
音频:牙牙学语2,《sitting on the carpet》



1.I can tell by touch

M: Coco, let's play a game. I will close my eyes, and I can tell by touch the dolls.

S: okay.

M: Here's its ear, here is its big mouth, here is its eyes, here ia its tail.I can touch his legs. It has four legs.okay, I got it! It is a puppy~Can I open my eyes?

S: Yes.再摸一个~

M:Okay. show me another one.what animal it is? Here feels like its horn. It has two horns. Here feels like its ears, here feels like its hands, here feels like its legs, here feels like its tails. here feels like its nose. Where is its nose? where is its eyes and mouth? Its so weird. I don't know who it is. Can I open my eyes?

S: hahahaha~(娃已经乐不可支了!)Open your eyes~

M: Oh, no! It is back of xiyangyang~Oh my!

2.here's a little crab.


《I can tell by touch》



