单细胞转录组数据分析课件||4. Removal of confounding factors in scRNA-seq data


  • 何为混杂因素(confounding factors) ?
  • 它与批次效应有何区别与联系?
  • 如题,如何去除混杂因素
  • 在已有的方法中均是消除连续变量型的混杂因素(如“nCount_RNA”),要是离散变量呢?
  • 在R中的几种实现方法。
  • 主要基于回归的方法。


This lecture by Bishwa Ghimire (University of Helsinki) is part of the course "Single cell RNA-seq data analysis with R" (27.-29.5.2019). Please see https://www.csc.fi/web/training/-/scr... for the full course description and all the materials.

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