

1 MethodFilterAttribute

1.1 /// Represents the base class for all method-filter attributes.

1.1.1 /// Occurs before the action method is invoked.

1.1.2 ///  Occurs after the action method is invoked.

  1. MethodFilterAttribute 

using System;

using System.Diagnostics;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Flatwhite.Core



    1.     /// Represents the base class for all method-filter attributes.


    [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = true)]

    public abstract class MethodFilterAttribute : Attribute



        /// Gets or sets the order in which the action filters are executed.


        public int Order { get; set; }


        /// Occurs before the action method is invoked.


        /// methodExecutingContext">


        public virtual void OnMethodExecuting(MethodExecutingContext methodExecutingContext)




      1.         /// Occurs before the action method is invoked.


        /// methodExecutingContext">



        public virtual Task OnMethodExecutingAsync(MethodExecutingContext methodExecutingContext)



        return Task.CompletedTask;



        ///  Occurs after the action method is invoked.


        /// methodExecutedContext">


        public virtual void OnMethodExecuted(MethodExecutedContext methodExecutedContext)




      1.         ///  Occurs after the action method is invoked.


        /// methodExecutedContext">



        public virtual Task OnMethodExecutedAsync(MethodExecutedContext methodExecutedContext)



return Task.CompletedTask;



