

typeorm 作为对typescript支持度最好的orm框架除了拥有这些优势外,还提供了缓存关系日志等等开箱即用的功能,使用typescriptquerybuilder可以模拟出任何复杂的sql语句并且不会丢失返回数据类型,并提供query方法直接执行sql语句,来满足对旧有sql语句的迁移,

typescript可以运行在 NodeJS、Browser、Cordova、PhoneGap、Ionic、React Native、Expo 和 Electron平台上,并且官方支持MySQL / MariaDB / Postgres / SQLite / Microsoft SQL Server / Oracle / sql.js / mongodb


  1. synchronize:true时数据模型同步原理,以及为什么在生产环境时不能使用
  2. reposity.save()的执行过程,在cascade: true时是如何自动将关系一起保存的,有数据时更新,无数据时插入是如何实现的
  3. 在查询relations时是否会有性能问题,关系是如何维持的,
  4. queryBuilder是如何构造出各种复杂的sql语句的


我们可以直接clone typeorm官方仓库代码,官方仓库包含sample目录,里面是每个功能的示例代码,我们直接对这里面的代码进行debug,来分析每个功能的源码实现

git clone https://github.com/typeorm/typeorm
cd typeorm
npm install
npm run compile

vscode debug功能 launch.json

  // 使用 IntelliSense 了解相关属性。
  // 悬停以查看现有属性的描述。
  // 欲了解更多信息,请访问: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=830387
  "version": "0.2.0",
  "configurations": [
      "type": "pwa-node",
      "request": "launch",
      "name": "Launch Program",
      "skipFiles": [
      "program": "${workspaceFolder}/sample/sample3-many-to-one/app.ts",
      //"preLaunchTask": "tsc: build - tsconfig.json",
      "outFiles": ["${workspaceFolder}/build/compiled/**/*.js"]

此例是对sample下的 sample3-many-to-one/app.ts进行调试,我们先看下主要代码

createConnection(options).then(connection => {
    let details = new PostDetails();
    details.authorName = "Umed";
    details.comment = "about post";
    details.metadata = "post,details,one-to-one";

    let post = new Post();
    post.text = "Hello how are you?";
    post.title = "hello";
    post.details = details;

    let postRepository = connection.getRepository(Post);

        .then(post => console.log("Post has been saved"))
        .catch(error => console.log("Cannot save. Error: ", error));

}).catch(error => console.log("Error: ", error));



数据库模型的同步发生在我们刚刚连接到数据库时,我们将debug 断点断到createConnection(options)处,主要执行的是connect代码

async connect(): Promise {
        if (this.isConnected)
            throw new CannotConnectAlreadyConnectedError(this.name);

        // connect to the database via its driver
        await this.driver.connect();

        // connect to the cache-specific database if cache is enabled
        if (this.queryResultCache)
            await this.queryResultCache.connect();

        // set connected status for the current connection
        ObjectUtils.assign(this, { isConnected: true });

        try {

            // build all metadatas registered in the current connection

            await this.driver.afterConnect();

            // if option is set - drop schema once connection is done
            if (this.options.dropSchema)
                await this.dropDatabase();

            // if option is set - automatically synchronize a schema
            if (this.options.synchronize)
                await this.synchronize();

            // if option is set - automatically synchronize a schema
            if (this.options.migrationsRun)
                await this.runMigrations({ transaction: this.options.migrationsTransactionMode });

        } catch (error) {

            // if for some reason build metadata fail (for example validation error during entity metadata check)
            // connection needs to be closed
            await this.close();
            throw error;

        return this;

connectionMetadataBuilder.buildEntityMetadatas(this.options.entities || []),接下来是new EntityMetadataBuilder(this.connection,getMetadataArgsStorage()).build(allEntityClasses)getMetadataArgsStorage()是获取到我们通过装饰器@Entity() 和 @Column()等定义的实体和属性,然后重点是build的执行,我们进入build

build(entityClasses?: Function[]): EntityMetadata[] {

        // if entity classes to filter entities by are given then do filtering, otherwise use all
        const allTables = entityClasses ? this.metadataArgsStorage.filterTables(entityClasses) : this.metadataArgsStorage.tables;

