QPainterPath CurveChart::generateSmoothCurve(const QList<QPointF> &points)
QPainterPath path;
int len = points.size();
if (len < 2) {
return path;
QList<QPointF> firstControlPoints;
QList<QPointF> secondControlPoints;
calculateControlPoints(points, &firstControlPoints, &secondControlPoints);
path.moveTo(points[0].x(), points[0].y());
// Using bezier curve to generate a smooth curve.
for (int i = 0; i < len - 1; ++i) {
path.cubicTo(firstControlPoints[i], secondControlPoints[i], points[i+1]);
return path;
void CurveChart::calculateControlPoints(const QList<QPointF> &knots, QList<QPointF> *firstControlPoints, QList<QPointF> *secondControlPoints)
int n = knots.size() - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (n == 1) {
// Special case: Bezier curve should be a straight line.
// P1 = (2P0 + P3) / 3
(*firstControlPoints)[0].rx() = (2 * knots[0].x() + knots[1].x()) / 3;
(*firstControlPoints)[0].ry() = (2 * knots[0].y() + knots[1].y()) / 3;
// P2 = 2P1 – P0
(*secondControlPoints)[0].rx() = 2 * (*firstControlPoints)[0].x() - knots[0].x();
(*secondControlPoints)[0].ry() = 2 * (*firstControlPoints)[0].y() - knots[0].y();
// Calculate first Bezier control points
double *xs = new double[n];
double *ys = new double[n];
double *rhsx = new double[n]; // Right hand side vector
double *rhsy = new double[n]; // Right hand side vector
// Set right hand side values
for (int i = 1; i < n - 1; ++i) {
rhsx[i] = 4 * knots[i].x() + 2 * knots[i + 1].x();
rhsy[i] = 4 * knots[i].y() + 2 * knots[i + 1].y();
rhsx[0] = knots[0].x() + 2 * knots[1].x();
rhsx[n - 1] = (8 * knots[n - 1].x() + knots[n].x()) / 2.0;
rhsy[0] = knots[0].y() + 2 * knots[1].y();
rhsy[n - 1] = (8 * knots[n - 1].y() + knots[n].y()) / 2.0;
// Calculate first control points coordinates
calculateFirstControlPoints(xs, rhsx, n);
calculateFirstControlPoints(ys, rhsy, n);
// Fill output control points.
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
(*firstControlPoints)[i].rx() = xs[i];
(*firstControlPoints)[i].ry() = ys[i];
if (i < n - 1) {
(*secondControlPoints)[i].rx() = 2 * knots[i + 1].x() - xs[i + 1];
(*secondControlPoints)[i].ry() = 2 * knots[i + 1].y() - ys[i + 1];
} else {
(*secondControlPoints)[i].rx() = (knots[n].x() + xs[n - 1]) / 2;
(*secondControlPoints)[i].ry() = (knots[n].y() + ys[n - 1]) / 2;
delete[] xs;
delete[] ys;
delete[] rhsx;
delete[] rhsy;
void CurveChart::calculateFirstControlPoints(double *&result, const double *rhs, int n)
double *tmp = new double[n];
double b = 2.0;
result[0] = rhs[0] / b;
// Decomposition and forward substitution.
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
tmp[i] = 1 / b;
b = (i < n - 1 ? 4.0 : 3.5) - tmp[i];
result[i] = (rhs[i] - result[i - 1]) / b;
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
result[n - i - 1] -= tmp[n - i] * result[n - i]; // Backsubstitution.
delete[] tmp;