(cos(phi), sin(phi), 0);

                // Qualified viewpoint is in bounding box and in safe region 
                if (!edt_env_->sdf_map_->isInBox(sample_pos) ||
                    edt_env_->sdf_map_->getInflateOccupancy(sample_pos) == 1 ||
                    isNearUnknown(sample_pos)) {
                //----------------- 计算视点覆盖度,进行筛选与降序排列 ------------------------
                // Compute average yaw
                const vector<Vector3d> &cells = frontier.filtered_cells_;
                Eigen::Vector3d ref_dir = (cells.front() - sample_pos).normalized();
                double avg_yaw = 0.0;
                for (size_t i = 1; i < cells.size(); ++i) {
                    Eigen::Vector3d dir = (cells[i] - sample_pos).normalized();
                    double yaw = acos(dir.dot(ref_dir));
                    if (ref_dir.cross(dir)[2] < 0) yaw = -yaw;
                    avg_yaw += yaw;
                avg_yaw = avg_yaw / cells.size() + atan2(ref_dir[1], ref_dir[0]);
                wrapYaw(avg_yaw);     //调整yaw角朝向?
                // Compute the fraction of covered and visible cells   计算阈值
                int visible_num = countVisibleCells(sample_pos, avg_yaw, cells);      //计算有效视点
                if (visible_num > min_visible_num_) {               //保留部分视点并在V部分优化
                    Viewpoint vp = {sample_pos, avg_yaw, visible_num};

- 检测视点 x i , j = ( p i , j , ξ i , j ) x_{i,j}=(\mathbb{p}_{i,j},\xi_{i,j}) xi,j=(pi,j,ξi,j)可行性 FrontierFinder::countVisibleCells

FrontierFinder::sampleViewpoints 中使用

 int FrontierFinder::countVisibleCells(const Eigen::Vector3d &pos, const double &yaw,
                                          const vector<Eigen::Vector3d> &cluster) {
        perception_utils_->setPose(pos, yaw);
        int visible_num = 0;
        Eigen::Vector3i idx;
        for (const Vector3d &cell: cluster) {
            if (!perception_utils_->insideFOV(cell)) continue;      //是否超过传感器对簇覆盖的最大角

            // Check if frontier cell is visible (not occluded by obstacles) 检测未落在障碍物内
            ray_caster_->input(cell, pos);
            bool is_visible = true;
            while (ray_caster_->nextId(idx)) {
                if (edt_env_->sdf_map_->getInflateOccupancy(idx) == 1 ||
                    edt_env_->sdf_map_->getOccupancy(idx) == SDFMap::UNKNOWN) {
                    is_visible = false;
            if (is_visible) visible_num += 1;
        return visible_num;


2. 其他函数

  • 移除过时的簇:FrontierFinder::removeOutDatedFrontiers()

  • 计算每对簇之间的连接代价(F_k1,F_k2) :FrontierFinder::updateFrontierCostMatrix()

  • 检测两个AABB框是否重叠:FrontierFinder::haveOverlap

  • 对簇进行降采样 :FrontierFinder::downSample
