Roy Trenton used to driver a taix.
A short while age, however,he became a bus driver and he has not regretted it.
He is finding his new work far more exciting.
1)regret doing(后悔做过某事)
2)regret to do...
e.g. regret to tell/inform you(很遗憾告诉你...)
3)I've regretted it since then/ever since
4)far more... 及其/程度之深
5)You're away better at this than i
When he was driving along Catford Street recently.
He saw to two thieves rush out of a shop and run towards a waiting car.
One of them carring in a bag (which is)full of money.
1)see sb do vs doing
see sb do表示看到整个过程,see sb doing表示看到动作正在进行
2)rush into a burning flat
3)during rush hours
4)rush into a decision/jump to a conclusion
Roy acted quickly(快速行动起来)and drove the straight at the thieves
The one with money got such a fright that he dropped the bag.
1)an Act of Parliament 议会法案
2)drive into a lamp post 装上电线杆
3)go straight ahead 一直向前走
4)go straight along the steet
5)Are you straight now? 异性恋
6) give a straight answer 给出明确答案
7)aim at...8(有一个瞄准的意思),旨在...
8)so frightened/scary that...
9)It was a very frighting experience
10)It frightened me 这让我害怕
As the thieves was trying to get away in their car, Roy drove his hus into the back of it
while the battered(损坏) car was moving away ,Roy stopped his bus and telephoned the police
1)get away (脱离困境)
2)get away with doing something wrong/risky
3)move away 挪走/搬家
The thieves's car was badly damaged(严重损坏) and easy to recognize(识别).
shortly afterwards(不久之后), the police stopped the car and both man was arrested
1)I recognize(认识) you, but i don't know you.
2)I just want to be recognized(认可)--recognition
3)beyond recognition/out of all recognition(面目全非)
4)easy to break-->vulnerable(脆弱)
5)easier said than done