
英文 中文
For over a century I have lived in secret, 一个多世纪以来我都秘密地活着
Until now. 直到现在
I know the risks, but I have to know her. 我知道这很冒险但我必须要认识她
I'm Elena. 我叫埃琳娜
- I'm Stefan. - I'm Damon. -我叫斯特凡-我是达蒙
You didn't tell me that you had a brother. 你没告诉过我你有个哥哥
It's complicated. 说来话长
Elena, She is a dead ringer for Katherine. 埃琳娜她长得跟凯瑟琳一模一样
Which one of you dated her first? 你们谁先和她在一起的
Katherine is dead, and you hate me 凯瑟琳死了而你恨我
Because you loved her. 因为你爱她
I was hoping I'd see you again. 我希望能再见到你
She's not a puppet. 她不是玩偶
She doesn't exist for your amusement; 她活着不是为了让你玩弄
For you to feed on whenever you want to. 也不是你想吸就吸的血袋
They're whatever I want them to be. 我要他们怎样他们就怎样
Wear it for me, for...good luck. 戴着吧能给你带来好运
You want to kiss me. 你想吻我
Vervain in the necklace. 项链里的马鞭草
It's been a while since anyone 已经很久没人
Could resist my...compulsion. 能抵御我的"强迫命令"了
There's nothing human in Damon. 达蒙已经没有丝毫人性了
No good, no kindness, no love. 不怀好意善心不在爱也荡然无存
Only a monster who must be stopped. 他只是一个必须被阻止的恶魔
Hello? 有人吗
Jeremy? 杰里米
Hello? 有人吗
This is Logan Fell coming to you live from the streets of Mystic Falls 罗根·费尔从神秘瀑布镇为您发回的现场播报
With breaking news of another deadly animal attack. 又发生了一起致命的动物袭击人类事件
The wild animal terrorizing the citizens of Mystic Falls 严重威胁神秘瀑布镇居民安危的野兽
Has claimed another victim, 再度酿造惨剧
Local high school student Elena Gilbert. 死者为当地高中学生埃琳娜· 吉尔伯特
Police are certain that forensic eviden will confirm 经警方法医调查证实
That this is the same animal responsible for recent attacks. 与最近几起动物袭击案同属一种动物所为
You know it's coming next. 你知道你就是下一个
Bad dream? 做噩梦了吗
Do you know how easy it was to get into your head just now? 你知道刚才进入你脑中有多容易吗
You really need some human blood. 你真的需要些人血了
It might even the playing field. 至少可以让双方势均力敌一些
Football reference. 我是说橄榄球
Too soon. 太快了
All right, I deserved that. 好吧我活该
But I just wanted to let you know, 但我只是想让你知道
They caught the culprit. 他们抓到罪犯了
The animal responsible for killing 害死泰纳教练
Coach Tanner and all those people. 和其他人的那只动物
What are you talking about? 你在说什么
It was a mountain lion. Really big one. 是很大的一只美洲狮
It attacked a hunter this morning. 今早它还袭击了一个猎人
It's all over the news. 新闻上到处都在播报
"Deadly beast captured. 致命野兽被捕
All's well in Mystic Falls." 神秘瀑布镇回复平静
Why would you cover your tracks? 你为什么要掩饰自己的行踪
I've decided to stay a while. 因为我决定多住一阵子
I'm just having way too much fun here with you and Elena. 有你和埃琳娜陪我玩很有意思
Can't touch her now. 你现在不能碰她了
Well, the vervain keeps me out of her head. 马鞭草可以阻止我控制她的思想
Maybe that's not my target. 也许那并不是我的目标
Believe it or not, Stefan, 信不信由你斯特凡
Some girls don't need my persuasion. 有些女孩不需要我的魅惑
Some girls just can't resist my good looks, 有些女孩就是无法抗拒我的帅气
My style and my charm 我的风格和魅力
And my unflinching ability to listen to Taylor Swift. 以及我对泰勒·斯薇芙特歌曲的狂热
This is John Varvatos, dude. 你刺破了我的名牌衣服兄弟
Dick move. 你真混蛋
I can confirm that a 12-foot puma mountain lion 我只能证实一只12英尺长的美洲狮
Attacked a hunter and was subsequently shot and killed. 袭击了一个猎人接着被枪杀了
The hunter is in stable condition. 那个猎人现在情况稳定
The real animal is still out there, 真正的野兽还逍遥法外
Waiting for me, challenging me to fight back, 等着我挑衅我反击
To stop him. 阻止他
But how do I stop a monster 但我怎么能在不变成恶魔的情况下
Without becoming one myself? 阻止恶魔呢
To repeat, the animal terrorizing Mystic Falls 重复一遍威胁神秘瀑布镇的动物
has been caught. 已经被抓了
Scum ball. 人渣
Scum bucket. 饭桶
Who are you talking to? 你在说谁呢
The news guy, 那个新闻记者
also known as Logan "scum" Fell. 也称作罗根·人渣·费尔
Did your mom ever tell you why I moved away from Mystic Falls? 你妈妈有提到我为什么离开神秘瀑布镇吗
Oh, no way. 哦不会吧
You and him? 你和他
This is Logan Fell. 罗根·费尔为您发回的报道
He's cute. 他挺可爱的
He is not cute. 他才不可爱呢
There's nothing cute about him. 他身上一点可爱的东西都没有
What are you doing with that? 你拿那个东西干什么
I went yesterday and got it from the safe deposit box. 我昨天从保险箱里找到的
Mom had told Mrs. Lockwood she would loan it 妈妈曾答应洛克伍德夫人要把它借给
To the founder's council for their heritage display. 创立者协会举办的历史遗物展示会
Is that grandma Beth's wedding ring? 那是贝丝奶奶的结婚戒指吗
Originally it was great-great-grandma Mary's wedding ring. 最早是曾曾祖母玛丽的结婚戒指
How much do you think this stuff is worth? 你觉得这东西值多少钱
You know, like on ebay? 比如说在易趣网上卖
You're not gonna find out. 绝不允许你把它卖掉的
That stuff is mom and dad's. You can't just give it away. 那东西是爸妈的你不能把它捐掉
I'm not giving it away. 我没有捐掉啊
It's called a loan, Jeremy. 这个叫借出去杰里米
Are you ok? 你还好吗
I'm good. 我很好
Sorry. 抱歉
Maybe we should press pause. 也许我们应当叫停了
Yeah, you're probably right. 是的你是对的
That was getting a bit... 我们进展得有点...
