
摘 要
关键字:SpringBoot 互联网 流浪动物救助

With the speeding up of life, however, also make a lot of potential danger is highlighted increasingly, such as in various places will find many homeless, scar, pathetic animal, when encounter this kind of situation, will immediately to help and aid them with both hands, to give them a warm home, but because of the lack of rescue and nursing knowledge, or is afraid of “trouble”, then go away after a short struggle.Day after day, the dangers posed by the increasing number of stray animals are incalculable.Therefore, no matter from what aspects, the creation of homeless assistance website is very necessary.Stray rescue site rescue function has the function of adoption, foster care and the assistance function of the selected assistance objects have personal assistance and institutional assistance, respectively, at the same time can also share your on the website of the extra resources, such as what resources needed for food, and so on, and also provide volunteer application channel, this both for stray animals, the people of the whole society and the society as a whole continued positive development has incomparable advantages.Through this platform, not only effectively help the people to the problem of stray animals how to deal with the people at the same time, in the use of more popularized the animal care knowledge for the user, and then in the interpersonal communication in the spread of the consciousness of cruelty to animals, to drive the action of universal love, to the beauty of the home to make their own efforts.These service platform APPs can not only allow users to enjoy fast, convenient and considerate in all aspects, but also save users’ time. In this fast-paced society, for users, saving time is equivalent to saving money.Moreover, for the stray animal rescuers, everyone has done not let the stray animals stray, active action, their work difficulty will be greatly reduced, to build a better home is just around the corner.
Stray rescue site is more convenient, the use of the Internet in this society is very successful, small to personal communication communication, communication is too big to company employees, are inseparable from the science and technology, so, in such a mature platform, various types of web site also arises at the historic moment, based on the user demand cannot stray animals help directly, plus SpringBoot mature technology, based on SpringBoot stray animal rescue site also naturally in this age.And for the user to solve the great trouble, but also for the country to reduce the human and material resources.
Keywords: SpringBoot Internet stray animal rescue

目 录
摘 要 0
Abstract 0
1 前言 1
2 研究意义 1
2.1 研究背景 1
2.2研究目的与意义 1
3 问题定义 2
4 需求分析 2
4.1需求调研 2
4.2功能模块需求分析 3
4.3设计的基本思想 4
4.4性能需求 4
4.4.1网站的安全性 4
4.4.2数据的完整性 4
4.5界面需求 5
5 可行性研究 5
5.1可行性分析 5
5.1.1技术的可行性 5
5.1.2经济的可行性 5
5.1.3操作可行性 6
5.1.4法律的可行性 6
6 功能实现 6
5.1 系统实现概述 6
5.2 功能实现 6
5.2.1 普通员工 6
5.2.2 主管 8
5.2.3 系统管理员 12
5.3 小结 17
6 系统测试 17
6.1 系统测试环境 18
6.2功能测试用例 18
6.3 小结 18
7 总结 18
致  谢 20
参考文献 21