        // filter out table metadata args for those we really create entity metadatas and tables in the db
        const realTables = allTables.filter(table => table.type === "regular" || table.type === "closure" || table.type === "entity-child" || table.type === "view");

        // create entity metadatas for a user defined entities (marked with @Entity decorator or loaded from entity schemas)
        const entityMetadatas = realTables.map(tableArgs => this.createEntityMetadata(tableArgs));

        // compute parent entity metadatas for table inheritance
        entityMetadatas.forEach(entityMetadata => this.computeParentEntityMetadata(entityMetadatas, entityMetadata));

        // after all metadatas created we set child entity metadatas for table inheritance
        entityMetadatas.forEach(metadata => {
            metadata.childEntityMetadatas = entityMetadatas.filter(childMetadata => {
                return metadata.target instanceof Function
                    && childMetadata.target instanceof Function
                    && MetadataUtils.isInherited(childMetadata.target, metadata.target);

        // build entity metadata (step0), first for non-single-table-inherited entity metadatas (dependant)
            .filter(entityMetadata => entityMetadata.tableType !== "entity-child")
            .forEach(entityMetadata => entityMetadata.build());

        // build entity metadata (step0), now for single-table-inherited entity metadatas (dependant)
            .filter(entityMetadata => entityMetadata.tableType === "entity-child")
            .forEach(entityMetadata => entityMetadata.build());

        // compute entity metadata columns, relations, etc. first for the regular, non-single-table-inherited entity metadatas
            .filter(entityMetadata => entityMetadata.tableType !== "entity-child")
            .forEach(entityMetadata => this.computeEntityMetadataStep1(entityMetadatas, entityMetadata));

        // then do it for single table inheritance children (since they are depend on their parents to be built)
            .filter(entityMetadata => entityMetadata.tableType === "entity-child")
            .forEach(entityMetadata => this.computeEntityMetadataStep1(entityMetadatas, entityMetadata));

        // calculate entity metadata computed properties and all its sub-metadatas
        entityMetadatas.forEach(entityMetadata => this.computeEntityMetadataStep2(entityMetadata));

        // calculate entity metadata's inverse properties
        entityMetadatas.forEach(entityMetadata => this.computeInverseProperties(entityMetadata, entityMetadatas));

        // go through all entity metadatas and create foreign keys / junction entity metadatas for their relations
            .filter(entityMetadata => entityMetadata.tableType !== "entity-child")
            .forEach(entityMetadata => {

                // create entity's relations join columns (for many-to-one and one-to-one owner)
                entityMetadata.relations.filter(relation => relation.isOneToOne || relation.isManyToOne).forEach(relation => {
                    const joinColumns = this.metadataArgsStorage.filterJoinColumns(relation.target, relation.propertyName);
                    const { foreignKey, columns, uniqueConstraint } = this.relationJoinColumnBuilder.build(joinColumns, relation); // create a foreign key based on its metadata args
                    if (foreignKey) {
                        relation.registerForeignKeys(foreignKey); // push it to the relation and thus register there a join column
                    if (columns) {
                    if (uniqueConstraint) {
                        if (this.connection.driver instanceof MysqlDriver || this.connection.driver instanceof AuroraDataApiDriver
                            || this.connection.driver instanceof SqlServerDriver || this.connection.driver instanceof SapDriver) {
                            const index = new IndexMetadata({
                                entityMetadata: uniqueConstraint.entityMetadata,
                                columns: uniqueConstraint.columns,
                                args: {
                                    target: uniqueConstraint.target!,
                                    name: uniqueConstraint.name,
                                    unique: true,
                                    synchronize: true

                            if (this.connection.driver instanceof SqlServerDriver) {
                                index.where = index.columns.map(column => {
                                    return `${this.connection.driver.escape(column.databaseName)} IS NOT NULL`;
                                }).join(" AND ");

                            if (relation.embeddedMetadata) {
                            } else {

                        } else {
                            if (relation.embeddedMetadata) {
                            } else {

                    if (foreignKey && this.connection.driver instanceof CockroachDriver) {
                        const index = new IndexMetadata({
                            entityMetadata: relation.entityMetadata,
                            columns: foreignKey.columns,
                            args: {
                                target: relation.entityMetadata.target!,
                                synchronize: true
                        if (relation.embeddedMetadata) {
                        } else {