- Yeah. - Yeah. -是的-没错
How do you look in a suit? 你穿上西装看起来怎么样
- I can pull one off. - How about tomorrow night? -我可以试试穿一件-明晚怎么样
Will you be my date to the founder's party? 你愿意做我的伴侣去参加创立者派对吗
They still do that? 这传统还在继续吗
Have you been before? 你以前去过吗
No, the Salvatores 不塞尔瓦托家族
Don't get invited anymore. 已经不再被邀请了
Well, this year, there's this heritage project 今年有个历史遗物展示会
That meant a lot to my mom. 那对我母亲意义重大
She was really involved in the founder's council, 她和创立者协会渊源颇深
And it was her favorite party. 那是她最喜欢的派对
I know it sounds really boring, but 我知道听起来枯燥乏味但是
I would be honored to accompany you, 能陪你去我会感到很荣幸的
Miss Gilbert. 吉尔伯特小姐
The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Salvatore. 是我非常荣幸塞尔瓦托先生
No Yellow. Jaundice. Go for the blue. 不要穿黄色的不喜欢换件蓝色的
I don't like the blue. 我不喜欢蓝色
Well, I do. 可我喜欢
And if I'm gonna be your date 如果要我做你的男伴...
You can not be my date. 你不能和我一起去
My mother is going to be there, 我母亲会在场的
And she is a very proud gun owner. 她是个自大的配枪警察
I went through a lot of trouble 我大费周章
To make sure this party wasn't cancelled. 才让派对如期举行
It's very important I be there. 我必须出席
Please take me. 请带上我
You should come to the founder's party with me. 你应该和我一起去创立者派对
Not if you're wearing that dress. 除非你换条裙子
What's so special about this Bella girl? 这个叫贝拉的女孩到底有什么特别
Edward's so whipped. 让爱德华如此着迷
You gotta read the first book first. 你应该先看看第一本书
It won't make sense if you don't. 不看你又如何能明白
Ah, I miss Anne Rice. She was so on it. 我想念安妮·莱斯她写的故事才真让人着迷
How come you don't sparkle? 你为何不像爱德华那样闪闪发光
Because I live in the real world, 因为我生活在真实世界中
Where vampires burn in the sun. 吸血鬼在阳光下会被烧伤
Yeah, but you go in the sun. 是的但你在阳光下也没事啊
I have a ring. It protects me. 我有个护身戒指
Long story. 说来话长
Will these bites turn me into a vampire? 被咬了这么多次我会变成吸血鬼吗
It's more complicated than that. 可没那么简单
You'd have to feed on my blood, then die, 你需要吸食我的血然后死去
Then feed on a human's, whole ordeal. 再找个人类吸他的血历经折磨煎熬
This book, by the way, has it all wrong. 这本书提一句讲的全不对
You can be very sweet when you want to be. 其实有时候你真的很温柔
Yes, I can be sweet. 是啊我可以的
Are you going to kill me? 你会杀掉我吗
But not yet. 但不是现在
Why not? 为何不
Because there's something I need you to do for me. 因为我还需要你替我做些事
Anything. 做什么都行
How good are you at getting this little nose where it doesn't belong? 你制造小麻烦的本领有多强呢
Oh, I'm excellent. 噢我可是相当厉害
So what happens with the season? 本赛季是怎么回事
One big forfeit? Are they looking for a new coach? 损失严重吗他们在找新教练吗
I don't know, Dad. 我不知道爸爸
I doubt anybody's thinking about that right now. 我觉得现在没人会关心那事
Charles, founder's party, focus. 查尔斯说创立者派对的事别叉开话题
How are you all doing over here? 你们都好吗
Ah, we're doing great, sweetheart. 我们很好甜心
Is there anything else I can get you? 还有什么需要我为你效劳的吗
We're fine, thanks. 不用了谢谢
Just the check, honey. 账单给我就好甜心
- Here you go, mayor Lockwood.- thanks. -给你洛克伍德镇长-谢谢
You're taking Damon to the founder's party? 你要带达蒙去创立者派对
What about me? 那我怎么办
Go with Elena. 跟埃琳娜去啊
She's asking Stefan. 她邀请了斯特凡
Ok, go by yourself. 那你就自己去呗
Gee, thanks. What about your mom? 真是太谢谢你了你妈妈那儿怎么办
Is she ok with you bringing Damon? 她会同意你带达蒙去吗
And I'm supposed to care why? 我为何要理会她的意见
He's older sexy danger guy. 他是个性感又危险的老男人
Older sexy danger guy? 性感又危险的老男人
Is that an official witch twitter tweet? 这是你们女巫的术语吗
No more witch jokes, ok? 别再拿女巫的事开玩笑好吗
At whole Mr. Tanner prediction thing has me freaked. 预感到泰纳老师被杀的那件事把我吓坏了
And Damon's not dangerous. 达蒙并不危险
You know, he just has a lot of issues with his brother. 他只是跟他弟弟很不和
You know, like major, deep-rooted drama. 根深蒂固非常戏剧性的成见
Like...? 比如呢...
