
In Autodesk Maya, “polygon” and “transform” are two fundamental types of nodes used to represent different aspects of 3D geometry and the transformation of objects in the scene.

  1. Polygon (polyMesh):

    • A polygon node, often referred to as a “polyMesh,” represents the actual 3D geometry of an object. It defines the shape of the object using polygons (faces) such as triangles or quads.
    • Polygons define the vertices (points), edges (lines connecting vertices), and faces (polygonal surfaces) that make up the 3D object.
    • Polygons are responsible for defining the surface topology and characteristics of the object, including its appearance and geometry.
    • Examples of polygonal objects include cubes, spheres, characters, and any other 3D models composed of polygons.
  2. Transform (transform):

    • A transform node is responsible for defining the transformation attributes (position, rotation, and scale) of an object in 3D space.
    • It acts as a parent or container node that can hold other types of nodes, including polygon nodes (polyMeshes), nurbs (NURBS surfaces), cameras, lights, and more.
    • The transform node defines the object’s position, rotation, and scale in the world or local coordinate system.
    • The transformation applied to a transform node affects all the child nodes it contains. For example, if you rotate a transform node, all its child objects (e.g., polygons) will rotate as well.
    • A transform node can represent the position and orientation of objects such as models, lights, cameras, and more.

In summary, the key difference between “polygon” and “transform” in Maya is that the “polygon” node represents the actual 3D geometry of an object, defining its shape, while the “transform” node represents the transformation and positioning of an object in 3D space. The transform node acts as a container for the geometry and other nodes, allowing you to manipulate and position objects in the scene while retaining their individual geometry and other attributes.