                // create junction entity metadatas for entity many-to-many relations
                entityMetadata.relations.filter(relation => relation.isManyToMany).forEach(relation => {
                    const joinTable = this.metadataArgsStorage.findJoinTable(relation.target, relation.propertyName)!;
                    if (!joinTable) return; // no join table set - no need to do anything (it means this is many-to-many inverse side)

                    // here we create a junction entity metadata for a new junction table of many-to-many relation
                    const junctionEntityMetadata = this.junctionEntityMetadataBuilder.build(relation, joinTable);

                    // compute new entity metadata properties and push it to entity metadatas pool
                    this.computeInverseProperties(junctionEntityMetadata, entityMetadatas);


        // update entity metadata depend properties
            .forEach(entityMetadata => {
                entityMetadata.relationsWithJoinColumns = entityMetadata.relations.filter(relation => relation.isWithJoinColumn);
                entityMetadata.hasNonNullableRelations = entityMetadata.relationsWithJoinColumns.some(relation => !relation.isNullable || relation.isPrimary);

        // generate closure junction tables for all closure tables
            .filter(metadata => metadata.treeType === "closure-table")
            .forEach(entityMetadata => {
                const closureJunctionEntityMetadata = this.closureJunctionEntityMetadataBuilder.build(entityMetadata);
                entityMetadata.closureJunctionTable = closureJunctionEntityMetadata;
                this.computeInverseProperties(closureJunctionEntityMetadata, entityMetadatas);

        // generate keys for tables with single-table inheritance
            .filter(metadata => metadata.inheritancePattern === "STI" && metadata.discriminatorColumn)
            .forEach(entityMetadata => this.createKeysForTableInheritance(entityMetadata));

        // build all indices (need to do it after relations and their join columns are built)
        entityMetadatas.forEach(entityMetadata => {
            entityMetadata.indices.forEach(index => index.build(this.connection.namingStrategy));

        // build all unique constraints (need to do it after relations and their join columns are built)
        entityMetadatas.forEach(entityMetadata => {
            entityMetadata.uniques.forEach(unique => unique.build(this.connection.namingStrategy));

        // build all check constraints
        entityMetadatas.forEach(entityMetadata => {
            entityMetadata.checks.forEach(check => check.build(this.connection.namingStrategy));

        // build all exclusion constraints
        entityMetadatas.forEach(entityMetadata => {
            entityMetadata.exclusions.forEach(exclusion => exclusion.build(this.connection.namingStrategy));

        // add lazy initializer for entity relations
            .filter(metadata => metadata.target instanceof Function)
            .forEach(entityMetadata => {
                    .filter(relation => relation.isLazy)
                    .forEach(relation => {
                        this.connection.relationLoader.enableLazyLoad(relation, (entityMetadata.target as Function).prototype);

        entityMetadatas.forEach(entityMetadata => {
            entityMetadata.columns.forEach(column => {
                // const target = column.embeddedMetadata ? column.embeddedMetadata.type : column.target;
                const generated = this.metadataArgsStorage.findGenerated(column.target, column.propertyName);
                if (generated) {
                    column.isGenerated = true;
                    column.generationStrategy = generated.strategy;
                    if (generated.strategy === "uuid") {
                        column.type = "uuid";
                    } else if (generated.strategy === "rowid") {
                        column.type = "int";
                    } else {
                        column.type = column.type || Number;


        return entityMetadatas;


if (this.options.synchronize)
                await this.synchronize();


async synchronize(dropBeforeSync: boolean = false): Promise {

        if (!this.isConnected)
            throw new CannotExecuteNotConnectedError(this.name);

        if (dropBeforeSync)
            await this.dropDatabase();

        const schemaBuilder = this.driver.createSchemaBuilder();
        await schemaBuilder.build();

