
Chapter 1: Basic Editing


  • h: , , CTRL-H and CTRL-K
  • j: , , CTRL-J, and CTRL-N
  • k: and CTRL-P
  • l: and


  • If undo too many times, press CTRL-R (redo) to reverse the preceding command.
  • U(undo line)

Second U undoes the preceding U


  • a: append after the cursor
  • 3a!


  • :help (:h, , )
  • To get out of the help system, use ZZ
  • |:help| (颜色是 cyan)
  • CTRL-] (jump to tag)
  • CTRL-T (pop tag)
  • *help.txt*
  • help deleting
  • help CTRL-A "default normal mode
  • help i_CTRL-H "mode
  • help -t "option
  • help 'number' "set nu
  • help "Special keys

  • set helplang=de,it "Vim always searches English as a last resort.


  • vimtutor
  • help tutor

Chapter 2: Editing a Little Faster

word movement

  • $, , and . (The key is Vim's name for the keypad End key.)
  • 2$
  • ^
  • or 0 much faster
  • 5f
  • t: one character before
  • 3G
  • 25%
  • %

Scrolling Up and Down

  • CTRL-U
  • CTRL-D


  • d3w or 3dw "3d2w
  • D=d$


  • cc
  • c$=C

Join lines

  • J


  • r{char}
  • 5ra to replace the first five characters with a
  • 5r replaces five characters with one


  • ~

Keyboard Macros

  • q{character}...q
  • @


  • dig
  • CTRL-K{c}{c}

Chapter 3: Searching

  • .*[]^%/?~$
  • q/ "History Window, q?
  • :nohlsearch "To clear the current highlighting

Chapter 4: Text Blocks and Multiple Files

  • p command placed the text on the line after the cursor
  • V: line visual mode
  • v: simple visulal mode
  • Marks
'{mark}moves to the beginning . 
`{mark} moves to the marked line and column.
  • d'a
  • :marks

  • Y = yy, 不同于 D 或 C


  • !sort
  • !!ls
  • !!date

edit another file

  • :e! file "close current
  • :enew "new unnamed buffer
  • :view file "readonly, use :write! force save
  • :wnext
  • :set autowrite
  • :set 'autowriteall
  • :args "which File Am I On
  • :Next 和 next 不同
  • :rewind "first
  • register (#) contains the name of last file.
  • CTRL-^ to alternative
  • [count]CTRL-^ goes to the count file on the command line.
  • :match Error /TOOD/ ":highlight show highlight names
  • :match none
There are can be three matches active at one time. 
These are set by the :match, :2match, and :3match commands. 
If some text is matched by more than one command, the lowest one wins.

Chapter 5: Windows and Tabs

  • :split +/printf three.c
  • CTRL-Wn (CTRL-W CTRL-N, :new)
  • :new, :vnew
  • :vertical :sview
  • CTRL-W=
  • count CTRL-W_
  • :resize


If it has a window on the screen, it is a buffer;
if it is not on the screen, it is not a buffer.
  • :hiden
Active Appears onscreen.
Hidden A file is being edited, but does not appear onscreen.
Inactive The file is not being edited, but keep the information about it anyway.
  • :buffers can also be written as :ls, :files
- Inactive buffer.
h Buffer is hidden.
% Current buffer.
# Alternate buffer.
+ File has been modified.
  • :sbuffer number
  • :vertical sbuffer number
  • :sbmodified count
  • :set hidden


  • :tabnew, tabedit
  • :tabclose 2
  • :tabonly
  • :tabnext 3
  • gt ()
  • gT ()
  • :tabfirst
  • :tablast
The CTRL-Wgf command opens a new tab and starts to edit the file who's
name is under the cursor. Vim will search for the file using the same algorithm
as it uses for the :find command. The CTRL-WgF command does the same thing,
only it goes a step farther. It not only starts editing the file in a new tab, but
jumps to the line number following the file name.
  • :tabfind

Chapter 6: Basic Visual Mode
