Crowdsourcing Customer Support: Consulting Your 'Customer Experts' For Help 众包客户支持:向你的“客户专家”寻求帮助

Would your customer support mix be improved if you offered customers the option of consulting ‘customer experts’: crowdsourced, volunteer users of your productwho are eager to share their expertise? Probably. I suggest add this approachto the mix (for my customer support and customer service consulting clients)because while these types of customer evangelists will never, and should never,replace your paid professionals, it’s an approach that appeals, interestinglyenough, to both the recipient of the crowdsourced support and the unpaid,civilian “experts” who provide it.


JD Peterson, theformer VP of marketing for Zendesk, the prominent customer support SaaSplatform, gave me one of the most interesting takes I’ve heard on the customerdesire for recognition and feedback that drives the push toward crowdsourcing.As quoted in Your Customer Is The Star, my new eBook from Forbes, JD suggeststhat you let your power users be the voice [of your brand]. Customers thesedays are more willing to do this kind of work for your brand, but they wantrecognition for doing it—they would like to be given that badge or stamp thatsays, ‘You’re the power expert in Applegate bacon.’ Giving power users thatrecognition, a badge, points [or] some sort of title, giving them somethingthey can stamp on their resume or their LinkedIn profile that says they’re anexpert or a power user, I think, is really important to customers today. It’scertainly a win for [the] business as well: You’re not having to take on allthe burden of support costs because your users are able to do some of that foryou—and your customers get closer to the brand at the same time by assistingyou.”

杰出的客服支持SaaS平台Zendesk公司的前市场副总裁JD Peterson,给我讲述了一个我所听过的最有趣的场景之一,这是一个关于驱向众包的认知和反馈的客户渴望。正如我在福布斯的新电子书《客户是璀璨的星》一书中提到的那样,JD建议让你高级用户成为品牌的代言人。如今的客户更愿意为你的品牌做这些事情,但是他们希望他们的行动能够得到认可,他们希望能够被授予这样的徽章或印章:“你是阿普尔盖特牌腊肉的专家。”授予高级用户这种认可,徽章或某种头衔,给予他们一些可以展示在简历或领英资料上可以说明他们是专家或高级用户的证明,我认为如今对于客户来说的确非常重要。对于企业来说同样也是一种双赢的举措:你无需全部承担所有的支持成本压力,因为你的用户可以为你分担一部分,而且通过协助你,你的客户同时也更接近品牌。”

The reason JD mentions Applegate as hisexample is because the well-known organic meats company makes use of acommunity software platform called “Get Satisfaction” in order to provide acrowdsourced self-service approach to customer support.Because Applegate regularly fields specific,detailed and emotionally charged questions about both the meat and thepackaging in which it is conveyed, Applegate openly crowdsources commentary andadvice from other customers to answer these questions, rather than solely relyon its employees.The idea is to use thefeedback from customers who have already explored these kinds of questions,or/and who are passionate about the questions and answers, to provide a richerversion of customer support.


Think about whether a similar approach would provide value to your customers as well.You might find that not only does it providea deeper variety and higher level of customer support for your customers, itbinds your civilian experts more closely to your company.Customers want to interact with, andcontribute to, the brands that they love.Allowing them a venue within which they can do so can only increase thelove.And the customers they assist youin supporting will appreciate it as well.



你可能感兴趣的:(Crowdsourcing Customer Support: Consulting Your 'Customer Experts' For Help 众包客户支持:向你的“客户专家”寻求帮助)