主要执行了await schemaBuilder.build(),mongodb 和 其他关系型有不一样的构建逻辑,我们关注一下关系型数据库

async build(): Promise {
        this.queryRunner = this.connection.createQueryRunner();
        // CockroachDB implements asynchronous schema sync operations which can not been executed in transaction.
        // E.g. if you try to DROP column and ADD it again in the same transaction, crdb throws error.
        const isUsingTransactions = (
            !(this.connection.driver instanceof CockroachDriver) &&
            this.connection.options.migrationsTransactionMode !== "none"

        if (isUsingTransactions) {
            await this.queryRunner.startTransaction();

        try {
            const tablePaths = this.entityToSyncMetadatas.map(metadata => metadata.tablePath);
            // TODO: typeorm_metadata table needs only for Views for now.
            //  Remove condition or add new conditions if necessary (for CHECK constraints for example).
            if (this.viewEntityToSyncMetadatas.length > 0)
                await this.createTypeormMetadataTable();
            await this.queryRunner.getTables(tablePaths);
            await this.queryRunner.getViews([]);
            await this.executeSchemaSyncOperationsInProperOrder();

            // if cache is enabled then perform cache-synchronization as well
            if (this.connection.queryResultCache)
                await this.connection.queryResultCache.synchronize(this.queryRunner);

            if (isUsingTransactions) {
                await this.queryRunner.commitTransaction();

        } catch (error) {

            try { // we throw original error even if rollback thrown an error
                if (isUsingTransactions) {
                    await this.queryRunner.rollbackTransaction();
            } catch (rollbackError) { }
            throw error;

        } finally {
            await this.queryRunner.release();

重点执行了await this.queryRunner.getTables(tablePaths),里面重点执行了loadTables,通过查询关系型数据库INFORMATION_SCHEMA表,来获取到所有的表的信息,包括名称,主外键,字段类型,字段大小等等等。。保存在loadedTables中,然后getTables执行完毕,接下来则是真正的数据库结构同步逻辑,executeSchemaSyncOperationsInProperOrder()

        await this.dropOldViews();
        await this.dropOldForeignKeys();
        await this.dropOldIndices();
        await this.dropOldChecks();
        await this.dropOldExclusions();
        await this.dropCompositeUniqueConstraints();
        // await this.renameTables();
        await this.renameColumns();
        await this.createNewTables();
        await this.dropRemovedColumns();
        await this.addNewColumns();
        await this.updatePrimaryKeys();
        await this.updateExistColumns();
        await this.createNewIndices();
        await this.createNewChecks();
        await this.createNewExclusions();
        await this.createCompositeUniqueConstraints();
        await this.createForeignKeys();
        await this.createViews();


protected async createNewTables(): Promise {
        const currentSchema = await this.queryRunner.getCurrentSchema();
        for (const metadata of this.entityToSyncMetadatas) {
            // check if table does not exist yet
            const existTable = this.queryRunner.loadedTables.find(table => {
                const database = metadata.database && metadata.database !== this.connection.driver.database ? metadata.database : undefined;
                let schema = metadata.schema || (this.connection.driver).options.schema;
                // if schema is default db schema (e.g. "public" in PostgreSQL), skip it.
                schema = schema === currentSchema ? undefined : schema;
                const fullTableName = this.connection.driver.buildTableName(metadata.tableName, schema, database);

                return table.name === fullTableName;
            if (existTable)

            this.connection.logger.logSchemaBuild(`creating a new table: ${metadata.tablePath}`);

            // create a new table and sync it in the database
            const table = Table.create(metadata, this.connection.driver);
            await this.queryRunner.createTable(table, false, false);

通过一个createNewTables()逻辑的分析,可以看到,就是通过将数据库中真正表格的状况和我们通过装饰器定义的各种表格的元属性进行对比,来判断是插入还是删除还是更新。然后直接执行对应的sql语句,所以,如果我们修改了一个字段的名称,可能会执行的语句是删除掉旧的字段,增加新的字段,而不是通过alter修改字段的名称,所以会导致旧的字段的所有数据全部丢失,所以生产环境要慎用数据库模型同步synchronize:true,如果真正的要修改字段名, typeorm为我们提供了数据迁移的功能,通过编写数据迁移脚本,可以安全的进行数据迁移,并且可以按照版本回滚,非常人性化。



save>(targetOrEntity: (T|T[])|EntityTarget, maybeEntityOrOptions?: T|T[], maybeOptions?: SaveOptions): Promise {

