"program": "ip_forward.p4",
"switch": "simple_switch",
"compiler": "p4c",
"options": "--target bmv2 --arch v1model --std p4-16",
"switch_cli": "simple_switch_CLI",
"cli": true,
"pcap_dump": true,
"enable_log": true,
"topo_module": {
"file_path": "",
"module_name": "p4utils.mininetlib.apptopo",
"object_name": "AppTopoStrategies"
"controller_module": null,
"topodb_module": {
"file_path": "",
"module_name": "p4utils.utils.topology",
"object_name": "Topology"
"mininet_module": {
"file_path": "",
"module_name": "p4utils.mininetlib.p4net",
"object_name": "P4Mininet"
"topology": {
"assignment_strategy": "mixed",
"auto_arp_tables": "true",
"auto_gw_arp": "true",
"links": [["h1", "s1"], ["s1", "s2"], ["s1", "s3"], ["s2", "s4"], ["s4", "s5"], ["s3", "s5"], ["s5", "h2"]],
"hosts": {
"h1": {
"h2": {
"switches": {
"s1": {
"s2": {
"s3": {
"s4": {
"s5": {
typedef bit<48> macAddr_t;
typedef bit<9> egressSpec_t;
header arp_t {
bit<16> htype;
bit<16> ptype;
bit<8> hlen;
bit<8> plen;
bit<16> opcode;
bit<48> hwSrcAddr;
bit<32> protoSrcAddr;
bit<48> hwDstAddr;
bit<32> protoDstAddr;
header ethernet_t {
bit<48> dstAddr;
bit<48> srcAddr;
bit<16> etherType;
header ipv4_t {
bit<4> version;
bit<4> ihl;
bit<8> diffserv;
bit<16> totalLen;
bit<16> identification;
bit<3> flags;
bit<13> fragOffset;
bit<8> ttl;
bit<8> protocol;
bit<16> hdrChecksum;
bit<32> srcAddr;
bit<32> dstAddr;
struct metadata {
struct headers {
arp_t arp;
ethernet_t ethernet;
ipv4_t ipv4;
parser ParserImpl(packet_in packet, out headers hdr, inout metadata meta, inout standard_metadata_t standard_metadata) {
@name(".parse_arp") state parse_arp {
transition accept;
@name(".parse_ethernet") state parse_ethernet {
transition select(hdr.ethernet.etherType) {
16w0x800: parse_ipv4;
16w0x806: parse_arp;
default: accept;
@name(".parse_ipv4") state parse_ipv4 {
transition accept;
@name(".start") state start {
transition parse_ethernet;
control egress(inout headers hdr, inout metadata meta, inout standard_metadata_t standard_metadata) {
apply {
control ingress(inout headers hdr, inout metadata meta, inout standard_metadata_t standard_metadata) {
@name(".set_nhop") action set_nhop(macAddr_t dstAddr, egressSpec_t port) {
//set the src mac address as the previous dst, this is not correct right?
hdr.ethernet.srcAddr = hdr.ethernet.dstAddr;
//set the destination mac address that we got from the match in the table
hdr.ethernet.dstAddr = dstAddr;
//set the output port that we also get from the table
standard_metadata.egress_spec = port;
//decrease ttl by 1
hdr.ipv4.ttl = hdr.ipv4.ttl - 1;
@name("._drop") action _drop() {
@name(".ipv4_lpm") table ipv4_lpm {
actions = {
key = {
hdr.ipv4.dstAddr: lpm;
size = 512;
const default_action = _drop();
apply {
if (hdr.ipv4.isValid()){
control DeparserImpl(packet_out packet, in headers hdr) {
apply {
control verifyChecksum(inout headers hdr, inout metadata meta) {
apply {
verify_checksum(true, { hdr.ipv4.version, hdr.ipv4.ihl, hdr.ipv4.diffserv, hdr.ipv4.totalLen, hdr.ipv4.identification, hdr.ipv4.flags, hdr.ipv4.fragOffset, hdr.ipv4.ttl, hdr.ipv4.protocol, hdr.ipv4.srcAddr, hdr.ipv4.dstAddr }, hdr.ipv4.hdrChecksum, HashAlgorithm.csum16);
control computeChecksum(inout headers hdr, inout metadata meta) {
apply {
update_checksum(true, { hdr.ipv4.version, hdr.ipv4.ihl, hdr.ipv4.diffserv, hdr.ipv4.totalLen, hdr.ipv4.identification, hdr.ipv4.flags, hdr.ipv4.fragOffset, hdr.ipv4.ttl, hdr.ipv4.protocol, hdr.ipv4.srcAddr, hdr.ipv4.dstAddr }, hdr.ipv4.hdrChecksum, HashAlgorithm.csum16);
V1Switch(ParserImpl(), verifyChecksum(), ingress(), egress(), computeChecksum(), DeparserImpl()) main;
from p4utils.utils.topology import Topology
from p4utils.utils.sswitch_API import SimpleSwitchAPI
class RoutingController(object):
def __init__(self):
self.topo = Topology(db="topology.db")
self.controllers = {}
def init(self):
def reset_states(self):
[controller.reset_state() for controller in self.controllers.values()]
def connect_to_switches(self):
for p4switch in self.topo.get_p4switches():
thrift_port = self.topo.get_thrift_port(p4switch)
self.controllers[p4switch] = SimpleSwitchAPI(thrift_port)
def set_table_defaults(self):
for controller in self.controllers.values():
controller.table_set_default("ipv4_lpm", "_drop", [])
def route(self):
switch_ecmp_groups = {sw_name:{} for sw_name in self.topo.get_p4switches().keys()}
print "switch_ecmp_groups:", switch_ecmp_groups
print "==============================================================================="
print "self.controllers:", self.controllers
print "==============================================================================="
