aes aec_仔细看 这就是AEC实时3D的力量

aes aec_仔细看 这就是AEC实时3D的力量_第1张图片

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In March, we had our first webinar for AEC (Architecture, Engineering, and Construction), allowing audiences to see how to beautify models to make their pitches really stand out. Read on to catch the highlights.

3月,我们举办了第一个AEC网络研讨会(建筑,工程和施工),使观众能够看到如何美化模型以使其音高真正脱颖而出。 继续阅读以捕捉重点。

By bringing 3D models straight into Unity, you can add textures and lighting, or even create a video for people to “walk through” your model. Now, any stakeholder can clearly visualize a drawing plan and see how the space will appear, collaborate to approve designs faster, identify potential flaws, and make the right design decisions rather than discovering them downstream.

通过将3D模型直接带入Unity,您可以添加纹理和光照,甚至创建视频以供人们“遍历”您的模型。 现在,任何利益相关者都可以清楚地可视化工程图,查看空间的外观,协作以更快地批准设计,发现潜在缺陷并做出正确的设计决策,而不是在下游发现它们。

The webinar, hosted by Unity experts Dan Prochazka, Mike Geig, and Kieran Colenutt:

由Unity专家Dan Prochazka,Mike Geig和Kieran Colenutt主持的网络研讨会:

    Watch the on-demand webinar


    加速BIM工作流程 (Accelerating the BIM workflow)

    Dan, our Product Manager for AEC, kicked off the webinar describing how all components of the design, build and operate lifecycle benefit from real-time 3D. The current ways of designing can be inefficient and can lead to downstream problems that can be extremely costly. There’s a huge need for high-quality, photorealistic, and interactive architectural presentations that enable you to configure, iterate and test quickly, so you can get faster buy-ins and approvals that ultimately win more bids.

    我们的AEC产品经理Dan主持了网络研讨会,介绍了实时3D如何使设计,构建和操作生命周期的所有组件受益。 当前的设计方式可能效率低下,并可能导致下游问题,而这些问题可能会非常昂贵。 迫切需要高质量,逼真的交互式建筑演示文稿,这些演示文稿使您能够快速配置,迭代和测试,以便获得更快的认可和批准,最终赢得更多竞标。

    aes aec_仔细看 这就是AEC实时3D的力量_第2张图片

    For example, in the design phase, architectural firms need to bring their visions to life in order to sell their ideas, rather than just relying on 2D drawings or rendered still images. Engineering firms need to visualize unique, service-based situations and be able to easily collaborate in order to find solutions for common industry problems. For Construction, job sites are extremely complicated and have many moving parts. For all of the above cases, real-time 3D can eliminate those problems earlier in the life cycle, and can be used to replace expensive physical mockups with virtual environments.

    例如,在设计阶段,建筑公司需要将他们的愿景变为现实,以便出售自己的想法,而不仅仅是依靠2D绘图或渲染的静态图像。 工程公司需要可视化基于服务的独特情况,并能够轻松协作以找到常见行业问题的解决方案。 对于建筑而言,工作现场非常复杂,并且有许多活动部件。 对于上述所有情况,实时3D可以在生命周期的早期消除这些问题,并可以用虚拟环境代替昂贵的物理模型。

    Here are the main ways that real-time 3D is transforming the AEC industry:


    • Design and data visualizations


    • Simple, immersive XR experiences


    • Training and safety scenarios


    aes aec_仔细看 这就是AEC实时3D的力量_第3张图片

    让我们玩个小游戏 (Let’s play a little game)

    We shared side-by-side images with attendees and asked them which image was a real photo of our London office and which image was rendered in Unity.


    Can you tell which is which?


    Watch the webinar to see if you guessed right. 

    观看 网络研讨会 ,看看您是否猜对了。

    办公环境中的实时3D建模 (Real-time 3D modeling in an office environment)

    Mike and Kieran from our Evangelism team walked attendees through the demo project of our London office, a 3ds Max-to-Unity workflow created by the agency Oneiros and design/build firm M Moser Associates.

    我们传福音团队的Mike和Kieran带领与会者参观了伦敦办公室的演示项目,该项目是由 Oneiros 代理商 和设计/建造公司 M Moser Associates 创建的3ds Max-to-Unity工作流程 。

    Starting with basic modeling of elements such as walls and floors, you can continually develop detail in Unity, and ultimately build an environment that looks physically accurate and reacts appropriately to lighting and effects. Since Unity is a real-time development platform, you’re able to see the results of your changes right away. If we were to try and do the same thing in 3ds Max or Revit, many of the changes would require “re-bakes” or a recalculation of the results, which can make iteration time much slower and less dynamic.

    从墙和地板等元素的基本建模开始,您可以在Unity中不断开发细节,最终构建一个看起来物理上准确并且可以对照明和效果做出适当React的环境。 由于Unity是一个实时开发平台,因此您可以立即查看更改的结果。 如果我们尝试在3ds Max或Revit中执行相同的操作,则许多更改将需要“重新烘焙”或重新计算结果,这会使迭代时间变慢且动态性降低。

    aes aec_仔细看 这就是AEC实时3D的力量_第4张图片

    交互式材质,着色器和灯光效果 (Interactive materials, shaders, and lighting effects)

    Everything you see in this project actually uses the same High-Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) Lit shader. So if you’re viewing the carpet, walls, or even glass, it’s all the same. In the webinar, we go into detail about how easy it was to make changes in real-time, like the color of a chair or cycling-through different floor materials.