        // normalize mixed parameters
        let target = (arguments.length > 1 && (targetOrEntity instanceof Function || targetOrEntity instanceof EntitySchema || typeof targetOrEntity === "string")) ? targetOrEntity as Function|string : undefined;
        const entity: T|T[] = target ? maybeEntityOrOptions as T|T[] : targetOrEntity as T|T[];
        const options = target ? maybeOptions : maybeEntityOrOptions as SaveOptions;

        if (target instanceof EntitySchema)
            target = target.options.name;

        // if user passed empty array of entities then we don't need to do anything
        if (Array.isArray(entity) && entity.length === 0)
            return Promise.resolve(entity);

        // execute save operation
        return new EntityPersistExecutor(this.connection, this.queryRunner, "save", target, entity, options)
            .then(() => entity);


const executors = await Promise.all(entitiesInChunks.map(async entities => {
                const subjects: Subject[] = [];

                // create subjects for all entities we received for the persistence
                entities.forEach(entity => {
                    const entityTarget = this.target ? this.target : entity.constructor;
                    if (entityTarget === Object)
                        throw new CannotDetermineEntityError(this.mode);

                    subjects.push(new Subject({
                        metadata: this.connection.getMetadata(entityTarget),
                        entity: entity,
                        canBeInserted: this.mode === "save",
                        canBeUpdated: this.mode === "save",
                        mustBeRemoved: this.mode === "remove",
                        canBeSoftRemoved: this.mode === "soft-remove",
                        canBeRecovered: this.mode === "recover"

                // console.time("building cascades...");
                // go through each entity with metadata and create subjects and subjects by cascades for them
                const cascadesSubjectBuilder = new CascadesSubjectBuilder(subjects);
                subjects.forEach(subject => {
                    // next step we build list of subjects we will operate with
                    // these subjects are subjects that we need to insert or update alongside with main persisted entity
                    cascadesSubjectBuilder.build(subject, this.mode);
                // console.timeEnd("building cascades...");

                // load database entities for all subjects we have
                // next step is to load database entities for all operate subjects
                // console.time("loading...");
                await new SubjectDatabaseEntityLoader(queryRunner, subjects).load(this.mode);
                // console.timeEnd("loading...");

                // console.time("other subjects...");
                // build all related subjects and change maps
                if (this.mode === "save" || this.mode === "soft-remove" || this.mode === "recover") {
                    new OneToManySubjectBuilder(subjects).build();
                    new OneToOneInverseSideSubjectBuilder(subjects).build();
                    new ManyToManySubjectBuilder(subjects).build();
                } else {
                    subjects.forEach(subject => {
                        if (subject.mustBeRemoved) {
                            new ManyToManySubjectBuilder(subjects).buildForAllRemoval(subject);
                // console.timeEnd("other subjects...");
                // console.timeEnd("building subjects...");
                // console.log("subjects", subjects);

                // create a subject executor
                return new SubjectExecutor(queryRunner, subjects, this.options);
            // console.timeEnd("building subject executors...");

            // make sure we have at least one executable operation before we create a transaction and proceed
            // if we don't have operations it means we don't really need to update or remove something
            const executorsWithExecutableOperations = executors.filter(executor => executor.hasExecutableOperations);
            if (executorsWithExecutableOperations.length === 0)

            // start execute queries in a transaction
            // if transaction is already opened in this query runner then we don't touch it
            // if its not opened yet then we open it here, and once we finish - we close it
            let isTransactionStartedByUs = false;
            try {

                // open transaction if its not opened yet
                if (!queryRunner.isTransactionActive) {
                    if (!this.options || this.options.transaction !== false) { // start transaction until it was not explicitly disabled
                        isTransactionStartedByUs = true;
                        await queryRunner.startTransaction();

                // execute all persistence operations for all entities we have
                // console.time("executing subject executors...");
                for (const executor of executorsWithExecutableOperations) {
                    await executor.execute();
                // console.timeEnd("executing subject executors...");

