
You can ask someone for directions.

You have to be polite.

How can you break the ice in a polite way?

Excuse me. Which way is the subway from here?
Excuse me. = 不好意思
(I'm) sorry. / Hi. / Hello.

问路句型1 [ Which way is + 地点?]
Which way is the subway (from here)?

问路句型2 [ How can I get to + 地点? ]
How can I get to the subway?

东 east
南 south
西 west
北 north

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
the east 东边
the west 西边

I'm from the northeast. ✔︎
I'm from the eastnorth. ✘

southwest = 西南
southeast = 东南

The subway entrance is on the east side of the street.
on the east side of ...... = 在...的东面
on the ... side of XX = 在XX的...面
The building is on the west side of the street.

Which side are we on now?
Which side (of the street) are we on now?

on the XX side (of) = 在(某物的)XX面
We are on the west side.

Behind the building is a pond and some trees.
beding = 在... 后面
Behind the shopping center is a subway entrance.

In front of the building is a street.
in front of ... = 在...前面
In front of the subway entrance is a street.

The person on the left is a man.
The person on the right is a woman.
on the left = 在左边
on the right = 在右边
on my left
on my right

The shopping center is on my left.
The subway entrance in on my right.

next to ... = 在...旁边
The cafe is next to the shopping center.

Go south on 1st Avenue.
go + 方向 = 朝某个方向走
go north = 朝北走
on + 道路 = 在某条路上

on 1st Avenue
Go down the street.

Go straight = 直走
turn left = 左转
turn right = 右转
cross the street = 过马路

It's about 200 meters from here.
It's about XX meters from here.

It's about 时间 + 出行方式 from here.
It's about 10 minutes' walk from here.
It's about 5 minutes' ride from here.

take a bus
take the subway
ride a bike

Turn right and then cross the street.
Then turn left and walk down the street.
You'll see a yellow building on your right.

Their apartment is on the 5th floor.
on the XX floor = 在几层楼
特殊:first = 1st / second = 2nd / third = 3rd
