LAD Oracle dataguard KSR

LAD= *log_archive_dest

20/07/2023 10:08:37          2 Error 1089 disconnecting from LAD:2 standby host '
20/07/2023 10:08:37          3 Error 1089 disconnecting from LAD:2 standby host '

SRL are not getting used as Local Archiving has been set wrongly .

All SRL are showing status ACTIVE for Old Sequence.

 On Standby db the Local archiving is set to

 *log_archive_dest_2LOCATION=USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST VALID_FOR=(all_logfiles,all_roles) DB_UNIQUE_NAME='  ===========> This is wrong  showing db_unique_name of Primary for local archiving

LAD2 is set for All Logfiles but the db_unique_name is set to different name rather the db_unique_name of Standby Hence there is No location set for SRL and hence they are all shown as ACTIVE


On Standby for local archiving you just need to give the path of the archive dest or FRA (if FRA is configured)

Alter system set log_archive_dest_1='LOCATION=USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST'  ;  (no need to specify db_unique_name and valid_for for local archiving) ;

26/07/2023 16:30:30          1 ORA-16198: Received timed out error from KSR
26/07/2023 16:30:30          1 Error 16198 closing archive log file 'pkgprddg'
26/07/2023 16:30:59          2 ORA-16198: Received timed out error from KSR
26/07/2023 16:30:59          2 Error 16198 disconnecting from LAD:2 standby host

DBA_HIST_CHANNEL_WAITS display the amount of messages broadcast on KSR and KSXR channels as well as the total time taken for the broadcast to complete.

KSR channels are local to an instance, that is, only processes within an instance subscribed to the channel can receive the message. KSXR channels allow messages to be broadcast across instances. The messages broadcast and the total time to broadcast are cumulative from the start of the instance. Channels with high overall average wait times could indicate potential problems with a subscriber on that channel which can lead to poor scaled performance.

Wait events for standby destinations configured with either the LGWR ASYNC or 

"LGWR wait on LNS"

	This wait event monitors the amount of time spent by the log writer (LGWR)
	process waiting to receive messages on KSR channels from the network 
"LNS wait on LGWR"

	This wait event monitors the amount of time spent by the network server 
	waiting to receive messages on KSR channels from the log writer (LGWR) 

"LGWR-LNS wait on channel"

	This wait event monitors the amount of time spent by the log writer (LGWR)
	process or the network server processes waiting to receive messages on 
	KSR channels.
