DirectIO(Direct Input/Output)

Simply put

DirectIO, or Direct I/O, is a technology that allows applications to directly access and manipulate data on storage devices, such as hard drives or solid-state drives (SSDs), without involving the operating system’s file cache or buffer. It enables direct and efficient data transfer between storage devices and applications, bypassing unnecessary copies and kernel involvement.

The traditional approach to input/output (IO) operations involves multiple steps. When an application needs to read or write data, it issues a system call to the operating system. The operating system’s file cache or buffer temporarily holds the data, and then it is copied to the application’s memory space. This process, known as double buffering, incurs extra memory copies, which can introduce unnecessary overhead and decrease IO performance.

In contrast, DirectIO allows applications to bypass the operating system’s buffering and directly access the storage device for data transfer. The data is read from or written to the application’s memory space directly, without intermediate copies in the operating system’s buffer.

The key benefits of DirectIO include:

  1. Reduced latency: DirectIO minimizes the time taken to read or write data by eliminating the need for intermediate data copies. It reduces the overhead associated with data copies and context switching, resulting in lower latency.
  2. Improved scalability: DirectIO enables applications to efficiently use large-scale storage systems by avoiding the limitations of the operating system’s buffer. It allows applications to perform IO operations directly on storage devices, which can be critical for high-performance applications that deal with large datasets.
  3. Enhanced control: By bypassing the operating system’s buffer, DirectIO gives applications more control over how data is managed and manipulated. It allows applications to align IO operations with specific requirements, such as custom caching strategies or access patterns.

It’s important to note that DirectIO requires careful handling and imposes certain responsibilities on application developers. The application is responsible for managing data buffers, ensuring proper alignment with device block sizes, and handling error conditions. DirectIO operations also necessitate additional considerations like data synchronization, concurrent access, and proper error handling.

In summary, DirectIO is a technology that enables applications to directly access and manipulate data on storage devices, bypassing the operating system’s buffer. It offers lower latency, improved scalability, and enhanced control over IO operations. However, it also requires careful handling and imposes additional responsibilities on application developers.





  1. 应用程序通过调用DirectIO相关的系统调用发起IO操作。
  2. 内核将IO请求直接传递给存储设备,不经过内核缓冲区。
  3. 存储设备将数据直接复制到应用程序的地址空间中,绕过内核缓冲区。
  4. 应用程序可以直接访问该数据,无需进行额外的数据复制。


  • DirectIO的IO操作必须按照设备的块大小(通常为4KB或更大)对齐,否则会引发错误或性能下降。
  • DirectIO可能增加CPU负载,因为数据的复制工作需要应用程序来完成,而不是由内核来处理。
  • 在使用DirectIO时,应用程序需要自己管理数据的缓存和同步问题,确保数据的正确性和一致性。











  1. 系统性能下降:读写放大增加了磁盘IO操作的次数和数据量,会导致系统的响应时间变长,吞吐量降低,降低了整个系统的性能表现。
  2. 磁盘资源消耗增加:读写放大增加了磁盘IO的数据量,意味着更多的磁盘读写操作和数据传输,会增加磁盘的负载,降低其寿命,同时也消耗更多的存储资源。
  3. 网络传输开销增加:如果IO操作涉及网络传输,读写放大会增加网络传输的数据量和延迟。


  1. 合并IO操作:将多个连续的读取或写入请求合并为一个更大的IO操作,减少IO操作的次数。
  2. 使用更合适的块大小:根据应用程序的实际需求,选择合适的磁盘块大小,以减少读写放大。
  3. 使用缓存技术:通过使用缓存来减少对磁盘的频繁读写请求,尽量在缓存中满足读取请求,减少磁盘IO的需求。
  4. 数据压缩和去重:对磁盘上的数据进行压缩和去重,可以减少实际的存储空间和磁盘IO数据量。
  5. 使用异步IO:异步IO可以提高IO操作的并发性,减少IO操作的等待时间,提高系统的性能和效率。

