On Regular Investing(Xiaolai Li)Day 4

1.4 What Can We Use to Regularly Invest?

It's an undeniable fact that most people don't invest. And the reason why they don’t invest is that they think they don’t have any money to invest.

But in fact, in addition to investing money, we have another resource that we can invest -- time.

They always forget the fact: In addition to money, their time is also an investible asset. They haven't thought about how important time is, and how strong an influence it has over us.

We will never have access to massive amounts of free capital to invest over an unlimited term, and that's a big reason why Buffett has been extraodinarily successful.

Yet we have much time to be regular investors. Regular investors are different. They may not have that much money, but they are investing more than just money. Since they are continuously investing over the long term,

they are also using time to invest.

The core reason regular investors have been able to hold an assets is that they have the ability to continuously make money over the long term outside of the market, because they have upgraded their personal business model.

The vast majority of people can only sell their time once, but, after upgrading, I can sell my time multiple times. For instance, by writing books or teaching online.

So we must upgrade our personal business model at once. Only in this way, can it allows us to always have money to use for investment that, despite being limited in amount, has no cost, is constantly flowing in, and can be invested over an unlimited term.

So regular investing is something that people with ambition but limited resources can do, and it is something that only this type of person can do.

Selling one bit of your time more than once is an upgrade of your personal business model. It's such an important upgrade that it is hard for anyone to free themselves from the shackles of increasing daily expenses without it. At first you only have to take care of yourself; then you have to take care of your spouse; then you have to take care of your children and even your parents. Most people are defeated by these basic life expenses. An individual must make enough money to cover these expenses, which first increase and then may level out or even decrease later in life, before they can have money left over to practice regular investing. If you don't upgrade your personal business model, it's hard to have any money left over.

from selling your time once to selling the same time multiple times;
from only using money to consume to using money to make money (starting to invest);
from just investing money to also investing time.

Even more importantly, a strategy of regular investing systematically reduces risk.

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