I'm not really supposed to say anything. 我真不应该说这些的
Caroline Forbes, when have you ever kept a secreat in your life 卡罗琳你这辈子什么时候守住过一个秘密了
Ok. 好吧
But you can't tell Elena. 但是你不能跟埃琳娜讲
No. 不会的
So what you gonna buy me? 你打算给我吃些什么"甜头"
Ugh, some class. 我要去上课
Oh, your parents are gone. I guess you can be close now. 你父母都走了我想你现在能跟我亲近了
What the hell does that mean? 你说这话什么意思
You treat me like trash. I'm sick of it. 你待我如粪土我已经厌倦了
I don't think you're trash. 我没把你当粪土
Really? Then who are you taking to the founder's party? 是吗那你要带谁去参加创立者派对
Vicki Donovan. 薇姬·多诺万
Do you want me to ask you to the founder's party? 你想我邀请你去创立者派对吗
No. 不想
It'll be stupid and lame. 肯定又傻又没劲
True. 这倒是
But it'll be less stupid and lame if you were there. 但如果你在场的话就不会那么差劲了
You realize you had to ask him to ask you, right? 你心里很清楚是你求他带你去的对吧
You figure if you dress up like 你认为你穿得像个
A respectable young lady, 高雅得体的年轻女士
He'll finally treat you like one? 他就会认真对待你吗
Screw you, Jeremy. 去你的吧杰里米
You know you're making the wrong choice, 你知道你在犯错
Yet you make it anyway. 你还是义无反顾地去做
It's sad. 好可悲
I didn't know you were here. 我不知道你在这儿
Just going through Stefan's homework. 只是来检查下斯特凡的作业
This country sure has dumbed down in at last hundred years. 近几百年来国家的教育水准真是江河日下啊
Why he wants to go to high school is beyond me. 我仍旧很困惑他为何要重返高中
I mean, in the seventies, he went ivy league. 我的意思是七十年代他去常春藤盟校
Harvard, I understood. 去哈佛我能理解
Actually, no. I didn't get that either. 不其实那个我也不是很理解
Go ahead, purge. Get it out. What's on your mind? 有话就说吧你想说什么就大胆说出来吧
Why are you here, Damon? 你来这儿干什么达蒙
To spend time with you, Zach. 来陪你啊扎克
Family's important. 亲情很重要
I know you. 我了解你
You always have a motive. 你做事定有目的
So tell me, what is it this time? 那么告诉我这次是为了什么
You are in no position to question me. 你没资格来问我
I didn't mean to upset you. 我不是故意惹你心烦的
This is not upset, Zach. 这不是心烦扎克
What's going on? 怎么了
Having a family moment, Stefan. 享受天伦之乐斯特凡
Spending some quality time. 珍惜和家人在一起的时光
Hey, are you ok? 你还好吗
No, I'm not. 不我不好
And neither are you. 你也一样
How many more people have to die before you see that? 要死多少人你才能看明白啊
I see it. All right, Zach, I see it. 我都明白好吗扎克我很清楚
Then why aren't you doing anything about it? 那你为什么不做点什么
I can't, Zach. 我不能扎克
I can't. 我做不到
It would take human blood. 那需要喝人类的血
It's the only way that I could stop him, and I can't do that 那是我能阻止他的唯一办法可我不能那么做
The vervain could weaken him 马鞭草可以让他变弱
If he ingested it. 只要他能吃下
It would help get you the upper hand. 它会帮助你占上风
Vervain hasn't grown here since 1865. 自从1865年起镇上就不长马鞭草了
Damon saw to that. 达蒙很清楚这一点

