



把RNA破碎成小片段,然后将RNA转变成一条cDNA,这一步需要用到反转录酶 reverse transcriptase (RT) 才能用RNA作为模板合成DNA。


另一种常用的引物称为随机引物,随机引物的好处是没有A尾巴的诸如ncRNA也被留下了,而且不会存在明显的3'端偏差。但是很多研究也发现,所谓的随机引物根本就不随机,这也是测序结果中,通常前6个碱基的GC含量分布特别不均匀的原因。这几个碱基GC含量均匀很可能不是接头或者barcode那些东西,其实是Illumina 测序RT这一步的random hexamer priming 造成的bias,很多人在处理数据的时候会把这几个碱基去掉,其实很多时候真多RNA-seq数据去不去掉基本什么影响,不过开头如果有低质量的碱基倒是应该去掉。





对于illumina数据,有一条5-3的universal adaptor;还有一条是3-5的indexed adatpor,这条引物含有特异常的barcode。需要说明的是,在双端测序中,如果insert 不是足够长,那么R1可能就会测到R2的引物,同时R2可能会测到R1引物的反向互补序列。






测序的基本思想是机器识别四种碱基发出的不同颜色的荧光,可以理解为一个flow cell 立着非常多序列,机器一层一层扫过去,通过识别荧光而判断这一层每个序列的碱基是什么。




The sequencing machine uses the first few bases to establish where the cDNA fragments are on the flow cell. If all of the bases in one part of the flow cell are all the same, like 'C', and all show up green in the picture, then the colors will bleed together and it will not be clear where exactly all of the reads are. In contrast, if you have a lot of different colors in a region, it's easier to determine where each one is, even with a little color bleed.



和普通的RNAseq不同,链特异性测序可以保留最初产生RNA的方向,普通建库方式为什么不行呢?因为传统建库方式通过两个接头的ligation把RNA已经变成了双链DNA,最后的文库中一部被测序的链对应正义链(sense strand),一部分被测序的链测是反义链。

链特异性建库方式有不止一种,对应到不同的软件又有不同的叫法,下面是几种称呼。要记住的是dUTP 测序方式的名字是fr-firstrand,也是RF。至于具体的read方向接下来通过更详细的IGV截图说明问题。






这样最后的insert DNA fragment都是来自于第一条cDNA,也就是dUTP叫fr-firststrand的原因。对于dUTP数据,tophat的参数应该为 –library-type fr-firststrand。这里的first-strand cDNA可不是RNA strand,在使用htseq-count 时,真正的正义链应该是使用参数 -s reverse 得到的结果。



DNA 的正链和负链,就是那两条反向互补的链。参考基因组给出的那个链就是所谓的正链(forward),另一条链是反链(reverse)。但是这正反一定不能和正义链(sense strand)反义链(antisense strand)混淆,两条互补的DNA链其中一条携带编码蛋白质信息的链称为正义链,另一条与之互补的称为反义链。但是携带编码信息的正义链不是模板,只是因为它的序列和RNA相同,正义链也是编码链。而反义链虽然和RNA反向互补,但它可是真正给RNA当模板的链,因此反义链也是模板链。


  1. 正义链(sense strand)= 编码链(coding strand)= 非模板链

  2. forward strand 上可以同时有sense strand 和 antisense strand。因为这完全是两个不同的概念。

写这篇文章的原因,就是因为有人问我,链特异性测序数据 htseq-count 的结果是不是应该把正负链的基因分别在-s yes 和-s reverse 两个参数结果中统计出来再做下游分析。这里犯的错误就是我们混淆了基因组正反链和基因正义反义链的概念。


从前文的一个图我们可以总结出dUTP方式测序R1文件中read1 的方向和基因的方向(正义链)是相反的,而R2文件中的read2 方向和基因的方向是相同的。


首先解释一下igv 两个颜色参数的意义

  • Read strand in pastels, red for positive rightward (5' to 3') DNA strand, blue for negative leftward (reverse-complement) DNA strand, and grey for unpaired mate, mate not mapped, or otherwise unknown status.

  • First-of-pair strand assignment is dependent on RNA transcript directionality and is useful for directional libraries. Displays reads or read pairs in which the forward read is first (F1 or F1R2) in red and reads or read pairs in which the reverse read is first (R1 or R1F2) in blue. Unknown status is in gray.

  • For a given transcript, non-directional libraries will show a mix of red and blue reads aligning to the locus.

  • Directional libraries will show reads of one color in the direction matching the transcript orientation.

下面这个图示按照igv 颜色选项中的read strand 方向进行区分,可以看到所有红色read都是在正链方向(注意正链不是正义链),而所有蓝色的read都是负链方向。下面基因的方向是正链方向,也就是和红色的read同向的,如果你把鼠标放到随意一个红色的read上,就能看到显示的信息是second of pair,也就是pair中的read2(R2);反之如果你在蓝色的read上面,就会显示信息是first of pair,也就是R1 。

总结,dUTP测序中pair read 中的read1(R1)和基因方向相反,read2(R2)和基因方向相同




这张图展示了两个基因1和2,我们可以发现gene1的正义链就在正链上,而gene2的正义链其实是在反链上。看read情况,a,c两个read虽然针对正链负链而言方向一致,都是负链方向,但是如果把a是pair中的read1(first of pair ),而c是pair中的read2(second of pair)。也就是说,read方向一致,但一个是read1一个是read2,说明这两个read对应的基因一定是反向的。同样的道理,虽然b,d都是两个方向为负链的read,但是b其实是所在pair的read2(second of pair),而d是所在pair的read1(first of pair)。

