
进入cadence IC618的安装目录

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查看是否存在checksysconf文件,直接执行checksysconf <软件名>查看依赖库是否齐全

checksysconf IC6.1.8


[Copyright 2002-2018] Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

This  program and online  documentation  may not be copied, modified,
re-published, uploaded,  executed, or  distributed in any way, in any
medium, whether in whole or in part, without prior written permission
from Cadence Design Systems, Inc.

============== checkSysConf:  Version 3.36 ====================

Date information gathered: Thu Oct 13 15:06:05 CST 2022
Host Name ..............:  eda01
Hostid .................:  007f0100
Operating System .......:  Linux / x86_64
OS Version .............:  CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)
Kernel Version .........:  3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64
Hardware Type ..........:  x86_64
Memory .................:  257666 Megabyte
CPU model ..............:  AMD EPYC 7H12 64-Core Processor
No. of CPUs ............:  256
Total Swap Space........:  262143 Megabyte
X Server ...............:  
Patch Data file ........:  /edasw/cadence/IC618_221008/share/patchData/Linux/x86_64/redhat/7.0WS/IC6.1.8

****************   Now verifying configuration     ****************

Validating Kernel requirements...
            Minimum             Installed                   Status    Info                
            --------------      --------------------------  ------    --------------------
            3.10.0-514          3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64      PASS                          

Validating MEMORY requirements MegaByte ...
            Minimum   Installed Status  Info                
            -------   --------- ------  --------------------
            4096MB    257666MB  PASS                        

Validating SWAP requirements in MegaByte ...
            Minimum   Installed Status  Info                
            -------   --------- ------  --------------------
            4096MB    262143MB  PASS                        

Validating DISPLAY requirements...
          Minimum           Installed                   Status  Info                
          ----------------- ---------------------       ------  ----                
          8 planes          32 planes                   PASS                        
          PseudoColor       DirectColor                                             

Validating PACKAGE requirements.....23 to check
#   PACKAGE                Release    Build          Installed               Arch        Status  Info               
--  -------                -------    -----          ----------              ----        ------  --------------------
1   glibc                  2.17       157            2.17-325.el7_9          i686        PASS                       
->  'GlibC-32bit'
2   glibc                  2.17       157            2.17-325.el7_9          x86_64      PASS                       
->  'GlibC'
3   elfutils-libelf        0.166      2              0.176-5.el7             i686        PASS                       
->  'Libelf-32bit'
4   elfutils-libelf        0.166      2              0.176-5.el7             x86_64      PASS                       
->  'Libelf Library'
5   ksh                    20120801   26             20120801-143.el7_9      x86_64      PASS                       
->  'ksh'
6   mesa-libGL             11.2.2     2.20160614     18.3.4-12.el7_9         i686        PASS                       
->  'Mesa libGL Library'
7   mesa-libGL             11.2.2     2.20160614     18.3.4-12.el7_9         x86_64      PASS                       
->  'Mesa libGL Library'
8   mesa-libGLU            9.0.0      4              9.0.0-4.el7             i686        PASS                       
->  'Mesa libGLU Library'
9   mesa-libGLU            9.0.0      4              9.0.0-4.el7             x86_64      PASS                       
->  'Mesa libGLU Library'
10  motif                  2.3.4      8              -                       i686        FAIL    Package not installed.
->                                                                                               ----------------------
->  'Openmotif-32bit'
11  motif                  2.3.4      8              -                       x86_64      FAIL    Package not installed.
->                                                                                               ----------------------
->  'Openmotif'
12  libXp                  1.0.2      2.1            1.0.2-2.1.el7           i686        PASS                       
->  'libXp-32bit'
13  libXp                  1.0.2      2.1            1.0.2-2.1.el7           x86_64      PASS                       
->  'libXp'
14  libpng                 1.5.13     7              1.5.13-8.el7            i686        PASS                       
->  'libpng-32bit'
15  libpng                 1.5.13     7              1.5.13-8.el7            x86_64      PASS                       
->  'libpng'
16  libjpeg-turbo          1.2.90     5              1.2.90-8.el7            i686        PASS                       
->  'libjpeg-32bit'
17  libjpeg-turbo          1.2.90     5              1.2.90-8.el7            x86_64      PASS                       
->  'libjpeg'
18  expat                  2.1.0      8              2.1.0-12.el7            i686        PASS                       
->  'libexpat-32bit'
19  expat                  2.1.0      8              2.1.0-12.el7            x86_64      PASS                       
->  ''
20  glibc-devel            2.17       157            2.17-325.el7_9          i686        PASS                       
->  'GlibC-devel-32bit'
21  glibc-devel            2.17       157            2.17-325.el7_9          x86_64      PASS                       
->  'GlibC-devel'
22  gdb                    7.6.1      64.el7         7.6.1-120.el7           x86_64      PASS                       
->  'GNU debugger'
23  xorg-x11-fonts-misc    7.5        9              7.5-9.el7               noarch      PASS                       
->  'Fonts'

Configuration checks failed on this workstation (eda01), status is: FAIL

This system does not have the correct packages to run IC6.1.8
Run checkSysConf IC6.1.8 -P 
to find out which products require this package.

Exiting checkSysConf ... Good-bye
Output is saved as /tmp/checkSysConf.eda01-2022.10.13.15:06.207137.log


yum install -y motif.i686
yum install -y motif.x86_64