                // commit transaction if it was started by us
                // console.time("commit");
                if (isTransactionStartedByUs === true)
                    await queryRunner.commitTransaction();
                // console.timeEnd("commit");

entities则是我们save的那个对象,本例中就是post,为每一个entity建立一个subject对象,subject对象包含了我们保存需要的一切相关内容,此例中只有post一个,但是接下来的cascadesSubjectBuilder.build(subject, this.mode)则是为我们post的所有关系,继续执行subject的建立,

build(subject: Subject, operationType: "save"|"remove"|"soft-remove"|"recover") {

            .extractRelationValuesFromEntity(subject.entity!, subject.metadata.relations) // todo: we can create EntityMetadata.cascadeRelations
            .forEach(([relation, relationEntity, relationEntityMetadata]) => {

                // we need only defined values and insert, update, soft-remove or recover cascades of the relation should be set
                if (relationEntity === undefined ||
                    relationEntity === null ||
                    (!relation.isCascadeInsert && !relation.isCascadeUpdate && !relation.isCascadeSoftRemove && !relation.isCascadeRecover))

                // if relation entity is just a relation id set (for example post.tag = 1)
                // then we don't really need to check cascades since there is no object to insert or update
                if (!(relationEntity instanceof Object))

                // if we already has this entity in list of operated subjects then skip it to avoid recursion
                const alreadyExistRelationEntitySubject = this.findByPersistEntityLike(relationEntityMetadata.target, relationEntity);
                if (alreadyExistRelationEntitySubject) {
                    if (alreadyExistRelationEntitySubject.canBeInserted === false) // if its not marked for insertion yet
                        alreadyExistRelationEntitySubject.canBeInserted = relation.isCascadeInsert === true && operationType === "save";
                    if (alreadyExistRelationEntitySubject.canBeUpdated === false) // if its not marked for update yet
                        alreadyExistRelationEntitySubject.canBeUpdated = relation.isCascadeUpdate === true && operationType === "save";
                    if (alreadyExistRelationEntitySubject.canBeSoftRemoved === false) // if its not marked for removal yet
                        alreadyExistRelationEntitySubject.canBeSoftRemoved = relation.isCascadeSoftRemove === true && operationType === "soft-remove";
                    if (alreadyExistRelationEntitySubject.canBeRecovered === false) // if its not marked for recovery yet
                        alreadyExistRelationEntitySubject.canBeRecovered = relation.isCascadeRecover === true && operationType === "recover";

                // mark subject with what we can do with it
                // and add to the array of subjects to load only if there is no same entity there already
                const relationEntitySubject = new Subject({
                    metadata: relationEntityMetadata,
                    parentSubject: subject,
                    entity: relationEntity,
                    canBeInserted: relation.isCascadeInsert === true && operationType === "save",
                    canBeUpdated: relation.isCascadeUpdate === true && operationType === "save",
                    canBeSoftRemoved: relation.isCascadeSoftRemove === true && operationType === "soft-remove",
                    canBeRecovered: relation.isCascadeRecover === true && operationType === "recover"

                // go recursively and find other entities we need to insert/update
                this.build(relationEntitySubject, operationType);



await new SubjectDatabaseEntityLoader(queryRunner, subjects).load(this.mode);


     * Loads database entities for all subjects.
     * loadAllRelations flag is used to load all relation ids of the object, no matter if they present in subject entity or not.
     * This option is used for deletion.
    async load(operationType: "save"|"remove"|"soft-remove"|"recover"): Promise {

        // we are grouping subjects by target to perform more optimized queries using WHERE IN operator
        // go through the groups and perform loading of database entities of each subject in the group
        const promises = this.groupByEntityTargets().map(async subjectGroup => {

            // prepare entity ids of the subjects we need to load
            const allIds: ObjectLiteral[] = [];
            const allSubjects: Subject[] = [];
            subjectGroup.subjects.forEach(subject => {

                // we don't load if subject already has a database entity loaded
                if (subject.databaseEntity || !subject.identifier)


            // if there no ids found (means all entities are new and have generated ids) - then nothing to load there
            if (!allIds.length)

            const loadRelationPropertyPaths: string[] = [];

            // for the save, soft-remove and recover operation
            // extract all property paths of the relations we need to load relation ids for
            // this is for optimization purpose - this way we don't load relation ids for entities
            // whose relations are undefined, and since they are undefined its really pointless to
            // load something for them, since undefined properties are skipped by the orm
            if (operationType === "save" || operationType === "soft-remove" || operationType === "recover") {
                subjectGroup.subjects.forEach(subject => {