再次强调,dUTP测序中pair read 中的read1(R1)和基因方向相反,read2和基因方向相同

当使用read strand来进行颜色区分的时候,每一个基因上两种颜色的分布应该相对均匀(也就是所谓的pair end)。

如果这个时候把颜色选项改为按照 first of pair of strand来区分,会出现下图的变化。



如果是非链特异性测序,在 first of pair of strand模式下,同一个gene相关的read颜色也是明显混杂的。如下图



  • dUTP 链特异性测序中,RNA 方向(gff文件中基因的方向)与read1相反,与read2相同。如果read1比对到基因组正链上,则对应的gene在基因组负链;如果read2比对到基因组正链则对应的gene在基因组正链。

  • dTUP 测序方式叫做fr-firstrand(留下的是cDNA第一条链),也是RF。

  • 如果dUTP链特异性测序,看基因表达量应该 counts for the 2nd read strand aligned with RNA(htseq-count option -s reverse, STAR ReadsPerGene.out.tab column 3 )

  • 如果想看反义链是否有转录本(比如NAT)应该用 the 1st read strand aligned with RNA ( htseq-count option -s yes,STAR ReadsPerGene.out.tab column 4)


STAR mpping 时无需特别设置,但如果不是链特异性数据且下游分析要用到cufflinks 则需要增加参数 --outSAMstrandField intronMotif。为的是增加一个XS标签。

If you have stranded RNA-seq data, you do not need to use any specific STAR options. Instead, you need to run Cufflinks with the library option --library-type options. For example, cufflinks... --library-type fr-firststrand should be used for the standard dUTP protocol, including Illumina’s stranded Tru-Seq.

hisat2 --rna-strandness RF


For single-end reads, use F or R. 'F' means a read corresponds to a transcript. 'R' means a read corresponds to the reverse complemented counterpart of a transcript. For paired-end reads, use either FR or RF. With this option being used, every read alignment will have an XS attribute tag: '+' means a read belongs to a transcript on '+' strand of genome. '-' means a read belongs to a transcript on '-' strand of genome.

tophat --library-type option fr-firststrand



htseq-count -s reverse/yes(看反义链)

For stranded=no, a read is considered overlapping with a feature regardless of whether it is mapped to the same or the opposite strand as the feature. For stranded=yes and single-end reads, the read has to be mapped to the same strand as the feature. For paired-end reads, the first read has to be on the same strand and the second read on the opposite strand. For stranded=reverse, these rules are reversed.

RSEM --forward-prob 0(正义链)1(看反义链)

The RNA-Seq protocol used to generate the reads is strand specific, i.e., all (upstream) reads are derived from the forward strand. This option is equivalent to --forward-prob=1.0. With this option set, if RSEM runs the Bowtie/Bowtie 2 aligner, the '--norc' Bowtie/Bowtie 2 option will be used, which disables alignment to the reverse strand of transcripts. (Default: off)

Probability of generating a read from the forward strand of a transcript. Set to 1 for a strand-specific protocol where all (upstream) reads are derived from the forward strand, 0 for a strand-specific protocol where all (upstream) read are derived from the reverse strand, or 0.5 for a non-strand-specific protocol. (Default: 0.5)

sXpress --rf-stranded / --fr-stranded(看反义链)

--fr eXpress only accepts alignments (single-end or paired) where the first (or only) read is aligned to the forward target sequence and the second read is aligned to the reverse-complemented target sequence. In directional sequencing, this is equivalent to second-strand only.

--rf eXpress only accepts alignments (single-end or paired) where the first (or only) read is aligned to the reverse-completemented target sequence and the second read is aligned to the forward target sequence. In directional sequencing, this is equivalent to first-strand only.

trinity --SSlibtype RF**

Trinity performs best with strand-specific data, in which case sense and antisense transcripts can be resolved.

RF: first read (/1) of fragment pair is sequenced as anti-sense (reverse(R)), and second read (/2) is in the sense strand (forward(F)); typical of the dUTP/UDG sequencing method.



如果你用STAR mapping 完可以用igv像上文提到的那样,看看是不是链特异性测序。

下面是两个真是数据的count 统计情况。

对于仅仅进行基因表达定量来说,把链特异性数据当作普通建库数据来处理,可以观察第2列数据和第4列数据。具体某一个基因而言,影响不会太大,因为绝大多数反义链本身表达量就非常低。 不过可以注意 noFeature 和 ambiguous 这两个值,因为基因组中存在两个基因分别在正链和负链且又重叠的情况,不区分方向会比区分方向的ambiguous数目多一些。因为如果不能通过方向来区分到底属于哪个基因,这样的read就会被认为是ambiguous。

但是因为区分了方向,又会使得noFeature的数目更多一些。不过两者总体影响不会差别非常大。如果不能判断建库方式,在htseq中使用-s no 参数是一个比较保险(虽然不是非常精确)的做法。



比如在htseq-count中使用了-s reverse 参数,这个时候只有R2方向和基因方向相同的pair才用来算作一个count,所有R2和基因方向不同的pair就被当作no feature了。这样的结果影响可以通过下面的表格观察。

用正常方法数出的noFeature 是6万左右,而用-s yes或者reverse数出来的noFeature 就接近46万了。将近40万的read 被丢掉。







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