

Today we are seeing the daily increase of Machine Learning (ML) development and the largest development tool is Python and each day more and more people are trying to return the results of the ML models into their Enterprise Resource Planning systems (ERPs).


SAP is one of the most used ERPs systems and to insert the results of an ML model into it we have two options, manually in a custom SAP transaction or using a Remote Function Call (RFC) which is the standard SAP interface for communication between SAP systems and other systems, so RFC calls a function to be executed in a remote system.


Let’s say that you can automate the upload of the result file in the transaction with a Robotic Process Automation system (RPA), so then which one we should choose?

假设您可以使用Robotic Process Automation系统(RPA)在事务中自动上传结果文件,那么我们应该选择哪一个呢?

Well, if I had to choose one of them I would pick the second option because it tends to vary less and have fewer updates than the first one, so you probably would have fewer problems with unnoticed updates.


One important thing to point is that RFC has a lot of goals and ways to be developed and the one we want to use is to insert data into tables


We can do that with Python using the PyRFC package, but the first use of it is not so simple, so to help with that I’ve created some functions and documentations.


Let’s begin!


装置 (Installations)

-第一步:下载SAP NW RFC SDK (- First Step: Download SAP NW RFC SDK)

SAP NW RFC SDK is the abbreviation for SAP NetWeaver Remote Function Call System Development Kit, this lets you manage the RFCs.

SAP NW RFC SDK是SAP NetWeaver远程功能调用系统开发工具包的缩写,它使您可以管理RFC。

I’ve found a really good manual from Informatica of how to download it, but it’s for an older version and some icons are quite different now, so I’ve written the steps and reprinted the images to have it up to date.

我发现Informatica的一本非常好的手册 如何下载它,但是它是针对较旧的版本的,并且有些图标现在已经大不相同了,因此我编写了步骤并重新打印了图像以使其具有最新性。

If you want to see the manual of Informatica, it is linked at the end of the article as a Source.


One difficult thing about downloading this content is that you need an SAP account to do it, so try to get one before starting this journey.


Coming back, the download steps:


  • Go to the SAP Service Marketplace:

    转到SAP Service Marketplace: http : //

  • Enter your SAP Service Marketplace user name and password. The SAP Support Portal page appears.

    输入您的SAP Service Marketplace用户名和密码。 出现“ SAP支持门户”页面。
Source: Writer 资料来源:作家
Source: Writer 资料来源:作家
Source: Writer 资料来源:作家
  • Click the Download