                    // gets all relation property paths that exist in the persisted entity.
                    subject.metadata.relations.forEach(relation => {
                        const value = relation.getEntityValue(subject.entityWithFulfilledIds!);
                        if (value === undefined)

                        if (loadRelationPropertyPaths.indexOf(relation.propertyPath) === -1)
            } else { // remove

                // for remove operation
                // we only need to load junction relation ids since only they are removed by cascades
                loadRelationPropertyPaths.push(...subjectGroup.subjects[0].metadata.manyToManyRelations.map(relation => relation.propertyPath));

            const findOptions: FindManyOptions = {
                loadEagerRelations: false,
                loadRelationIds: {
                    relations: loadRelationPropertyPaths,
                    disableMixedMap: true
                // the soft-deleted entities should be included in the loaded entities for recover operation
                withDeleted: true

            // load database entities for all given ids
            const entities = await this.queryRunner.manager
                .findByIds(allIds, findOptions);

            // now when we have entities we need to find subject of each entity
            // and insert that entity into database entity of the found subjects
            entities.forEach(entity => {
                const subjects = this.findByPersistEntityLike(subjectGroup.target, entity);
                subjects.forEach(subject => {
                  subject.databaseEntity = entity;
                  if (!subject.identifier)
                      subject.identifier = subject.metadata.hasAllPrimaryKeys(entity) ? subject.metadata.getEntityIdMap(entity) : undefined;

            // this way we tell what subjects we tried to load database entities of
            for (let subject of allSubjects) {
                subject.databaseEntityLoaded = true;

        await Promise.all(promises);


if (this.mode === "save" || this.mode === "soft-remove" || this.mode === "recover") {
                  new OneToManySubjectBuilder(subjects).build();
                    new OneToOneInverseSideSubjectBuilder(subjects).build();
                    new ManyToManySubjectBuilder(subjects).build();
                } else {
                    subjects.forEach(subject => {
                        if (subject.mustBeRemoved) {
                            new ManyToManySubjectBuilder(subjects).buildForAllRemoval(subject);

当我们在保存一个不包含关系字段但含有关系数据的entity时,例如此例中,PostDetailPost的关系是one-to-manyPost中包含一个PostDetail的外键postDetailId,而PostDetail中其实是没有任何与Post相关的字段的,但是如果我们保存的postDetail数据中含有post字段,则相当于将关联postDetail的所有post限定为保存的post字段数据,例如我们保存的一个postDetail中含有post:[]数据,则意味着没有关联到此postDetailpost数据,所以,那些旧的和此postDetail关联的数据需要解除关联关系(通过orphanedRowAction来配置解除的方式是删除数据还是将外键设置为null),我们看下new OneToManySubjectBuilder(subjects).build()many-to-one关系的处理

protected buildForSubjectRelation(subject: Subject, relation: RelationMetadata) {

        let relatedEntityDatabaseRelationIds: ObjectLiteral[] = [];
        if (subject.databaseEntity) { // related entities in the database can exist only if this entity (post) is saved
            relatedEntityDatabaseRelationIds = relation.getEntityValue(subject.databaseEntity);
        let relatedEntities: ObjectLiteral[] = relation.getEntityValue(subject.entity!);
        if (relatedEntities === null) // we treat relations set to null as removed, so we don't skip it
            relatedEntities = [] as ObjectLiteral[];
        if (relatedEntities === undefined) // if relation is undefined then nothing to update
        const relatedPersistedEntityRelationIds: ObjectLiteral[] = [];
        relatedEntities.forEach(relatedEntity => { // by example: relatedEntity is a category here
            let relationIdMap = relation.inverseEntityMetadata!.getEntityIdMap(relatedEntity); // by example: relationIdMap is category.id map here, e.g. { id: ... }

            let relatedEntitySubject = this.subjects.find(subject => {
                return subject.entity === relatedEntity;
            if (relatedEntitySubject)
                relationIdMap = relatedEntitySubject.identifier;

            if (!relationIdMap) {

                if (!relatedEntitySubject)