for sw_name, controller in self.controllers.items():
print sw_name, controller
print "self.topo.get_hosts_connected_to(sw_name):", self.topo.get_hosts_connected_to(sw_name)
for host in self.topo.get_hosts_connected_to(sw_name):
sw_port = self.topo.node_to_node_port_num(sw_name, host)
host_ip = self.topo.get_host_ip(host) + "/32"
host_mac = self.topo.get_host_mac(host)
print host, "(", host_ip, host_mac, ")", "-->", "sw_name with port:", sw_port
print "==============================================================================="
#print "self.topo.get_p4switches:", self.topo.get_p4switches
print "==============================================================================="
for sw_dst in self.topo.get_p4switches():
print "self.topo.get_hosts_connected_to(",sw_dst,"):", self.topo.get_hosts_connected_to(sw_dst)
print "==============================================================================="
for sw_name, controller in self.controllers.items():
#print "sw_name:", sw_name, "controller:", controller
for sw_dst in self.topo.get_p4switches():
#print "sw_dst:", sw_dst
# sw_name!=sw_dst and sw_dst with hosts situation
if sw_name != sw_dst:
if self.topo.get_hosts_connected_to(sw_dst):
#print "self.topo.get_hosts_connected_to(", sw_dst,"):", self.topo.get_hosts_connected_to(sw_dst)
paths = self.topo.get_shortest_paths_between_nodes(sw_name, sw_dst)
print sw_name,"->",sw_dst,":",paths
next_hops = [x[1] for x in paths]
print "next_hops:", next_hops
for host in self.topo.get_hosts_connected_to(sw_dst):
#if len(paths) == 1:
# next_hop = paths[0][1]
# host_ip = self.topo.get_host_ip(host) + "/24"
# sw_port = self.topo.node_to_node_port_num(sw_name, next_hop)
# dst_sw_mac = self.topo.node_to_node_mac(next_hop, sw_name)
# print "next_hop:", next_hop, "host_ip:", host_ip, "sw_port:", sw_port, "dst_sw_mac:", dst_sw_mac
if len(paths) > 1:
#next_hops = [x[1] for x in paths]
next_hop = paths[0][1]
host_ip = self.topo.get_host_ip(host) + "/24"
sw_port = self.topo.node_to_node_port_num(sw_name, next_hop)
dst_sw_mac = self.topo.node_to_node_mac(next_hop, sw_name)
print "next_hop:", next_hop, "host_ip:", host_ip, "sw_port:", sw_port, "dst_sw_mac:", dst_sw_mac
'''for sw_name, controller in self.controllers.items():
for sw_dst in self.topo.get_p4switches():
#if its ourselves we create direct connections
if sw_name == sw_dst:
for host in self.topo.get_hosts_connected_to(sw_name):
sw_port = self.topo.node_to_node_port_num(sw_name, host)
host_ip = self.topo.get_host_ip(host) + "/32"
host_mac = self.topo.get_host_mac(host)
#add rule
print "table_add at {}:".format(sw_name)
self.controllers[sw_name].table_add("ipv4_lpm", "set_nhop", [str(host_ip)], [str(host_mac), str(sw_port)])
#check if there are directly connected hosts
if self.topo.get_hosts_connected_to(sw_dst):
paths = self.topo.get_shortest_paths_between_nodes(sw_name, sw_dst)
for host in self.topo.get_hosts_connected_to(sw_dst):
if len(paths) == 1:
next_hop = paths[0][1]
host_ip = self.topo.get_host_ip(host) + "/24"
sw_port = self.topo.node_to_node_port_num(sw_name, next_hop)
dst_sw_mac = self.topo.node_to_node_mac(next_hop, sw_name)
#add rule
print "table_add at {}:".format(sw_name)
self.controllers[sw_name].table_add("ipv4_lpm", "set_nhop", [str(host_ip)],
[str(dst_sw_mac), str(sw_port)])
elif len(paths) > 1:
next_hops = [x[1] for x in paths]
dst_macs_ports = [(self.topo.node_to_node_mac(next_hop, sw_name),
self.topo.node_to_node_port_num(sw_name, next_hop))
for next_hop in next_hops]
host_ip = self.topo.get_host_ip(host) + "/24"
#check if the ecmp group already exists. The ecmp group is defined by the number of next
#ports used, thus we can use dst_macs_ports as key
if switch_ecmp_groups[sw_name].get(tuple(dst_macs_ports), None):
ecmp_group_id = switch_ecmp_groups[sw_name].get(tuple(dst_macs_ports), None)
print "table_add at {}:".format(sw_name)
self.controllers[sw_name].table_add("ipv4_lpm", "ecmp_group", [str(host_ip)],
[str(ecmp_group_id), str(len(dst_macs_ports))])
#new ecmp group for this switch
new_ecmp_group_id = len(switch_ecmp_groups[sw_name]) + 1
switch_ecmp_groups[sw_name][tuple(dst_macs_ports)] = new_ecmp_group_id
#add group
for i, (mac, port) in enumerate(dst_macs_ports):
print "table_add at {}:".format(sw_name)
self.controllers[sw_name].table_add("ecmp_group_to_nhop", "set_nhop",
[str(new_ecmp_group_id), str(i)],
[str(mac), str(port)])
#add forwarding rule
print "table_add at {}:".format(sw_name)
self.controllers[sw_name].table_add("ipv4_lpm", "ecmp_group", [str(host_ip)],
[str(new_ecmp_group_id), str(len(dst_macs_ports))])'''
def main(self):
if __name__ == "__main__":
controller = RoutingController().main()