(Verilog) wire和reg,以及always

For combinational always blocks, always use a sensitivity list of (*). Explicitly listing out the signals is error-prone (if you miss one), and is ignored for hardware synthesis. If you explicitly specify the sensitivity list and miss a signal, the synthesized hardware will still behave as though (*) was specified, but the simulation will not and not match the hardware's behaviour. (In SystemVerilog, use always_comb.)

A note on wire vs. reg: The left-hand-side of an assign statement must be a net type (e.g., wire), while the left-hand-side of a procedural assignment (in an always block) must be a variable type (e.g., reg). These types (wire vs. reg) have nothing to do with what hardware is synthesized, and is just syntax left over from Verilog's use as a hardware simulation language.


关于wire和reg的注意事项:assign语句的左边必须是一个网络类型(如wire),而过程赋值(在always块中)的左边必须是一个变量类型(如reg)。这些类型(wire vs. reg)与合成的硬件无关,只是Verilog作为硬件仿真语言的语法剩下的部分。
