

我们最先想到的就是一些常见的小词,比如promote, accelerate, expedite, facilitate等,此外,还可以用一些高级、罕见点的词,比如:forward, further,举个例子:

This project will further/forward the economic cooperation between China and Europe.



The tax incentives will help the economic growth.



Deeds matched the words. He ended the Soviet Union’s proxy wars in Africa, Latin America and Asia, hurrying the Red Army home from its futile and bloody mission in Afghanistan. At arms-control talks with America knotty negotiating problems unravelled overnight. The danger of nuclear war abated. He buried most of the Soviet empire in Europe, and played midwife to a united Germany.

补充一个专业术语:proxy war 代理人战争,指的是两个国家不直接参加的战争,两个对立的力量利用外部冲突以某种方式打击另一方的利益或是领地。比如叙利亚战争就是一场美俄的代理人战争,美俄两国直接发动战争代价太大,甚至会导致地球毁灭,所以俄罗斯支持叙利亚政府军,美国支持反政府军,通过这种方式来对抗彼此。

这部分有很多语言点,首句 Deeds matched the words 用韩非子的话说就是“言行相称”,也可以说 deliver one's promise.

knotty是形容词,表示complicated and difficult to solve 棘手的,难以解决的,也可以用 thorny 这个词替换,thorny源自它的名词thorn,指的是玫瑰花身上的刺,变成形容词thorny,便是“多刺的”,引申为“困难的,棘手的”。写作中我们用difficult的时候,停下来想一想,能不能用knotty或thorny替换。

ravel的意思是to make a situation or problem more complicated “使错综复杂”,在前面加一个否定前缀"un-"变成unravel,它在柯林斯中的解释是:If you unravel a mystery or puzzle, or if it unravels, it gradually becomes clearer and you can work out the answer to it. 可以翻译成“解决”,用solve替换。通过英文解释,我们既能学到它的用法,也能学到它的简单的替换,通过简单的词去记生词、难词,效果会好很多。

abate的意思是to become less strong; to make sth less strong (使)减轻,但更常见的是 unabated 这个词,表示without becoming weaker,可以用来形容人的兴趣、热情等情绪,比如:

My interest in English remains unabated.


My enthusiasm for interpreting remains unabated.



On the eve of the Brexit referendum's first anniversary, the chaos it has unleashed rumbles on unabated.


而本段重点要讲的是play midwife to,midwife是“助产士,接生婆”的意思,助产士能对婴儿的出生起到一个促进作用,所以play midwife to...,扮演助产士的角色,就是“促进、推动”的作用。


AMERICA did as much as any country to create post-war Europe. In the late 1940s and the 1950s it was midwife to the treaty that became the European Union and to NATO, the military alliance that won the cold war.

it was midwife to the treaty 的字面意思是,它(美国)是该协议的助产士,也就是“它推动了该协议(的达成)”。
