3、ES Rally 配置

参考:Docs » Configuration

初次配置 Rally,需要运行命令

esrally configure --advanced-config

压测结果的存储类型分 2 类:

  • in-memory 临时存储,打印到标准输出后就没了
  • elasticsearch 存储在一个指定的 ES 集群中,方便对比



Enter the benchmark root directory (default: /home/apps/.rally/benchmarks): 
  Using default value '/home/apps/.rally/benchmarks'

Enter your Elasticsearch project directory: (default: /home/apps/.rally/benchmarks/src/elasticsearch): 
  Using default value '/home/apps/.rally/benchmarks/src/elasticsearch'

Where should metrics be kept?

(1) In memory (simpler but less options for analysis)
(2) Elasticsearch (requires a separate ES instance, keeps all raw samples for analysis)

 (default: 1): 1

Do you want Rally to keep the Elasticsearch benchmark candidate installation including the index (will use several GB per trial run)? (default: False): 

Configuration successfully written to /home/apps/.rally/rally.ini. Happy benchmarking!


Enter the benchmark root directory (default: /home/apps/.rally/benchmarks): 
  Using default value '/home/apps/.rally/benchmarks'

Enter your Elasticsearch project directory: (default: /home/apps/.rally/benchmarks/src/elasticsearch): 
  Using default value '/home/apps/.rally/benchmarks/src/elasticsearch'

Where should metrics be kept?

(1) In memory (simpler but less options for analysis)
(2) Elasticsearch (requires a separate ES instance, keeps all raw samples for analysis)

 (default: 1): 2

Enter the host name of the ES metrics store (default: localhost): 
  Using default value 'localhost'

Enter the port of the ES metrics store: 9200

Use secure connection (True, False) (default: False): 

Username for basic authentication (empty if not needed) (default: ): 

Password for basic authentication (empty if not needed) (default: ): 

Enter a descriptive name for this benchmark environment (ASCII, no spaces) (default: local): rally_demo

Do you want Rally to keep the Elasticsearch benchmark candidate installation including the index (will use several GB per trial run)? (default: False): 

Configuration successfully written to /home/apps/.rally/rally.ini. Happy benchmarking!


  • Benchmark root directory:Rally 存放测试数据的根目录,默认为 ~/.rally/benchmarks。可能需要几十 GB,因为某些场景的测试数据解压后很大。

  • Elasticsearch project directory:存放 ES 源代码的目录。Rally 默认建立一个本地的 ES 实例,对其进行性能测试。用 Gradle Wrapper 来编译源代码:

./gradlew clean
./gradlew :distribution:tar:assemble

  • Metrics store type:压测结果数据的存储类型
elasticsearch:用户指定单独的 ES 集群来存储报告,压测结果非常详细

  • Metrics store settings:ES 实例连接信息配置,压测结果存储类型为 elasticsearch 时生效。单实例已经足够用了。另外,ssl 配置其实也用不上的,如果使用了的话,需要配置一下:
datastore.ssl.verification_mode 开关 ssl 认证,默认为 none
datastore.ssl.certificate_authorities 指定 ca 证书存放路径

  • Name for this benchmark environment:压测结果存储类型为 elasticsearc 时当做索引名称使用,便于区分不同压测的报告数据。


esrally 建立 ES 集群时,使用这些端口:

39200-39300 (HTTP)
39300-39400 (transport)

所以使用本地 ES 实例来存储压测结果时,ES 实例要避开这些端口


~/.rally/rally.ini 这个无法自定义目录,每次执行 esrally configure --advanced-config 命令,都会覆盖它。这个设定太不友好,所以第一次跑 config 命令后,后续的修改推荐使用 vim 方式。


tree ~/.rally/

├── logging.json
├── logs
│   └── rally.log
└── rally.ini

1 directory, 3 files

cat rally.ini


config.version = 17

env.name = local

root.dir = /home/apps/.rally/benchmarks
src.root.dir = /home/apps/.rally/benchmarks/src

remote.repo.url = https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch.git
elasticsearch.src.subdir = elasticsearch

local.dataset.cache = /home/apps/.rally/benchmarks/data

datastore.type = in-memory
datastore.host = 
datastore.port = 
datastore.secure = 
datastore.user = 
datastore.password = 

default.url = https://github.com/elastic/rally-tracks

default.url = https://github.com/elastic/rally-teams

preserve_benchmark_candidate = False

release.cache = true


config.version = 17

env.name = rally_demo

root.dir = /home/apps/.rally/benchmarks
src.root.dir = /home/apps/.rally/benchmarks/src

remote.repo.url = https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch.git
elasticsearch.src.subdir = elasticsearch

local.dataset.cache = /home/apps/.rally/benchmarks/data

datastore.type = elasticsearch
datastore.host = localhost
datastore.port = 9200
datastore.secure = False
datastore.user = 
datastore.password = 

default.url = https://github.com/elastic/rally-tracks

default.url = https://github.com/elastic/rally-teams

preserve_benchmark_candidate = False

release.cache = true

配置项 说明
[node] root.dir 为压测数据存放根目录
[source] ES 源代码的下载配置,从 github 下载
[benchmarks] 样本数据存放目录配置
[reporting] 压测结果存储配置,in-memory or elasticsearch
[tracks] tracks 配置文件下载地址,从 github 下载,一个业务类型称为一个 track
[teams] es 配置文件下载地址,从 github 下载,这里提供多种 es 配置,一种配置统称称为一个 car

对比发现,只有 reporting 这一项不同。

reporting 为 elasticsearch 时,如果没有安全认证,那么 datastore.secure 必须为 False,不能留空,不然报错:

[ERROR] Cannot race. Error in race control (Cannot convert [] to bool.)

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