                    relation: relation.inverseRelation!,
                    value: subject

            const relationIdInDatabaseSubjectRelation = relatedEntityDatabaseRelationIds.find(relatedDatabaseEntityRelationId => {
                return OrmUtils.compareIds(relationIdMap, relatedDatabaseEntityRelationId);
            if (!relationIdInDatabaseSubjectRelation) {

                if (!relatedEntitySubject) {
                    relatedEntitySubject = new Subject({
                        metadata: relation.inverseEntityMetadata,
                        parentSubject: subject,
                        canBeUpdated: true,
                        identifier: relationIdMap

                    relation: relation.inverseRelation!,
                    value: subject

            .difference(relatedEntityDatabaseRelationIds, relatedPersistedEntityRelationIds)
            .forEach(removedRelatedEntityRelationId => { // by example: removedRelatedEntityRelationId is category that was bind in the database before, but now its unbind
                const removedRelatedEntitySubject = new Subject({
                    metadata: relation.inverseEntityMetadata,
                    parentSubject: subject,
                    identifier: removedRelatedEntityRelationId,

                if (!relation.inverseRelation || relation.inverseRelation.orphanedRowAction === "nullify") {
                    removedRelatedEntitySubject.canBeUpdated = true;
                    removedRelatedEntitySubject.changeMaps = [{
                        relation: relation.inverseRelation!,
                        value: null
                } else if (relation.inverseRelation.orphanedRowAction === "delete") {
                    removedRelatedEntitySubject.mustBeRemoved = true;


最后将这些所有需要保存或者删除的subject构造成一个SubjectExecutor,然后启动一个事务await queryRunner.startTransaction(),然后对所有的subject执行SubjectExecutor.execute方法,该插入的插入,该更新的更新,该删除的删除,最后提交事务,则保存逻辑就执行完了

find relation 原理



断点断到任意一个createQueryBuilder处,重点执行了new SelectQueryBuilder(this, entityOrRunner as QueryRunner|undefined)

     * Contains all properties of the QueryBuilder that needs to be build a final query.
    readonly expressionMap: QueryExpressionMap;


where(where: Brackets|string|((qb: this) => string)|ObjectLiteral|ObjectLiteral[], parameters?: ObjectLiteral): this {
        this.expressionMap.wheres = []; // don't move this block below since computeWhereParameter can add where expressions
        const condition = this.getWhereCondition(where);
        if (condition)
            this.expressionMap.wheres = [{ type: "simple", condition: condition }];
        if (parameters)
        return this;

获取到where的条件后,赋值给expressionMapwheres属性,其他的中间逻辑的queryBuilder也是类似,真正构造sql语句并执行的是一些特别的方法如getOne(), execute()等,我们简单分析一下execute()

const [sql, parameters] = this.getQueryAndParameters();
        const queryRunner = this.obtainQueryRunner();
        try {
            return await queryRunner.query(sql, parameters);  // await is needed here because we are using finally
        } finally {
            if (queryRunner !== this.queryRunner) { // means we created our own query runner
                await queryRunner.release();


const query = this.getQuery();
        const parameters = this.getParameters();
        return this.connection.driver.escapeQueryWithParameters(query, parameters, this.expressionMap.nativeParameters);


getQuery(): string {
        let sql = this.createComment();
        sql += this.createSelectExpression();
        sql += this.createJoinExpression();
        sql += this.createWhereExpression();
        sql += this.createGroupByExpression();
        sql += this.createHavingExpression();
        sql += this.createOrderByExpression();
        sql += this.createLimitOffsetExpression();
        sql += this.createLockExpression();
        sql = sql.trim();
        if (this.expressionMap.subQuery)
            sql = "(" + sql + ")";
        return sql;



typeorm通过提供给我们各种描述表结构的装饰器,构建完整的数据库结构metadata,接下来的一切操作其实都基于这些metadata。其实源码结构也很清晰,就是几个非常大的class,另外typeorm还提供了非常方便的数据库结构同步,迁移脚本编写,关系模型定义等功能,大大提高了我们项目的开发维护效率,接下来笔者可能会写一篇描述 typeormnestjs搭配开发很好的实践的文章,敬请关注!