    您在该项目中看到的所有内容实际上都使用相同的高清渲染管道(HDRP)点亮着色器。 因此,如果您正在查看地毯,墙壁甚至玻璃,都一样。 在网络研讨会中,我们将详细介绍实时更改的难易程度,例如椅子的颜色或通过不同地板材料的循环。

    We also discuss the effects of how light penetrates surfaces and makes it look very lifelike. Another interesting material option comes in the form of how Unity handles refraction. For example, with glass omnipresent in the scene, you can change the transparency, coloring effects, and shading – all in real-time.

    我们还将讨论光如何穿透表面并使其看起来栩栩如生的效果。 另一个有趣的材料选择是以Unity如何处理折射的形式出现的。 例如,在场景中无处不在的玻璃中,您可以实时更改透明度,着色效果和阴影。

    To further show the power of real-time 3D, we highlighted some real-world effects such as day-to-night changes in lighting and the appearance of rain on the exterior glass. That’s only fitting since the office is in London.

    为了进一步展示实时3D的功能,我们重点介绍了一些真实世界的效果,例如灯光的昼夜变化以及外玻璃上雨水的出现。 因为办公室在伦敦,所以这很合适。

    aes aec_仔细看 这就是AEC实时3D的力量_第5张图片

    Rounding out this section, we discussed several other light features, such as interior spotlights in the kitchen area that demonstrated lighting interactivity, intensity, and effects within the immersive environment.


    实时BIM数据 (Real-time BIM data)

    In this section, viewers can see BIM data projected on various objects, which was the real data used when designing and building this space. Since BIM is usually embedded within a model from Revit or other BIM software, this capability in Unity lets anyone identify the supplier, materials, etc., for faster collaboration. Check out this blog post to learn more about the Unity-to-BIM workflow.

    在本部分中,查看者可以看到投影在各种对象上的BIM数据,这是设计和构建此空间时使用的实际数据。 由于BIM通常嵌入在Revit或其他BIM软件的模型中,因此Unity中的此功能使任何人都可以识别供应商,材料等,从而加快协作速度。 查看此博客文章,以了解有关 Unity-to-BIM工作流程的更多信息 。

    您看到资产商店的鸟儿飞过吗? (Did you see the Asset Store birds fly by?)

    For some people, building a complex scene can feel a little daunting. That’s why we wrapped up the demo with some time-saving tips and ready-made resources from the Asset Store, where you can easily find many scripts, audio clips, and even animated birds. Such assets save development time and also let you quickly add highly realistic features to your real-time demos. For example, check out the birds flying through the scene. They’re taken right from the Asset Store. It’s definitely worth checking out.

    对于某些人而言,构建复杂的场景可能会有些困难。 这就是为什么我们用一些省时的提示和 Asset Store中的 现成资源来打包演示的原因 ,在 该 商店 中您可以轻松地找到许多脚本,音频剪辑,甚至是动画鸟。 这些资产可以节省开发时间,还可以让您快速将高度逼真的功能添加到实时演示中。 例如,检查飞过场景的鸟。 它们是直接从资源商店中获取的。 绝对值得一试。

    aes aec_仔细看 这就是AEC实时3D的力量_第6张图片

    回顾一下,下一步是什么 (Recap and what’s next)

    Unity’s real-time 3D development platform is powering interactive visual experiences to accelerate the design, build and operate lifecycle for buildings and infrastructure. These tools are available today – if you’re interested in trying the package, including PiXYZ (for preparing and optimizing your BIM data), we can get you set up.

    Unity的实时3D开发平台可提供交互式视觉体验,从而加快建筑和基础设施的设计,构建和运营的生命周期。 这些工具现已上市-如果您有兴趣尝试该软件包,包括PiXYZ(用于准备和优化BIM数据),我们可以帮助您进行 设置 。

    As well, keep your eyes out for upcoming webinars and reports, as well as BIM events like Autodesk University London that we’ll be participating on June 18-19 with some big announcements. Contact us to stay in the loop.

    另外,请密切注意即将举行的网络研讨会和报告,以及BIM活动,如伦敦Autodesk大学,我们将在6月18日至19日参加一些重要的发布。 与我们联系 以保持 联系 。

    Watch the on-demand webinar


    In the meantime, be sure to watch this on-demand webinar, so you can witness the full power of Unity for AEC. Please share any comments below – we read them all! In particular, we’d love to hear your feedback for making our product even more relevant for your business. Check out the AEC solutions page for more information.

    同时,请务必观看此 点播 网络研讨会 ,以便您可以见证Unity for AEC的全部功能。 请在下面分享任何评论-我们阅读了所有评论! 特别是,我们很想听听您的反馈,以使我们的产品与您的业务更加相关。 请查看AEC解决方案页面 以获取更多信息。


    aes aec
